Thanks Ruff. Everything listed there besides the scoreboard is purely cosmetic and I'm fine with approving it, unless Sullla objects for some reason. This would include the city arrows, asphalt, min/max buttons, plot list, and tech pop-up.
I'm not so enamored of the scoreboard, since that goes beyond cosmetic into functionally gathering and presenting info to the player. Particularly the score delta between turns, since that is info that is not otherwise readily available to the player. I also don't like the attitude icon, since unmodded players don't get an easy visual indication when an AI's attitude changes turn to turn. The rest seems harmless as simple re-presentation of things that are already available (tech, name, war/peace/pact status). I'd like to get Sullla's thoughts here before we approve anything.
Can you roll in the dotmapper tool here also? I think that's fine to approve, since it's purely cosmetic and people do the same functionality anyway in Paint so we'll get better-looking reports with it. I assume the Field of View slider will come too, I see that in these screenshots.
T-hawk Wrote:Thanks Ruff. Everything listed there besides the scoreboard is purely cosmetic and I'm fine with approving it, unless Sullla objects for some reason. This would include the city arrows, asphalt, min/max buttons, plot list, and tech pop-up.
I thought those elements would be pretty straight forward.
Quote:I'm not so enamored of the scoreboard, since that goes beyond cosmetic into functionally gathering and presenting info to the player. ... I'd like to get Sullla's thoughts here before we approve anything.
np - I am in no rush. Still have to run through the list of other BUG features that I flagged.
Quote:Can you roll in the dotmapper tool here also? I assume the Field of View slider will come too.
Those come automatically with BUG and if they are approved (FoV - already approved, PLE unit plot component - already approved, Dotmapper - approval outstanding) I was going to leave them 'on' in BUG.
Once we have worked through the elements, I am going to put together a RB BUG Approved version that locks down the options and doesn't include the ability to change them in-game.
I have finally decided to put down some cash and register a website. It is Now I remain free to move the hosting options without having to change the name of the site.
(October 22nd, 2014, 10:52)Caledorn Wrote: And ruff is officially banned from playing in my games as a reward for ruining my big surprise by posting silly and correct theories in the PB18 tech thread.
This mod adds the number of turns to the next border pop or GP arrival (similar to city growth / research). The GP also shows the probability info that is available from the mouse-over.
Whip Anger counter
This portion of BUG adds a '[x]' to the happy / mad faces showing the whip anger countdown in turns.
I don't have any screenshots to hand but I can provide them if asked.
I have finally decided to put down some cash and register a website. It is Now I remain free to move the hosting options without having to change the name of the site.
(October 22nd, 2014, 10:52)Caledorn Wrote: And ruff is officially banned from playing in my games as a reward for ruining my big surprise by posting silly and correct theories in the PB18 tech thread.
Very minor changes to the default BtS tab - We realigned the grid, as well as adding the attitude icons, and color coding the modifiers.
F6 - Tech screen
BUG modified this screen in two ways - added a 'wide' option as well as showing GP tech preferences. I am only seeking approval for the 'wide' option.
F7 - enhanced religious screen
(I'll have to come back to this - nothing in the BUG wiki about it)
F8 - Enhanced Victory Screen
BUG has modified two tabs on the F8 screen - the victory tab and the diplo tab. I am only seeking approval for the victory tab modifications, namely ...
The following information is included:
number of Civilizations that you have not met;
number of Civilizations that are your vassals;
number of turns until your Cities hit legendary status;
number of turns until best AI Cities hit legendary status;
status of the Apollo Program (built/not built);
information regarding space ship parts:
a space is shown beside the ship part if you don't have the required technology,
the ship part description and count changes color if you have enough to launch the ship (same for AI),
the ship part description and count changes color if you have the maximum number (same for AI),
the number of parts under construction is also shown (only for the player);
color coding of space ship parts is as follow:
blank for player if player doesn't have the tech,
normal white color for player if the player has the tech but hasn't built any parts yet,
normal white color for AI if the player is not sure if the AI has the tech,
orange if the human knows the AI has the tech,
yellow if the player/AI has the minimum number needed to launch,
green if the player/AI has the required number needed to launch.
F9 - Better Info Screen
The Better Info Screen mod improves the default Graphs tab of the Info Screen (F9). The main differences between the BIS 'Graphs' tab and the default 'Graphs' tab are:
Three Graph views:
7-in-1 view showing all 7 graphs at once (6 if the 'No Espionage' option is checked);
3-in-1 view showing all 3 graphs at once (based on player selection);
large single graph showing the selected item with graph tabs across the top of the page.
You can swap between the two views by clicking on:
a small graph title (shows the large graph for that graph),
the large graph title (returns to 7-in-1 view) or
the large graph title in the title list across the top of the screen (returns to 7-in-1 view).
