February 20th, 2015, 17:51
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(February 20th, 2015, 15:03)Fenn Wrote: He did have some amount of towncred from the D1 lynch situation, so I suppose he'd be as good a target as any. Good on you for giving detailed reads last night, zak.
Guess you weren't too surprised he was dead. Feels scummy Fenn. Probably shouldn't have gone with that prepackaged death response.
“The wind went mute and the trees in the forest stood still. It was time for the last tale.”
February 20th, 2015, 17:56
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(February 20th, 2015, 17:45)Doctor Saul Wrote: Thanks for explaining. Your thought process wasn't evident to me in reading through that part so that helps.
No problem.
February 20th, 2015, 18:02
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(February 20th, 2015, 15:40)novice Wrote: (February 18th, 2015, 08:29)zakalwe Wrote: I will happily policy lynch any lurker who keeps lurking.
I'd be willing to join the wagon on Q, but for now I'm staying on Mattimeo.
(February 18th, 2015, 13:39)Commodore Wrote: Tally as of post 111:
4 votes: Doctor Saul (Gazglum, Lewwyn), (Fenn), (dtay)
3 votes: Mattimeo (zakalwe, sunrise089, Rowain)
3 votes: Qgqqqqq (novice, BRickAstley), (AdrienIer)
1 votes: Brick (Gaspar)
1 votes: dtay (Mattimeo)
1 votes: Zakalwe (Jabbz)
1 votes: Fenn (Doctor Saul)
1 votes: AdreinIer (Qgqqqqq)
Voting history:
(February 19th, 2015, 11:20)zakalwe Wrote: I honestly don't know who else to lynch, Saul. Maybe return to Brick or Q. Gaspar would be a cliché but possible. (He is more townish than usual though.) No strong opinion on Fenn.
Rereading again, Matt was in pretty serious trouble all day really. With Zak and myself (town) suspecting Q, it seems odd that nobody tried to get a Q lynch started. Circumstantial, I know, but still.
Q, since when has Zak been opposed to policy lynching lurkers? I find that very much in Zak's character. Your Zak push seems very insincerely founded.
It was an impression I got quite strongly from '27, when he and I were scum together, in the aftermath of the Classical_hero lynch of day 1. That's been my most memorable game for a long time and the only one I've ever reread.
(February 20th, 2015, 16:03)BRickAstley Wrote: (February 20th, 2015, 15:22)Qgqqqqq Wrote: I still need to reread that section, but that is very much not what I said. I 100% believed from reading it that Zak was voting for Matt at the time. Despite the fact that he wasn't actually voting him, his attitude towards the Matt lynch was still something I find out of character.
GG Zak.
Ok so: You're saying that you did read up until the end, at least in some capacity, but at the end you then voted for zak based on the feeling you got from reading the thread over quickly and without knowing what exactly you had read that made you wanna vote zak?
Also I like that point about the whole policy lynch opinion novice.
I definitely thought that Zak was voting for, and supporting the lynch of Matt as a policy lurker lynch, something I found quote out of character for him, and suspicious enough that i was prepared to kynch him in turn. And what exactly is novice's point, here? That he thinks Zak normally plays like that?
(February 20th, 2015, 17:05)Fenn Wrote: It's not too unlikely that the horrors slew zakalwe because he suspected Q, but wasn't as vocal about it as he was his BRick case. Yeah wifom, but scum don't pick their targets out of a hat. Scum!Q would have good reason to want zakalwe out of his hair.
What are you even...
If I'm scum, then killing Zak to get him out of my hair is not a good tactic. Zak was the alternative lynch, and nowhere near so towny as to be impossible to scumcast on. Thus, killing him loses a defense for scum me (as well as others who pushed Zak, btw) - that he and matt were both scum - and strengthens the case against Zak votes, increasing their prominence today.
Thus, scum me wanting to kill him to further my own defense is simply inane.
(Which is not to say that scum me wouldn't do it - he was quite towny, and he's zakalwe so he's already a strong candidate absent roles. It's perfectly possible that my scum faction decided to take this chance despite the harm it would do to my defense, but it's certainly no motivation for scum wanti my to protect me.)
Quote: Saul caught a lot of heat Day 1 and chose not to push Mattimeo (who imo was scummy for the content of his posts in addition to lurking), but two townies in zak and myself. Suppose he could have just chosen poorly - I wasn't exactly obvtown- or didn't want to lynch Mattimeo for meta reasons, but it's still scummy to me on balance. Regardless I prefer the case on Qgqqqqq that novice and Brick have put forward today and last night. His actions look more suspicious in light of zak's town flip.
...oh whatever.
Still, when I flip today, look back on AdrienIers opportunism here. He's keeping his options open with a nice suspicion floating around on Saul, and his jumping on the night kill to scumfirm me just reeks. Actually makes me less suspicious of everyone else on Zak, though I don't doubt there's someone lurking amongst them (probably Fenn, but maybe I'm still angry about last game).
Erebus in the Balance - a FFH Modmod based around balancing and polishing FFH for streamlined competitive play.
February 20th, 2015, 18:05
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 I thought that was Adrien I was quoting.
Erebus in the Balance - a FFH Modmod based around balancing and polishing FFH for streamlined competitive play.
