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Epic Eight - EGYPT

My report is at the usual place:

Sullla Wrote:I was most intrigued to see that your first settler (Memphis) managed to claim the spot in the northeast before Mansa could get there. In every other game I've seen, the Malinese settler founded Djenne first. It's a shame that there wasn't much detail in the early part of this report, I'd be interested to know how you managed that! smile

As far as your comment on why the game seemed a bit easier than normal... well, with an extra civ on the map, that meant that each AI was a bit weaker than normal. With the player picking them off one by one, I believe that tended to make conquest a bit more leisurely. Of course, monopolizing the world's ivory supply does tend to help out a lot too! wink

Thanks for the report, I hope you had fun. nod

Thank you for your feedback smile

I feel pretty lucky about the location of my second city after reading most of other reports. No idea why Mansa decided to expand towards Elizabeth. Actually it took quite a while before i even saw his first city.

It was pretty obvious how most of games would be played. Domination was definedly the easiest way.

Btw. There is a typo in my report, Mao was of course conquered by Combat I and Pinch infantry instead of riflemen (Duh!) smile

LKendter Wrote:My report is at the usual place:


I have not seen an AI dogpile like this on the human before in Civ4.

I have not seen an AI make a credible attempt at major conquest before. Go Rome! I like how you and Julius share the world like that.

And I have not seen the AI initiate so many wars like that before.

@LKendter: What an amazing game! That's really cool that the AIs dogpiled you like that. Well, it might not have seemed so cool at the time, but it's nice to see them be opportunistic, dare I say clever. Don't think I've ever seen a final replay map like that one.

@Sullla: Nice report - you're the diplo master! Not just in going for the UN win, but in forming religious alliances, eg your adventure 2 and RB21.

Started my report but not convinced my pics will upload correctly. Could someone check? Ta.

Swiss Pauli Wrote:Started my report but not convinced my pics will upload correctly.

Doesn't look like they have, I'm afraid. I'm not much use with helping fix it tho - I've not tried to host images on here (rather than my own webspace) before.

So... you won in 1896? It actually wasn't too clear how the game ended! smile

I believe I can explain why you saw so many war declarations. Lee's game had the unusual situation of many different religions getting founded by different civs, instead of one or two religions becoming dominant. With Mansa, Saladin, Lizzie, and Mao ALL having their own religions, they were ALL going to be angry at the player for sticking to his own religion (Confucianism). If you'll note, the one civ that was converted to the player's religion (Rome) was the only one who didn't attack. And although Lee didn't mention this in his report, it looked like he was quite possibly refusing a lot of AI demands as well. If you have a different religion than the AI, it's tough to be friends; if you have a different religion, AND you refuse their demands.... it's just a matter of time. Even for someone like Mansa.

But to win under those circumstances nonetheless was impressive. thumbsup With some more practice on the diplomatic side of things, you'll even be able to avoid those situations (most of the time)!
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Well, after reading Sullla's masterclass in how to run a Creative civ I feel like I should go hide in the shadows & hang my head in shame lol Cultural pressure on my core cities? Oh! The embarrassment rolleye I have a tendancy (clearly displayed here) to regard the Creative trait as just a way of having to not worry about obelisks or religions in the early game, rather than actually working with the trait ...

pling Wrote:Doesn't look like they have, I'm afraid. I'm not much use with helping fix it tho - I've not tried to host images on here (rather than my own webspace) before.


Just realised I have another PC and verified it myself. Too tired to sort this out tonight.

As I was reading through the Egyptian reports I was beginning to wonder if I'd not counted properly when I was trying to work out where to place my capital huh and as it'd been a while since I played the start of the game I really couldn't remember why I'd made my decision. Nice to see Blake (who's so much better at this than me nod ) came to the same conclusion as me, restored my faith in my choice wink

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