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[SPOILERS] joey and scooter's thread: FUN THINGS ONLY


Good news! Culture did indeed return to the levels I would expect. I think what happened was some kinda pitboss player-order wonkiness; perhaps I was processed in the turn-order first, such that even though Greece was technically eliminated two turns ago, CH's elimination status wasn't registered because his civ was processed after mine in the order. Something like that?

On the war front, I continue to ferry troops in but am slowed because BGN is being annoying with his Privateer... I've been keeping any Galleons laden with troops out of range of this guy on this turn and last, but it makes me worried that he's being so brazen with it.

He's also got one of these in the area:


Yet, I continue to soldier on. Another Mali city fell this turn:

I tried to get away with sacrificing only 2 cannons, but I guess 90% odds is never quite good enough, is it? So, I had to sacrifice another one, ho hum.

Overall, very poor infra but at least now I only need 1 more courthouse to build the FP.


also, while I was greatly relieved to discover that I have a few oils, as I finally got SM this turn, it turns out there's no uranium on the map. [Image: 9OA2EcQ.gif] at least, nobody with physics (OH/BGN/Krill/dtay/TBS) has it in their resource screens! maybe there's one sitting below the lurker civ's city ?!??


yadda yadda yadda...

Very nice haul! Everything I could possibly hope for except a lighthouse, and a Levee too I suppose. Still, this far exceeds expectations.

That courthouse is my 8th, so that let me start my Forbidden Palace this turn in Asylum already, a few turns earlier than planned.

AT finally took another city, Iron Skull, which had HAK's biggest stack. I'm sure he took considerable losses to knock it down, as he only got AL last turn I think. HAK only has two cities remaining, each with about a half-dozen CG3 rifles. I will get one of them (Numbskull) in two turns, and could get the other in two turns after that but... we'll see if AT makes a move for it first. I'd be fine with him taking it, as long as he's quick about it.


wwwow, plako got the coal uberevent!!

    Better Coal
    Prereq: own plor with Coal AND Mine
    Obsolete: None
    Active/Weight: 75/100
1.+4 production from coal plants
2.+2 production AND +1 health from drydocks

+4 production from every coal plants equates to 8 hammers per turn after standard multipliers, about as much as a decent production city will get from its factory. for free. yikes


So, Xenu... is this where you come in and tell me where you've buried your treasure? [Image: xXk2GPn.gif]

I was pretty close to finishing HAK off before you finally died... his last city will fall next turn. Here's his second to last one:

Granary, Forge, and Levee... I'll take it!

BGN's somehow already got his HAK cities popped out to second ring borders before mine are even out of revolt. Cripes that's be annoying.

Now that HAK's dead, I wonder what I do now? I have like 20 commandos now or something ridiculous like that but yet I've already successfully attained every objective I wanted without needing to use Commando at all. My culture-buffer plan at my TBS border has been so effective that I'm close to accidentally claiming BFC tiles in his 4th-ring border cities, and thus I expect that I'll never be at odds with him even after he pumps his slider, I have no interest in wrestling with plako on drama island, and whether I war with BGN or not will probably be entirely up to the whims of BGN himself. I guess I just keep teching up to Industrialism and see where that takes me? Artillery -> Biology -> Electricity -> Industrialism? That's something like 15 turns worth of tech... probably two months worth of turns... there's no way I can sit still for that long with all this crazy drama goin round on this map...

Go kill more people. Getting the most player eliminations has to count for something. And commandos are prefect for kill stealing!

Oh, that's true!

Let's see, in no particular order:

Me: 2 (Bacchus, HAK)
AT: 1 (Yuri)
Dreylin/Cyneheard: 1 (they got the kill on Pindicator IIRC)
Oldharry/Fintourist: 3 (Azza, Mardoc, Dreylin/Cyneheard)
BGN: 4 (Nakor, Caledorn, Q, Dhal/johns)
dtay: 1 (Whosit)
Krill: 1 (Original CH)
Plako: 2 (Xenu, Oxy/CH)
HAK: 1 (Jowy)
Pindicator: 1 (Barry Lyndon)
WilliamLP: 1 (MYKI)
TBS: 2 (Hashoosh/Furungy, dazedroyalty)

So, BGN's in the lead... damn, I shoulda finished off Yuri myself after all...


And the last Mali city falls:

A Scotland yard ?!???!????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Uh, well, ok, thank you, I'll take it... lol By the way, a settled great spy would have generated more EP points; if you want to use your GS for EP, settle the first one and then use scotland yard with the next.

That might have been Jowy's doing, that was his only city for a long time. Your point is completely valid tho.

Oh, hmmm, interesting. I kinda forgot about Jowy. (sorry Jowy) So I have the land of four and a half civs now? Still short of 50 cities though, even with iceball fillers...

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