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[SPOILERS] Team Orgynized: Parkin/Arki/Magno embark on a kinky adventure

Reply from EggHeads:

Team Orgynized,

It's good to hear back from you. We'd like to address a couple of points brought about by your latest message, roughly in order.

1. Thanks for correcting us on the north-south issue. We also haven't ruled out a pangea map, but we've seen no land routes to get to the other "area" anytime soon. We just settled a coastal city, so hopefully we'll get a workboat out there to see if there are any ways to contact the other civilizations by sea.

2. We've also noticed the score. In fact, the score averages for the top 5 teams is 136.6, whereas for the other five it's 106.8, and the difference will probably increase if we snowball ahead. For instance, we're just about to finish Writing next turn (turn 61).

3. We're glad to hear that you are also worried about Team Care Bears. Their economy must be terrible right now, but they have gold and the financial trait to help them climb back (more on them later).

4. We officially have a NAP up to turn 90. Thank you for offering to extend the NAP, but right now we will decline your offer to extend it.

5. As we mentioned earlier, we will be finishing Writing soon and are happy to open borders with you immediately. A road network will take a while to construct due to the land left between us, but I think we can easily get some coastal trades set up soon. We are also happy to negotiate a no-scouting agreement for the near future.

6. We agree not to settle more than five tiles west from our capital. This is actually a simple agreement for us, since our projected city 5 location is east, and will border Care Bears' city. We are also thinking about settling our sixth city east as well.

7. We agree to limit espionage spending once we see your demographics. Once we run out of targets, of course, we can always discuss raising points against each other, but we won't do so without first consulting you.

I wanted to bring up Care Bears one more time. In my eyes, there are a couple of ways we (or us only) can control them.

1. Team up with Asterix for early warfare -- this option is the riskiest in my opinion, since we'd risk our early economic standing for the price of getting perhaps 1-2 cities (at most) and an angry neighbor for the rest of the game. We are among the top nations in power, yet we still only have one chariot, which is ferrying around our road network for barbarian protection. Going to war against India would require several chariots at least, and India has had copper hooked up for a long time.

2. No trading with Care Bears -- this is another option, and one we're more amenable to. Care Bears have expanded very quickly, but supporting those cities is another matter, and we don't have any problems declining open borders if it makes it harder for them to recover. Care Bears have already discussed trade routes with us, so we'll have to be careful with how we negotiate with them.

3. No NAPs -- the third option, and one we're definitely going to do. We already have an agreement with Team MM/Asterix that neither of us will be extending NAPs with Care Bears. Right now, we have one signed to turn 75, and Asterix has one signed to turn 80.

4. Settling towards them -- we are planning on founding a fifth city in about five or six turns that will be headed east towards Care Bears and will border their sixth city. Fortunately, we're creative so we should win the initial culture battle. Furthermore, we just realized that our fifth city will get stone, and it might be in both of our interests to deny them that resource. Say, being Industrious, if you ever want to negotiate an agreement for that stone, feel free to do so, and we'll see what we can come up with. Out of curiosity, have you found (or connected?) any stone or marble yet?

Let me know how things go, and if you have any comments, suggestions, or questions.

DMOC of Team EggHeads
Lord Parkin
Past games: Pitboss 4 | Pitboss 7 | Pitboss 14Pitboss 18 | Pitboss 20 | Pitboss 21

Parkin: I think we should divide our intel!
Classified: Intel for our forum only
Diplomatic Secrets: Stuff wd may tell to other People for trade
Rubbish: Intel we may tell anyone without risking too much.

Right now I think you give our neighbours WAY more intel than they deserve.
I think we should slander more, being more doubious and not sending messages without asking...

I would right now consider one thing as classified: telling what we are building in our citirs/ wonders.
Current games: Pitboss 14 - Team Orgynized

What is the threat level from our neighbours?
Surprise! Turns out I'm a girl!

(October 13th, 2013, 18:32)Dp101 Wrote: What is the threat level from our neighbours?

Currently low, but I would rather be slightly paranoid than not taking precautions.
Current games: Pitboss 14 - Team Orgynized

(October 13th, 2013, 17:56)Arkipeller Wrote: Parkin: I think we should divide our intel!
Classified: Intel for our forum only
Diplomatic Secrets: Stuff wd may tell to other People for trade
Rubbish: Intel we may tell anyone without risking too much.

Right now I think you give our neighbours WAY more intel than they deserve.
I think we should slander more, being more doubious and not sending messages without asking...

I would right now consider one thing as classified: telling what we are building in our citirs/ wonders.

Sorry - I was trying to get all the diplo tied up in the weekend, and hadn't had many comments on other recent message drafts. Can wait for feedback in future (and I'm happy for someone else to take responsibility for the diplo to one or more teams if they want).

