Ruff seems checked out. Only 4 cities and no real growth in any category.
Rome is dropping in food. Is Mjmd whipping much? Otherwise he might be working commerce tiles or specialists to save his eco.
About horse production. Normally 2 pop becomes 60 hammers. If you drywhip it 3 pop becomes 60 hammers. That is an additional loss of 1 pop per city for a gain of 1 turn earlier 1st wave of horse archers. In all further waves we are down 1 pop which means less production and whip potential.
I do not think that is worth it. Those pops give a lot of food/hammers/commerce that is needed to generate more waves of units and later commerce and infrastructure. It is better to have a higher pop and generate an additional wave by maxing hammers. With overflow from barracks into axe into horse archer it should be doable to reach close to 19 hammers. The production during the whip turn and the 1 or 2 next should solve the rest.
If a city has very few hammers it can double whip twice instead.
First of all i was a bit shoked since Ruff double turned on Pb54 where we are on active war instead of here, for some reason he didnt want to play this turn before me. Maybe he wanted and then he did a mistake? maybe. Idk.
Then i joined and moved, i spent so long online because my grandma called me beacause today its the 3 magic kings or whatever is called elsewhere (Im not sure it exist out of Spain) and then it took me so long. I kind of forgot what pics i had done and i have several doubled xD.
So the micro plan is working for now, next turn we will have the axes done and will start with HA. I still think on 3whiping that turn, since noone told me why would it be less eficient, if you think thats a mistake please tell me. (edit, you wrote when i was writting hehehe)
I plan of moving away the worker of the island since it has already 4 good tiles to work on, and i will whip the lighthouse and granary, then i will start moai i think.
On the foreign news, Noble declared to Lazteuq yesterday and tooka city of him, stealing his copper, so i offered him one of ours. What i dont want is him totally won, so lets try to help him. I thought to sign OB to give him maybe some gold, but since there is noble in the middle it shouldnt work.
Amica did 2 cities more, he is with 10 now, so i am afraid he is not planing to atack soon. Eventhough city 3 and 4 of ruff are his, i think we coundt hold those from amica, so lets focus on taking the 2 Madrid cities (Hoping he didnt name those 4 as Madrid). Civac and Cairo are on a hot war, Civacs power keeps on Skyrocketing, we are 2 on power right now, i hope cairo dont falls, but i am afraid mjmd joins vs cairo and split him with Civac.
Demos and graphs, our power spike is not visual yet, but it willstart on next turn, and i think Ruffs knows and is going to defend hard, he is already moving his axe back, so we wotn have vision of our stack. I hope he go defensive with spears so when we show him our axes stack he will panic on axes, and then our HA do their job. Lets see if it works, we have still 5 turns to prepare everything. Also we didnt talk much about tech path, i guess there is no controvercy on going writting next, already 8 people knows it, so we will have a lot of help. I think the path would be straight currency and then straight machinery, but im not sure if we will have time for that. Maybe construction is safer than machinery for the beakers cost i mean.
(January 6th, 2021, 09:27)vanrober Wrote: Then i joined and moved, i spent so long online because my grandma called me beacause today its the 3 magic kings or whatever is called elsewhere (Im not sure it exist out of Spain) and then it took me so long. I kind of forgot what pics i had done and i have several doubled xD.
Germany celebrates it too and in Bavaria it is even a holiday. I think most catholic countries celebrate it as it is the official end of Christmas time.
(January 6th, 2021, 09:27)vanrober Wrote: Then i joined and moved, i spent so long online because my grandma called me beacause today its the 3 magic kings or whatever is called elsewhere (Im not sure it exist out of Spain) and then it took me so long. I kind of forgot what pics i had done and i have several doubled xD.
Germany celebrates it too and in Bavaria it is even a holiday. I think most catholic countries celebrate it as it is the official end of Christmas time.
Really good predictions of chumchu this turn, i had to even shut down the production of several cities so they didnt overstep the 19 hammers for the double whip. So i did some micro today i want to show you.
I ll put the detailed info on spoilers so i dont bother you in case you just one the big picture.
This is the big picture, as you can see some HA are being produce in the first wave, we could make some more but i think they would be better for the next wave. On the worker micro, i thought that maybe it would be worth to steal the forest 2NW of lemon (where cairo's scout) from mjmd, there is 3 workers close right now, one on the camp sign and 2 on the cot sign, i could move them on next turn to the forest and chop it on 1 turn, would it be worth? Also thought about making a settler on lemon 2 whip it and end the axe with the OF, so we could resettle madrid2, im not sure if thats worth though, we could also use it to settle on the other island wich is goign to be needed once we get currency since that would be tons of gold.
Lingonberry is working really good tiles right now but it has 0 infrastructure, im not sure if im doing right building slow some units there, i thougth to double whip a HA too there, but it would need 2 turns of preparation to get 18h for the double whip, im not sure thats worth or not.
Capitol, pomegranate and grapes got the 19hammers, blueberry just 17 but it will grow next turn again and when double whiped it will have 5 pop still, which is going to be nice.
Raspberry has little production, and i thought to whip another HA once he ended the barracs for a thirdwave i think. Im moving a worker to mine the tile that is on river. Im not sure if thats good since mjmd could steal it from us in case he build a library there (something possible since he has a cottage and 2 hamlets there).
