T-hawk Wrote:First off, I apologize for the silly and extremely dated title, but Sullla liked it and it fits with Japan so we left it in.I'd like to try my own games with the Internet at the start. What is the exact line you need to add to the worldbuilder save ?
Yeah the behavior of projects caught me by surprise too.
- Projects only exist for a player (civilization). They are not tied to any city. It's true - build the Apollo Program or Internet normally, and it will not exist in the city that built it. So Kyoto did not need to be pre-settled.
- Worldbuilder has no means to add a project. I had to save the map as a worldbuilder save, then edit the text file to add The Internet to team 0, copying the line from another game that had built the Internet normally and I'd also saved as worldbuilder. (Gandhi the Giving keeps on giving.)
- And there is no means in-game (that I know of) to see what projects you have. So your Internet is invisible. But trust me, it will work, you will see it as soon as you start contacting other civs.
Epic 27 - All Your Tech are Belong to Us - Now Open
Rik Meleet Wrote:I'd like to try my own games with the Internet at the start. What is the exact line you need to add to the worldbuilder save ? BeginTeam TeamID=0 Tech=TECH_FISHING Tech=TECH_THE_WHEEL ContactWithTeam=0 ProjectType=PROJECT_THE_INTERNET RevealMap=0 EndTeam
The other way to do it is to make a mod, where the Internet only costs 1 hammer, and remove the tech requirement. See attachment below. Note: the AI does not necessarily build the Internet right away. I played a (Normal speed) game until about T21, and the Internet was not built by an AI. So you're probably safe if you don't settle-in-place on T0 and build the Internet right away (it is impossible to lose the Internet being the human and winning all tiebreakers if you build it on T0).
If you want to integrate this into another mod, assuming the other mod does nothing to the space race (Apollo or space parts) or other projects (SDI, Manahattan), then you can just stick the added file into the mod, and it should work just fine. For new modders: Simply add the folder to your Beyond The Sword folder \ Mods If you want a shortcut for loading a particular mod, then the shortcut's file path needs to look like: Windows Wrote:"C:\CIV4FILEPATH\Beyond the Sword\Civ4BeyondSword.exe" mod=\MODNAMEHERE If you want to do your own modding, this is an XML editor that I'm partial to: http://forums.civfanatics.com/downloads....le&id=9412 EDIT: Ninja'd by T-Hawk. Oh well. At least simple mods like this one are fun to make. |