You can show different graphs when in large graph mode by clicking on the appropriate item from the list across the top of the screen.
The legend has various modifications:
each leader's line can be excluded or included (click on leader name to toggle between the two);
'Show All' and 'Show None' options included, click on them to show all leader lines or show no leader lines;
legend auto sizes horizontally with a minimum default width;
legend is locked to top left corner on large graphs and bottom left corner on 7-in-1 view;
Leader name, Leader Civilization or both can be shown in the Legend depending on the user selection for this option.
Graph time period drop down moved to top right of screen; the ability to scroll back and forth when you have changed the time period is still active.
Graph type drop down removed.
Each graph includes a title in the top left corner.
The espionage screen is broken down into two sides. One side has the leaders and lets you control your EP spend against them - I am not seeking approval to change that side. The right side has what you can do with the EPs (passive missions, active missions, city lists). Here is the default view of that side ...
BUG changes that in a number of ways ...
It shows city names that you know about (trade screen) but haven't seen the tile (so no EP missions allowed) with '--' marks at the start and end.
It color codes the missions (green - you have enough EPs, white - you don't)
The city and active mission lists are swappable (ie you can click on a mission and see the costs by city)
I have finally decided to put down some cash and register a website. It is Now I remain free to move the hosting options without having to change the name of the site.
(October 22nd, 2014, 10:52)Caledorn Wrote: And ruff is officially banned from playing in my games as a reward for ruining my big surprise by posting silly and correct theories in the PB18 tech thread.
(I'll have to come back to this - nothing in the BUG wiki about it)
Here is a pic of the BUG Religious Advisor screen ...
There are two main differences:
top of the screen
BUG adds per religion information for cities, temples, monasteries and missionaries
the city row also includes the total number of cities you have - the number in square brackets (22 in the above pic)
the temple row shows that I currently have 1 conf temple
the monastery row shows that I currently have 1 conf monastery
the missionary row shows how many missionaries I have (zero) as well as showing how many I am building (1 - conf ... square brackets)
bottom of the screen
lists all of your cities in one scrollable panel
provides a hot key so that you can jump directly to a particular city
information is presented in columns and rows
additional information is shown as follows:
hands - missionaries - I am building 1 in Timbuktu
smilie - 'x' against Timbuktu shows that it has a temple
culture sign - column for the culture multiplier buildings
science - column for the monastaries
coin - column for the shrines
red line means you cannot build it
hammer means that you are building it
green gross means the city already has one
blue circle means the city can build one
I have finally decided to put down some cash and register a website. It is Now I remain free to move the hosting options without having to change the name of the site.
(October 22nd, 2014, 10:52)Caledorn Wrote: And ruff is officially banned from playing in my games as a reward for ruining my big surprise by posting silly and correct theories in the PB18 tech thread.
These are the things that are logged. The info is written to a text file and starts automatically. I think that we should stipulate that the log file can only be reviewed once the game has completed.
# When checked, will log techs acquired and research started.
Tech = True
# When checked, will log when a city starts a build.
Build Started = True
# When checked, will log when a city completes a build.
Build Completed = True
# When checked, will log completion of projects (certain wonders are technically projects -- other wonders are treated like normal buildings).