Also i moved the axes and spears from Grapes so if ruff's axe moves back to the vision tile he doesnt see our stack. I think ill move the chariot to somewhere he see it so he doesnt risk his unit and see nothing.
First the capitol, we are working so much gold right now since it has 14 h OF, that allowed lingonberry to get beautifull tiles this turn, on next turn since we will whip Figs will need the caw.
Lingonberry and his tiles, what do you think about whiping a HA here? maybe better getting a granary done?
Pomegranate is good too, and will whip on next turn.
Grapes, it will have the mine done on next turn so it shouldnt be any more trouble with hammers in this city, im so grateful of making this city, its really good.
Blueberry, as i mentioned it has not enough hammers, next turn the worker will end the cottage and im thinking on stop working the fish and start workign the cottage, this city grows so fast and the happy cap is a thing.
Finally demos and graphs, on the graphs ruff can start seeing we are getting power spike, but on demos you can see how big it is actually the power spike we have 42K more than last turn! we came back to 1st possition on power. And i think that declaring war peace on mjmd on 1 turn once Ruff see this spike might be a good idea so he doesnt think we are going for him. Our gnp droped a bit but if we were on 100 we would still be the first of the game, actually we could but i dont think its worth to stay at 0 gold. So i feel we are in a strong possition and if we manage to kill ruff then i would have cried to much for nothing. I need to mature xD
Good work on the micro! I think chopping the lemon forest is a good plan. My suggestions: Double whip a horse archer in lemon and use the overflow to finish the axe instead of slowbuilding it. Then the forest chop should enable us to finish another HA after the axe in a timely fashion. The axe in lemon could either move to reinforce the ruff front after the initial attack or stay in the city as a garrison so that mjmd does not get any ideas.
About lingonberry. It does not need much infra anyway. If you want to whip it it needs a granary (that is not obvious), if you want better units a barracks is good (but not essential as it cost as much as a horse archer), if you want to pop borders and get better archers a dun is useful (and cheap). Otherwise it can merrily build worker/units at pop 4 or 5.
Ruff front:
Showing the chariot to scare away the axe is a good idea. Having the workers mine the hill north of grapes is an excellent idea as that gives them a perfectly innocent reason to be there and signals that we are building eco in that part of the empire-
Suggestion: we should not war-peace mjmd. If you want a diversion it has to be a war and preferably some units lost or he wont buy it. We do not want that as we can not guarantee that mjmd gets the right message and cooperates. If you want to deceive Ruff you could send a message like fish/fish or war with Amica/war with Amica. That is very sneaky but absolutely allowed. He might be mad though.
thanks chumchu for your thoughts, but i still want to know what do you think of workign the riversidehill of Raspberry? The tech path? im not sure if going straight for currency is the best call. What do you think about making more culture on raspberry so he gets harder to conquer our riversidehill? I thougth to put a monument there too.
If we get Ruff's capitol we will have the budism so maybe getting some religion tech are good too? Do we want a shrine there?
That is a good tile with a mine for sure. The city has the food to work it.
Tech path:
Writing into alphabet into currency is the strongest pure economic path if we to avoid crashing our eco. However we are doing ok on eco at the moment.
A better variation is to go math, currency and then calendar for happy and construction for war later.
Another good choice is to go through poly, priesthood to get discount on writing and then go for organised and monarchy. We need happiness and have wine as well. That puts us close to longbows which should be excellent defenders for us. Also on the path to knights.
(January 7th, 2021, 08:52)chumchu Wrote: That is a good tile with a mine for sure. The city has the food to work it.
Tech path:
Writing into alphabet into currency is the strongest pure economic path if we to avoid crashing our eco. However we are doing ok on eco at the moment.
A better variation is to go math, currency and then calendar for happy and construction for war later.
Another good choice is to go through poly, priesthood to get discount on writing and then go for organised and monarchy. We need happiness and have wine as well. That puts us close to longbows which should be excellent defenders for us. Also on the path to knights.
Mmm I never use Alpha and maybe its a mistake but building wealth instead of research seems to me to be just better. I usually go straight to currency asap on my SP games, and the more i read the forum i think its a bad decision, thats why i wanted to ask yout thoughts. I ve never tried the last path and im thinking it might be interesting to try, im afraid to leave to much writting and falling behind on tech. We have so many cottages and some libraries will be killers.
My plan was to go currency and then machinery for xbows. Buts its totally true that we need the happy, so calendar is a nice option, we have 2 calendar resources i think so it might be a nice idea, is it better to get calendar.
So as i see there is some good points on the second and third option.
-Third option, it requires some anarchy to get the happy and building production unless we make a early GA. It gets us closer to good and needed tech like feudalism and Guilds. But it delays libraries (maybe not much since we are now at war and we will make tons of units for some time)
-Second option is the most economy one, but it might leave us in a dangerous possition because of not getting close to any better military unit.
So im not sure how much we need the defense. I guess i ll need to think this out fast!
- Building research or wealth is equivivalent before we have any commerce multipliers. After multipliers you build the one with least multipliers so that you can use your multipliers fully.
-When we have libraries in key cities building wealth is better.
-However, if we were to get banks everywhere for some reason then building reaerch would be better.
About tech path. With the third path my suggestion was poly, priesthood, writing then mono and monarchy