Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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I received the MP smackdown!

I actually failed (due to approaching enemy) to clean a forest tile near Nottingham, which really, really helped mbuna alot. As for the cities, my capital spot was awful lots of desert with only wheat, one calendar resource and metal only in the fourth ring IIRC. And there were nice spots around. Any city that pays for itself (Being Cathy, The Lighthouse, The Colossus (thx mucco) and a couple of cottages, that is achieved pretty fast) is a net gain to the empire, plus it gives you additional whipping material (that's why they were so small all the time) plus trade routes, plus, plus, plus. I am not sure if unit support costs and such are influenced by the size of the empire.
mbuna settling the hub was good for a) owning the hub protects your core b) there were a few resources to get c) most important HONOR!!!

The reason I was low in the power graph was, that I lost tons of units defending Nottingham.
I have the save at home and might have a look at the stats again out of interest. Also the "Europe" team never managed to recon Kodiis territory.

"You have been struck down!" - Tales of Dwarf Fortress
"moby_harmless seeks thee not. It is thou, thou, that madly seekest him!"

I appreciate the feedback from both of you on the "doublemove" and overall movement timing/structure. I will have to try it out and figure out how it works. As for my mistakes on placing units, I am inclined to agree with you partially. I have not been playing Civ4 for very long at all, and I never played the other Civ games, so I'm on a learning curve. I placed the advanced city for two reasons. I felt the tiles lent to major unit production... (in hindsight there wasn't enough food though) and because I wanted iron. I had copper in my northern cities, but my partner and I had no iron at all, so I was trying to get to swordsmen (for city attack promotions). You were already ahead in tech by this point, and I hadn't read Speakers report on my previous game yet, so I didn't know that Swordsmen were possibly overrated against axes? And the second reason is that I wanted to get close to my teammate's territory to make a road for him. I tried to get him to expand to horses on a peninsula between us, but he built to horses on a small inlet in his immediate vicinity instead. I don't think this was a good place for a city, but I am not criticizing, just curious? His cities seemed stuck without growth potential, though he was producing military.

I placed my units on the iron mine becuase of your marauding horse archer the turn before! You snatched my worker at the cost of your horse! Is that a good trade btw? Is that something I should look for in MP? Stealing a worker at the cost of a military unit? After that, my stack stayed there because you had the forrest tile I wanted. The combat odds were poor for me, and I couldn't gain control of that forrest tile, which is where I REALLY wanted to plant my units. As for the units at nottingham, he eventually cleared the forrest where I had been harrassing him before, so I was waiting on the plains tile for a few turns for my reinforcements to arrive. I just lost track because of the stuff going on at the southern front. I was frantically rushing around, and I was trying to be informed and look at my teammates forces also, but I had so little time to choose. I had more than one turn end on me prematurely. All in all, even though my teammate built mostly only maces and cats, combined with my units, we could have tried to sac you, my southern neighbor, but I couldn't even type to him in a consistent fashion without running out of time for my turn, so our communication was lacking.

It doesn't seem to me that there was less time on the timer for each turn in this MP game than there was in the MP game hosted by Speaker, yet I felt twice as rushed in the game last night. Maybe because the map was tiny and hostile enemies were close right away? I don't know... Speaker, were we on fast timer? I just need some practice, I suppose. Also, I feel so rushed to chose what tech to go with, becuase MP is so new to me. Some of my thought time got away from me there also, I think. In the game with Speaker, I just followed the pack of more experienced veterans on what to research.

What it all boils down to is this, any who are willing to play a MP game, let me know post haste, as I have some catchup to play so I can be more competetive. I will play every night if the opportunity arises. I don't see myself getting tired of this game any time soon. Hell, even after the MP game last night, I started a warlords game using Tokugawa! MP has gotten me more worked up for warfare. Previously I was only using warfare when absolutely necessary, or for protection.... or if one AI or another annoyed me enough. Now I find myself wanting to smash an opponent with an early rush lol

Hey, watch out for burn-outs! lol

I like to build swords later in the game, when there are maces, instead of axes, and there aren't many melee troops defending cities anymore. In this situation swords can be a fair support troop, especially with some city raider and the aggressive bonus. I understand your choice to snag iron, and the potential road between there and Kodii could have turned the side of the things in the center. He probably decided to put his city there for defeding purposes: while being on the way of the center, it was on the entrance of that channel that led to my mainland. That city prevented me from gaining additional ground there, which would have been my best city choice, and opened a covered path which was extensively used by the maces later on. Thus that was both a defensive and offensive move. I haven't scouted there very well, so I don't know about the situation of his cities, but strategically that was a good move.

As far as the horse archer, these are units that I don't like very much: in fact, the first cavalry unit I use is the knight! There are easy counters for them, and they are quite useless at attacking cities, while defensively insignificant. That unit was gifted to me by mh, and I figured out that the best it could be used (attacking your forces had no sense, defending neither because it didn't get any defensive bonuses), was to try to harass you. I had thought that you maybe wouldn't defend your worker, I always do that in SP and get punished all the time, so I tried that move. It slowed the development of that mine, hopefully forced your units to stay one more tile away, and slowed the general development of that area (roads, food improvements, chops for infra/culture). Workers are not a priority when you're fighting such a war wink, and the lack of workers hurts surely more than the lack of one horse archer, so...
"Ignorance is the night of the mind, but a night without moon and star." Kong Fuzi
My English has to improve. A lot.

well then... who's up for a game around 5:45 est tonight? lol

If I remember, I'll show up. likely is that? tongue
"We are open to all opinions as long as they are the same as ours."

mbuna120 Wrote:well then... who's up for a game around 5:45 est tonight? lol
I'd love a game, if my wife will let me smile So count me as a maybe.

I'd recommend everyone get Teamspeak working. A microphone for your PC is not that expensive, and I can imagine it helps alot to be able to talk to your teammates instead of typing when playing against humans on a time limit.

Just an FYI, but there is a mechanism to make double moves more difficult. If you move a unit with fewer than 8 seconds left in the turn, it suffers a movement penalty at the start of the next turn. So you cannot move in a stack with 1 second left and then hit with it 1 second into the next turn. You will have to wait ~7 seconds.

"There is no wealth like knowledge. No poverty like ignorance."

I will definitely look into teamspeak. I'm sure microphones aren't THAT expensive, but I'm in the middle of putting a new bathroom in my house, so I am actually working hard at watching what I'm spending for a while, but maybe I'll just put one on a credit card... wink Any ideas on what type headset/microphone has best sound quality and least compatability issues for the price?

I was wondering why nobody was attacking me lol

I didn't really have the most ideal territory, but I survived, and razed two of mucco's cities in the process. I'm not exactly the most experienced at MP. If you recall, I was WAY behind in score for the entire game lol

I never figured out why... smile

Lol, kodii, you were pretty safe. You had the only peninsula into your territory protected with your stack. The rest had to come through me splat I'm not really sure why your score was so far behind either...I didn't have much time to look, and I'm no master analyst anyway.

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