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March Madness: Civ4 AI Edition

Winner: Catherine
Runner Up: Stalin
First to Die: Gandhi
Number of Leaders Surviving: 3
Victory Type and Victory Date: Space Race, T288

For Mother Russia!

As much as I'd love Gandhi to advance, his starting position is not in a very good spot and there is a good chance he will found his own religion and piss off either Saladin or Charlemange, in addition to starting next to Stalin who is Aggressive and will not like him much. Stalin will gobble up Gandhi, perhaps with help by the religious leaders, then move on to Victoria later, while Charlie and Saladin hate each other and never get off the ground. Catherine's expansionistic starting location will give her an excellent start, followed by swallowing up Charlie mid game, and then Catherine will beat Stalin in a close Space Race due to superior tech speed.

Winner: Catherine
Runner Up: Victoria
First to Die: Gandhi pat
Number of Leaders Surviving: 3
Victory Type and Victory Date: Diplomatic, 299
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Winner: Catherine
Runner Up: Victoria
First to Die: Gandhi
Number of Leaders Surviving: 4
Victory Type and Victory Date: Space Race, T310- Space

Winner - Catherine
Runner Up - Saladin
First to Die - Gandhi
Number of Leaders Surviving - 3
Victory Type and Victory Date - Domination T 324
"We are open to all opinions as long as they are the same as ours."

Winner: Stalin (alone by himself, won't get caught up on religious nonsense, could possibly runaway)
Runner-up: Victoria (good traits)
First to die: Gandhi (hahahahahahaha that starting position. Dude is toast)
Number of surviving leaders: 3
Victory type/date: Diplomatic T306

Winner: Catherine
Runner Up: Charlemagne
First to Die: Gandhi
Number of Leaders Surviving: 4
Victory Type and Victory Date: Spaceship T 312

I think Catherine is the one who is all by himself, Superjm. Stalin is the one right next to Gandhi.

Winner: Catherine
Runner Up: Charlemagne
First to Die: Ghandi
Number of Leaders Surviving: 3
Victory Type and Victory Date: Space, T317

I think this game might be something of a bloodbath, but with most eliminations coming too late and evenly spread between the top dogs to lead to a domination victory. Catherine has good leader traits for the AI and a lot of potential land to grab, plus she neighbors Gandhi, so she'll gain an early (and permanent) lead and probably eliminate the Indian leader. Stalin will have good relations with Catherine but do poorly in the land-grab phase due to a combination of geography and crippling AI flavors. He'll later pick lots of wars with distant leaders, possibly picking up a couple random cities across the world but otherwise remaining a permanent fixture on the bottom end of the scoreboard, an era (or more) behind the tech leaders. Charlemagne has a decent pocket of land to himself, okay expansion traits for the AI, Gandhi as a neighbor and a UU which should be really powerful in AI hands (assuming he can grab that Iron to his east). He'll eat part of India, most or all of England, and then become too powerful for Catherine to eliminate. Gandhi is obviously toast, with his central map position, aggressive neighbors and ridiculous pacifist flavor. Saladin will hang around for a while, but his land is bad and eventually border pressure will compel Catherine to destroy him, with Stalin probably joining in. Victoria would normally be a favorite to win, but she's in a cramped position and is going to find herself living in a rough neighborhood as soon as Gandhi kicks it.

EDIT: Lolz, just realized I got the locations of Catherine and Stalin switched around. Well, I'm not changing anything! neenerneener

Winner: Catherine
Runner Up: Charlemange
First Out: Ghandi
Leaders Left: 4
Victory: Domination T212

ok, so the games generally seem to fall with the majority good/evil axis, this time however we have 2 good, 2 neutral and 2 evil which tells us nothing.

Every time I base my thoughts on religions spread it backfires, so I will try to ignore that to a degree. East side has 2 evil cultures, the 2 good in the middle and the neutral spread.

I see Ghandi being low in power in the middle and crushed. Stalin will get into an early war while Catherine is largely protected by fellow Russia from attacks, hence can attack without being open to counter attack.

Post Ghandi Victoria will be short on room as I can't se her piling on to Ghandi. Saladin has poor land, so I can see charlemange grabbing a decent amount of land and coming in close

Winner: Victoria
Runner up Catherine (Highest score)
First to Die: Saladin
Survivors: 3 (Vicki, Stalin and Cathy)
Victory: Space t316

I'm going a bit off the regular expectations, saying that Gandhi manage to butter up someone else to the degree that he's not the first to die (although much more likely the second one to do so) ... Catherine is going to end up mere % from Domination, but stupidly sits out warring with someone for the last bits of land, while Victoria manages to get a spaceship off

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