Mardoc Wrote:He's got more characters than locations, but a few that might work:
Arctis Tor - the capital/fortress of Winter.
Stone Table - place of power
Chicago-over-Chicago - a temporary battleground created by the Fae. Might be a bit too modern to fit the rest of your scheme.
Demonreach - an island
Undertown - creepy magical area under Chicago
I'm sure there are more that I'm forgetting now.
I'll add them into the list. I'm sure I'll find a city for at least one of them.
There was brief spicy hissing sensation, as the Fairies sensed the world being remade around them. When it passed, they resumed their duties.
As Titania stepped into the woods, the citizens of Faerie began to get their bearings in this new world.
They studied the many portents and signs. They looked to the stars to see the great events that shaped the world.
The event log tells a very simple story. No preplaced Acheron or Brigit or Gurid or any other legendary creatures.
They looked to the moon, to see a reflection of the peoples of this glade.
Standard worldsize, which is sa little big for a five player game, but not overly so. In a game against humans, I'd prefer it to small. But then I am playing one of the builderish civs in the game.
Wildlands is on, which should be good for our boosted recon units.
One thing immediately strikes out at me from the demographics screen. Somebody has a crop yield of 6. What does *that* mean?
I think it means I was right about the Malakim. That they have taken water and sprung an Oasis tile. The GNP supports this, they are two points higher than me, which I would say means they are working a two commerce tile and researching a non prerequisite technology, adding the creative bonus on top.
And they looked to the earth, to find its bounty.
A very rough and preliminary survey of the surrounding area for city sites. This will change as I see how fires are progressing, and the resource layouts.
For now, I'm thinking Svartalfheim will be my second city. It is very near the early path of the Wild Hunt, so should be springing up some trees around the time I'm ready to settle.. luck permitting.
We have no good early commerce sites, with the capital being the only area with a commerce resource. That will slow down the early game.
And with those signs and portents, they made their first step to understanding the days and seasons of this new world in the forms of a calendar.
And the blitz session ends with the Goblin still harassing me, and 2 more posion goblins and a warrior turning up on my borders. Eek! I've got a single warrior defending the city, with a scout being trained. That isn't enough to deal with 4 S3 units.
I scramble to bring Titania and Thistle back home to deal with it. I'm hoping the annoying goblin will decide to get killed before his friends can join him.