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[SPOILERS] The Reverend Suryavarman II of Babylon

Some new exploration to show.

[Image: 2600bcexploration.jpg]

So that desert and incense was planted there to make me think that was simply a barren wasteland.

Losing 2 gold now at 100% science... thanks to the former barb city coming out of resistance.

Sailing is in, mining next.

Two more turns of exploration to show ya'll.

[Image: 2520exploration.jpg]
The vertically oriented screenshot pains me a bit... but it must be done.

I really should give this intrepid explorer of a workboat a name. How do I even change the name of a unit? I can't say I've ever done it.

The demographics:

[Image: 2520bcdemos.jpg]

Doesn't mean a whole lot at this point in the game, but I'm pleased.

I'm slightly concerned about being last in soldiers... but I don't think anyone is actually producing an army yet. Probably just the 8000 points from BW that I'm behind.

The Reverend Doctor Wrote:I really should give this intrepid explorer of a workboat a name. How do I even change the name of a unit? I can't say I've ever done it.

Click on the workboat, then click on where it says "Workboat" in the bottom left corner-area. A pop-up should appear asking for a new name.
Played in: PBEM 4 [Formerly Jowy's Peter of Egypt] | PBEM 10 [Napoleon of the Dutch] | PBEM 11 [Shaka of France] | EitB XVI [Valledia of the Amurites] | PB7 [Darius of Rome] | Diplomacy 3 [Austria-Hungary] | PBEMm/o vs AutomatedTeller

Check it out... my workboat starts to round the coast and finds a workboat from Jowy headed the opposite way.

Also, looks like some gray borders right outside my line of sight. Gotta be Nakor (byzantium).

[Image: 2360contactiwthJowy.jpg]

Haven't sent Jowy a message yet. I suppose I'll show you guys most of my correspondence with him, seeing as he hasn't opened a thread.

The dossier on Jowy:

Boudica of Rome:
UU: Praetorian
UB: Forum

Interesting note: If I'm reading things right, Jowy hasn't adopted slavery. I figured he'd be beelining iron working. Maybe he has BW and just hasn't needed to whip and hasn't wanted to waste a turn in anarchy yet. He started with fishing and mining. Not bad for his plans/this map.

I'm starting to have some ideas about what the map might look like. Maybe I'll put those into a post that can be mocked when I see what it actually looks like.

Just a thought.

When this map gets crowded it's going to be hard to read with 4 purple/pink civs and one gray.

The Reverend Doctor Wrote:I'm starting to have some ideas about what the map might look like. Maybe I'll put those into a post that can be mocked when I see what it actually looks like.

Please do share!

The Reverend Doctor Wrote:Just a thought.

When this map gets crowded it's going to be hard to read with 4 purple/pink civs and one gray.

I can think of a good way to fix that wink

Met Nakor officially this turn. Sent both him and Jowy a short greeting message.

No ~diplomacy~ at all yet, just a note saying 'what's up?'

I need to make sure they had a barb city next door too and Bob isn't just messing with me!

The explored trade route means I can see what resources Nakor has.... and copper is among them. Unless Nakor has an offshore settlement to claim it I can't see that must mean copper is on the starting island, I'll find out for sure in three turns when BW is in.

That's good news and bad news:
Good- well, I'll probably have copper, nothing to complain about.
Bad- I was hoping my bowmen netted me the singular advantage of making the barb city a quick second city. I guess everyone can do that with metals at home.

The big turn 50 update. Here we go...

Open the save on this momentous turn and am greeted with this:

[Image: 2000bctechsplash.jpg]
Pottery! (writing next)

I'm currently making a paltry 22 beakers per turn at 100% science and -2 gold. (I have 37 in the bank)

For comparison purposes, my tech path so far has been:
Hunting, Archery, Animal Husbandry, Fishing, Sailing, Mining, Bronze Working, Pottery

Next up a picture of The Reverend Suryavarman's Glorious Territory:

[Image: 2000bcmyterritory.jpg]

Two workers (one was whipped from VII in the last few turns) are busy mining/cutting down some trees.

Immediate priorities are to get that galley finished and get some troops on the bigger landmass to the East to explore, hopefully with a settler soon after. I also just sent a workboat out of Humility (the former barb city) to explore the islands to its SW. Humility has enough food for now without netting that second clams, I think exploration is more important right now.

Speaking of the cities, let's take a closer look at them:

[Image: 2000bccapital.jpg]
VII - the capital.

Looking pretty good with that copper mine (which I'd love to leave unconnected for some cheap happiness warriors when Monarch is here, but alas I think my opponents and raging barbarians will force me to connect it.)

VII will probably remain a bit of a hybrid city. Good production but also pretty good commerce from the sea/fur/oasis.

[Image: 2000bchumility.jpg]
Humility - the former barb city.

Building a bowman now but will be changed next turn so that the chopped forest goes into a cheap granary. Humility will probably get cottages on the 3 flatland tiles left to make it a semi-commerce city that can build small things with that mine between whippings.

[Image: 2000bcexploredlands.jpg]
Everything I know about the world! (Flipped on its axis to see better.)

Just found Jowy's borders, and he mentioned to me he may still open a lurker thread when things get more interesting! Until then you'll have to rely on the rest of us to find out what he's up to.

I assume I have a neighbor in the other direction somehow, but until that's confirmed, let's rejoice in not having Aggressive/Charismatic Rome next to us! (Possibly he's toroidal-ly connected, that'd be unfortunate.) I can only hope that Jowy attacks someone with a later advantage like Nakor's cataphracts. And I have to assume Jowy will be attacking someone, his picks make that pretty transparent.

Still to come in the next post.... what I think the map might look like!

Don't hold your breath though, it's a busy weekend so that probably means you won't see what surely is a laughable guess at what the map looks like until Sunday.

Athlete sent a workboat around the coast of the large middle landmass from my East and now I have contact with everyone but Seven.

Unfortunately Jowy's borders at the south of the landmass block boats, so my first exploring workboat is just headed back home.

Made landfall on the large landmass with 2 bowmen and popped a hut, unfortunately, out came a hostile warrior.

[Image: 1880bchutexplored.jpg]
At least it's not a unit I have to fear yet.

And since I promised (and I'm sure Bob who made the map will enjoy it) here's what I think the map might look like. Haven't discussed the map with anyone, this is based solely on what I've seen and what I think might make a balanced map.

[Image: mapguess.jpg]

I think this layout of islands would make sense if it's a toroidal map. Everyone can pretty much access everyone else either directly along the coast or through some island chains. Feel free to laugh at this in the lurker thread.

I have no evidence for the shield shape instead of simply a circle.... It just kind of looked more fair with an odd number of civs around the perimeter. Maybe athlete will tell me what he passed on the way to my lands.

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