Short answer to all this.
I think two FW should go to Saint Foy, this city has a criminal number of unimproved tiles and is using coast instead of cottages/workshops. Also we should be making swords while we can, they're very hammer efficient.
About the binary research the question is either 70% for 5t (losing 35gpt for a total of -175g and making 202bpt for 1010 beakers) or 0% for 1t (+172gpt at our current rate) and 100% for 3t (-123gpt and +288bpt). Then whatever maxed research we can get. Which means 172-3*123=-197g and 864 beakers plus a turn at around 70% (maintenance will go down with courthouses I think so it's ok) which is -35gpt and +202bpt. Overall 70% gives us -175g and 1010b and binary -232g and 1066b. It's a trade of 57g for 56b. Shit it's not as great as I thought. But still we have one more market than library so the multiplier is higher for gold and I think we're winning overall.
I think two FW should go to Saint Foy, this city has a criminal number of unimproved tiles and is using coast instead of cottages/workshops. Also we should be making swords while we can, they're very hammer efficient.
About the binary research the question is either 70% for 5t (losing 35gpt for a total of -175g and making 202bpt for 1010 beakers) or 0% for 1t (+172gpt at our current rate) and 100% for 3t (-123gpt and +288bpt). Then whatever maxed research we can get. Which means 172-3*123=-197g and 864 beakers plus a turn at around 70% (maintenance will go down with courthouses I think so it's ok) which is -35gpt and +202bpt. Overall 70% gives us -175g and 1010b and binary -232g and 1066b. It's a trade of 57g for 56b. Shit it's not as great as I thought. But still we have one more market than library so the multiplier is higher for gold and I think we're winning overall.