(February 23rd, 2015, 13:20)kyrub Wrote: The possibility to lose the game in an early vote is a typical feature of Master of Orion 1. It is quite frustrating, we all know it, we saw it happen.
I consider it a feature. If you can't make them love you (playing for humans?) - just keep it small at the beginning. Don't become one of two largest in the early game.
Well, going from "enemy of the state" and third largest to "friend of half the galaxy" and second largest in just between two elections sounds like a HELL of a challenge, regardless of how late in the game you are.
(February 22nd, 2015, 18:08)RefSteel Wrote: Hmm ... it's "normal" in the sense that we've all come to expect it, but it looks like changes are in the works; see e.g. this post from up-thread:
(February 9th, 2015, 19:35)kyrub Wrote: OK, I got the idea.
a) Upon entering NAP, AI will always stop its transports incoming [bug]
b) AI will reconsider breaking its NAP with player, whenever it feels it can use an advantegous position to send troops to enemy position
c) the NAP will be formally dissolved once the AI sends the troops, with AI informing you about it (?)
Is that right?
So it looks like the AI improvements kyrub is planning to introduce in 1.5 will include changes to this behavior.
As for what the old behavior is ... I believe it works like this:
Whenever an AI has in a ship in orbit above a rival's colony, it basically always sends transports (exceptions are made during an active peace treaty or alliance, but that's it). In the base game (I think kyrub's patch fixes this) this even applies when they have a scout or LR colony ship over a planet that's beyond the range of their fuel cells. Of course, like the player, the AI is also unable to redirect fleets if a treaty is signed with the ships en route, and once ships arrive at a rival colony, they always attack any defenses there unless an alliance is in effect. (Another exception: If the AI has an active peace treaty with you, and their ships arrive at one of your colonies, they'll immediately turn around as long as you have even a single ship or base in orbit. Otherwise, they'll show up but not attack.) Note that peace treaties are not the same as NAPs: They are established when you make peace following a declared war, and remain active for a random number of turns (around ten...ish) after that. Unfortunately, there's no way to know when one is in effect.
So I just wanted to confirm this is probably not how it should be:
once again, at the early stages of the game, my neighbours (with whom I have a NAP) send a scout to one of my colonies and then the planet gets invaded. IMHO this should either NOT happen or constitute a conscious breach (and termination) of the NAP. Killing my citizens and taking over my planet is not my idea of a NAP anyway.
Is this a known bug?
If you dispatch a fleet between two stargates and then reschedule the flight to a system without a stargate, the flight still takes only 1 turn, even if the system is on the other end of the galaxy (and even if it's an enemy system).
(March 15th, 2015, 17:04)mikemayday Wrote: Is this a known bug?
If you dispatch a fleet between two stargates and then reschedule the flight to a system without a stargate, the flight still takes only 1 turn, even if the system is on the other end of the galaxy (and even if it's an enemy system).
Can you also fix the factory construction so that it works the way it is described in the OSG? The way it is bugged now has a big impact on strategy about getting IRC3.
Quote:The computer will start your fledgling colony
using older Robotic Controls technology when
it is beneficial for speeding that colony's devel-
opment. This means that your colonies
will build cheaper-model factories first (i.e.,
ones not equipped with the latest Robotic Con-
trols technology) until they equal that old
technology's maximum factory-to-worker
ratio as based on the planet's current maximum
population size. Once that many factories are
built, the computer refits them by spending the
difference required for those older factories to
reach the next Improved Robotic Controls tier.
It then builds factories at that cost level until it
reaches that level's factory-to-worker ratio
maximum, and so forth.
Two other displays that are bugged sometimes and would also be great to have correct are the warp speed in nebulas, and how much spy production must be allocated to produce a spy the next turn.
And another one I thought of - the decimal factor population growth, which is clearly a bug. Here is a summary of all my suggestions so far:
Remove the decimal population growth factor
Fix the reported production when transports are leaving a planet.
Fix factory construction costs so that they are constructed and refitted correctly.
Fix the ETA estimation when a ship travels through a nebula. Sometimes it takes longer to go one way than the other which I think is ok - as long as the displayed values are correct.
Fix the spy slider estimate for when the next spy will be produced. Often it says 1 year but there is no spy for a few turns.
And one other question - it's obviously not for the patch, but do you think it's a feasible task to implement multiplayer by replacing the AI decision with communication over TCP? So a player would play normally, and when they click next turn, this would transmit the actions taken to be used in the other player/s MOO games, and would receive the other player/s actions to be used as the AI actions. Random events can be off and battles and diplomacy may need special attention but in the main do you think it is possible?
(April 29th, 2015, 10:29)rboplayer Wrote: And another one I thought of - the decimal factor population growth, which is clearly a bug. Here is a summary of all my suggestions so far:
Remove the decimal population growth factor
Fix the reported production when transports are leaving a planet.
Fix factory construction costs so that they are constructed and refitted correctly.
Fix the ETA estimation when a ship travels through a nebula. Sometimes it takes longer to go one way than the other which I think is ok - as long as the displayed values are correct.
Fix the spy slider estimate for when the next spy will be produced. Often it says 1 year but there is no spy for a few turns.
And one other question - it's obviously not for the patch, but do you think it's a feasible task to implement multiplayer by replacing the AI decision with communication over TCP? So a player would play normally, and when they click next turn, this would transmit the actions taken to be used in the other player/s MOO games, and would receive the other player/s actions to be used as the AI actions. Random events can be off and battles and diplomacy may need special attention but in the main do you think it is possible?
Multiplayer? That'd require rewriting the whole game, in assembly code... That's very unfeasible, to say the least. Your best bet is to ask the guy behind java-moo to implement it in his MoO 1 remake: http://www.java-moo.com/
Or if you want "shiner" graphics and a more polished gameplay, wait for Dominus Galaxia which my team is working on. We're seriously considering multiplayer as an expansion to the game after it's released. So yes, there's two MoO 1 clones actively being developed
Dominus Galaxia, a Master of Orion inspired game I'm working on.
Assembly code or rewriting would certainly be unfeasible. I was thinking merely identifying the calls to the AI routines and replacing them with calls to independently written code in a higher language that communicates with another instance of MOO over the network and each represents the other's AI. It can perhaps independently compiled and then added to orion.exe and linked with some hand magic.
Both clones look very promising! I had a look at yours and like the alternation you've done - faithful improvements.