February 20th, 2015, 23:34
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Q I was agreeing with novice saying that zak doesn't seem to have an objection to policy lynches. Especially with those statements quoted above. I can maybe give you a bit of a pass for the past game with him where he found it not a good idea, but it still seems weird to me that you mentioned feeling his doing so this game weird when there were two specific instances of him agreeing with it.
February 20th, 2015, 23:44
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GG Zak.
Haven't had a chance to do any meaningful rereading with the new context but I had the exact same reaction to Fenn's post as Lewwyn. Which scares me but eh...
I've got some dirt on my shoulder, can you brush it off for me?
February 21st, 2015, 00:50
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So in re-reading I'm finding I missed a pretty big mistaken read in the attack on me. I focused on what I thought was a bad argument in calling my post formulaic. But I had tunnel vision and waking up to find a bandwagon on my had my blood boiling all day -- and I missed what the dtay/qgqqqqq criticism was really saying:
(February 18th, 2015, 18:07)zakalwe Wrote: The whole is scummier than the individual parts. But if I am to single out anything, it's the town reads. Anything more than a null read on Q is questionable, IMO. And his read on Dtay isn't actually relevant, since he wasn't a very hot lynch candidate. So no actual reason to throw that out if you're town. And obviously, the fact that he wasn't even talking about the right player suggests that he may have been a little too eager to share that read.
(February 20th, 2015, 03:47)zakalwe Wrote: (February 18th, 2015, 19:20)dtay Wrote: I just don't get why anyone thinks that blatant error of memory is more likely for a scum than a villager.
This may be worth clarifying; mixing up dtay with someone else is not suspicious in itself. But when combined with dtay being one of two town reads that he wanted to share, and the description of dtay's play being somewhat inaccurate (at least not "spot on", in my mind), it is suspicious. Because it increases the probability that said town read is just pulled out of the air.
Since I have a keyboard and all, let's elaborate with an example. Let's say I thought AdrienIer was really Azarius. For some strategic or tactical reason I then figure that I want to read AdrienIer as town. What I do is that I think back to how Azarius usually plays as town, and then throw out something nondescript like "yeah, this is the AdrienIer I know, he always likes to say 'that makes sense' and never gets agitated". Problem is, I'm actually describing how Azarius usually plays, because of my mixup.
This is why it would be relevant and potentially useful if Saul could figure out who he really thought dtay was.
This is a mistaken read of my post. I did not call them town, I said they were reading normal.
(February 18th, 2015, 13:08)Doctor Saul Wrote: Qgqqqqq and dtay are reading rather normal to me. Dtay especially so as he's been confrontational every time I've played with him in the past.
What I meant is that they were posting similar to how I remembered them posting -- mistaken as that may have been. Do not take that to mean I'm giving them a town credit, although I certainly do put a town lean on dtay right now, because of his posting and asking good questions.
February 21st, 2015, 01:23
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Fenn, why did you follow me on a vote for zak? You said Mattimeo was scummy nearly every time you posted in day 1 -- why jump off that ship and follow me of all people when you had been on me all day?
February 21st, 2015, 03:14
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Quote:but it still seems weird to me that you mentioned feeling his doing so this game weird when there were two specific instances of him agreeing with it.
That was my point - that this game he had been agreeing with it when I didn't think he'd done it in the past.
Saul, was it me you'd mistaken for Azarius?
Erebus in the Balance - a FFH Modmod based around balancing and polishing FFH for streamlined competitive play.
February 21st, 2015, 03:34
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Suddenly I get the impression I'm not all that good at being town...
(February 20th, 2015, 17:51)Lewwyn Wrote: (February 20th, 2015, 15:03)Fenn Wrote: He did have some amount of towncred from the D1 lynch situation, so I suppose he'd be as good a target as any. Good on you for giving detailed reads last night, zak.
Guess you weren't too surprised he was dead. Feels scummy Fenn. Probably shouldn't have gone with that prepackaged death response.
This is a little strange. Was zak's death truly a surprise? He was an active player, posting analysis and making reads, especially during the night. While it's debatable how much the end of Day 1 happenings helped his towncred it certainly didn't make him more suspicious. To me, surprising would have been me, Saul, Q and Lewwyn as NK targets - people who as townies were not anywhere near being cleared.
As for a 'prepackaged death response' well, I've only got a limited amount of sorrow for a player's fictional death.
(February 21st, 2015, 01:23)Doctor Saul Wrote: Fenn, why did you follow me on a vote for zak? You said Mattimeo was scummy nearly every time you posted in day 1 -- why jump off that ship and follow me of all people when you had been on me all day?
I got cold feet. I was never certain about Mattimeo being scum, and when we got close to deadline I felt that he really could be town and we were making a mistake. Then zak voted with for with no explanation and that + a general bad feeling I had had about his style that day was enough to make me jump off of the Matt train. Indeed I'd been after you most of the day, but I wasn't feeling strongly about your scumminess then (and I still don't), so I was willing to vote with you at least temporarily.
If deadline hadn't been so soon I might've gotten cold feet again and jumped back on Mattimeo. Decisiveness is not something I have in spades for better or worse.
@Q, on second thought you are probably right, it would not make much sense for scum-you to target zakalwe last night. Though that kind of thinking didn't stop you from claiming Cop last game!
Q's vehemence gives him town points for me, even if last game he fought against my shooting him to the end.
(ooc: Q, if I hurt your enjoyment of last game then I apologize; I only considered my Vengeful gambit my best shot at helping the town catch the last scum.)