Project Completed = True
# When checked, will log when your improvements are built or destroyed by you.
Improvements = True
# When checked, will log the sliders each turn.
Sliders = True
# When checked, will log when you found a city.
City Founded = True
# When checked, will log when one of your cities grows in population.
City Growth = True
# When checked, will log when one of your city's borders expand.
City Borders = True
# When checked, will log when you acquire or lose a city through conquest or trade.
City Ownership = True
# When checked, will log when you raze another civ's city or one of your cities is razed.
City Razed = True
# When checked, will log when you whip a city or when the whip anger decreases in a city.
City Whip = True
# When checked, will log results from popping tribal villages.
Goodies = True
# When checked, will log
# When you found a religion
# Spread of any religion to your cities
# Spread of religions whose Holy city you control to foreign cities
Religion = True
# When checked, will log
# When you found a corporation
# Spread of any corporation to your cities
# Spread of corporation whose headquarters you control to foreign cities
Corporation = True
# When checked, will log the birth of great people (in your cities).
Great People = True
# When checked, will log begin and end of your Golden Ages.
Golden Age = True
# When checked, will log first contact with other civs.
Contact = True
# When checked, will log any change in attitude between civs known to you.
Attitude = True
# When checked, will log start and end of wars between civs known to you.
War = True
# When checked, will log when any civ becomes a vassal state of or frees itself from another.
Vassals = True
# When checked, will log any change in civics of civs known to you.
Civics = True
# When checked, will log combat results involving your units.
Combat = True
# When checked, will log when you promote one of your units.
Promotions = True
# When checked, will log when you pillage or your improvements are pillaged.
Pillage = True
# When checked, will log AI-initiated trades and gift offers and your responses.
TradeOffer = True
# When checked, will log AI demands for tribute or help and your responses.
TributeDemand = True
# When checked, will log AI demands that you change religion and your responses.
ReligionDemand = True
# When checked, will log AI demands that you change civics and your responses.
CivicDemand = True
# When checked, will log AI requests to declare war on a third party and your responses.
WarDemand = True
# When checked, will log AI requests to stop trading with a third party and your responses.
EmbargoDemand = True
Player has the ability to set reminders that pop up in 'x' (player specified) turns.
Unit Naming
Units are created with a set name. Naming convention is editable based on player wishes.
Hints and Tips on loading
Here is the list of BUG hints and tips on loading.
*BUG Hint*: [ALT + E] will allow you to make a custom Event in the autologger.
*BUG Hint*: [ALT + S] allows you to make Sticky Notes on tiles. Just click and type. Pressing [ALT + S] again, and then clicking on an existing note will remove it.
*BUG Hint*: Always consider escorting your Settlers. It's mighty dangerous out in the Wilderness.
*BUG Hint*: Always consider having siege equipment before attacking a city. A Swordsman can do more damage entering through a hole in the wall, then trying to climb over it with arrows raining down from above.
*BUG Hint*: Animals can't enter your land, so it can be worth the risk to leave your city undefended and use your warrior for early exploration.
*BUG Hint*: Be nice to your mother.
*BUG Hint*: Be the first to circle the globe, and your Naval Units all receive +1 movement.
*BUG Hint*: Clicking on the Scroll button within the Domestic Advisor will allow you to customize it to your playing style.
*BUG Hint*: Don't neglect your Diplomacy! Pay attention to the information you gather, telling you what is available out there.
*BUG Hint*: Ever forget to build that Barracks? [ALT +M] -OR- [ALT + CTRL + R] will allow you to set up reminders so you don't forget again!
*BUG Hint*: Examine what resources are available before researching worker techs.
*BUG Hint*: Form trade relations with nations that get along with each other to avoid an diplomatic repercussions.
*BUG Hint*: If you neglect your military, and your power becomes weak, a neighbor WILL attack you.
*BUG Hint*: Never go up against a Sicilian when death is on the line.
*BUG Hint*: Play to your Civilization's traits, and specialize your Empire. No use being Charismatic and Aggressive and never starting a war.
*BUG Hint*: Press [ALT + CTRL + O] to enter The BUG Mod Options Screen.
*BUG Hint*: Save your promotions for when your unit is injured to speed up healing, and when you promote, use them to tailor your unit for the type of enemy you are facing.
*BUG Hint*: Selling resources that you no longer use, such as copper or iron, can pay off nicely over the long run.
*BUG Hint*: Sometimes it's better to stop a Scout or Explorer on a forest, hill, or jungle tile and lose the extra movement in favor of safety.
*BUG Hint*: Speak softly and carry a big stick, and you will go far.
*BUG Hint*: Station naval units near your water based resources, and put them on Sea Patrol to protect your resources.
*BUG Hint*: The cake is a lie.
*BUG Hint*: To cancel all Worker Orders quickly, select 1 worker with orders, and while holding the [ALT] key, click the cancel orders button.
*BUG Hint*: To create rally points, select the city, or cities, you are building units it, hold down the [SHIFT] key and Right Click on the tile you want your rally point to be at. You will see a yellow circle showing the rally point.[NEWLINE]To cancel orders select the same city or cities, [SHIFT] and Right click on any city square, and it will cancel the rally orders.
*BUG Hint*: Watch your neighbors' civics changes. A change from Free Religion to Theocracy could mean an arms build-up.
*BUG Hint*: When a tile is in the City Cross of two different cities, you can change its city ownership by clicking on that tile from the chosen city's City Screen.
*BUG Hint*: When at War, use fast moving units to pillage strategic resources such as Iron, or Aluminum first, and leave a sentry to prevent the enemy from reconnecting that resource.
*BUG Hint*: When selling Technologies, shop around for the highest bidder, and then work your way down.
*BUG Hint*: When you're weak there is no shame in giving into rivals demands. This will give you time to build your defenses as you enjoy the short improvement in relations between your nations.
The civopedia with a different layout. It also includes some CFC strategy guides.
I have finally decided to put down some cash and register a website. It is Now I remain free to move the hosting options without having to change the name of the site.
(October 22nd, 2014, 10:52)Caledorn Wrote: And ruff is officially banned from playing in my games as a reward for ruining my big surprise by posting silly and correct theories in the PB18 tech thread.