Which parts do you think went too far? I don't think I mentioned anything about what we're building in our cities. The map info we offered would have been figured out before too long anyway, and it doesn't really hurt us to offer it in advance. Of course if the other teams start taking us for granted then we'll stop with the friendly gestures. Asterix probably least deserved the map information after his ridiculously prolonged silence, but I figured he'd hear it from someone else if not us, so it may as well be us.

(October 13th, 2013, 18:32)Dp101 Wrote: What is the threat level from our neighbours?

They both have active NAP's with us, so we won't have to start worrying about them for a while yet.
Lord Parkin
Past games: Pitboss 4 | Pitboss 7 | Pitboss 14Pitboss 18 | Pitboss 20 | Pitboss 21

Reply from Eagles & Condors:

Orgynized and Friends!

Thanks for sharing your thoughts on the international situation. We also have yet to meet the Carebears - it will be interesting to see how Asterix and the Eggheads respond to such an aggressive opening.

It's difficult to speculate about the relationship between south and north. If the south were to weaken itself fighting an aggressive Rome, for example, the north would be in an excellent position to capitalize on that weakness. As you suggest, we'll have to see how the situation develops.

Thanks for the kind offer to share your religion - we are interested in helping you spread the faith. And again thanks for opening borders - we hope to send a workboat your way in the next 10T. Will you allow it to move through your territory?

Please let us know if there's anything we can do to help.

All the best,
The Oxysuttocratic Republic
Lord Parkin
Past games: Pitboss 4 | Pitboss 7 | Pitboss 14Pitboss 18 | Pitboss 20 | Pitboss 21

Reply from M&M:

Hello Lord Parkin,

Thank you very much about the very interesting info - I was completely sure we are in the South, lol. We have learnt something interesting about our world, too - we have just met Cannibal Ponies! Have not heard anything from them yet, but that means that there must be a land path between the hemispheres - or at least I assume so. Although ponies seem to play a somewhat different game - they have only two cities so far - and a bit puzzling leader preference, at least to me. Who knows, maybe they prioritized sailing and put their Scout on the boat? Hopefully we will know soon.

Wrt to Care Bears, as you guessed, we tried to negotiate a land division deal with them - but they refused any, saying that would "negate their IMP trait" frown. Is this regular? I thought that normally half-half deal - or any deal - is reached between the civs frown.

So yes, I am afraid we are heading for the war at some point. Eggheads are also worried, although so far Eggheads are expanding mostly tords us - saying it is "more convenient because of the lake" frown.

By soon, how soon do you mean in terms of turn number? Maga told me that in another game she attacked a troublesome neighbor before she settled all available land and that turned out to be a very costly mistake. Do you think with Care Bears we should make an exception and attack them when we still have land to settle? or do you think we would be all out of land soon, especially with IMP neighbor? Sorry for such flood of questions, but you are such an accomplished civ player, so I am trying to learn as much as possible.

BTW, very interesting info on the Stonehedge - I had no idea it tells you what hemisphere we are or what are map dimensions. And I agree that the score split is ridiculous - and it looks like it mimics real world, too, with more developed North and less developed South. Based on Maga's initial scoring, indeed Yossadorn was expected to be the strongest team in there. Yossarian is an experienced player and second in command in ISDG team CFC. They also have aggressive Rome, so we expect some war there soon. Especially that Cannibal Ponies seem to be an easy target and Classical Hero is reputed to be experienced player, but not that effective.

North vs South idea is definitely very interesting, it also occurred to us, as we draw similar conclusion form the current score. On the other hand, both ours and Eggheads scores are currently inflated by us being CRE civs. On the other thing, Yossadorn seem to be doing a great job playing Isabella - SPI should be much stronger as times goes by, unlike CRE. But so far we are doing good :D - except looming India threat. As I said, if you have more pointers or comments, we will be very grateful.

Best Wishes,

Asterix of Team M&M
Lord Parkin
Past games: Pitboss 4 | Pitboss 7 | Pitboss 14Pitboss 18 | Pitboss 20 | Pitboss 21

(October 14th, 2013, 13:57)Lord Parkin Wrote:
(October 13th, 2013, 17:56)Arkipeller Wrote: Parkin: I think we should divide our intel!
Classified: Intel for our forum only
Diplomatic Secrets: Stuff wd may tell to other People for trade
Rubbish: Intel we may tell anyone without risking too much.

Right now I think you give our neighbours WAY more intel than they deserve.
I think we should slander more, being more doubious and not sending messages without asking...

I would right now consider one thing as classified: telling what we are building in our citirs/ wonders.

Sorry - I was trying to get all the diplo tied up in the weekend, and hadn't had many comments on other recent message drafts. Can wait for feedback in future (and I'm happy for someone else to take responsibility for the diplo to one or more teams if they want).

Which parts do you think went too far? I don't think I mentioned anything about what we're building in our cities. The map info we offered would have been figured out before too long anyway, and it doesn't really hurt us to offer it in advance. Of course if the other teams start taking us for granted then we'll stop with the friendly gestures. Asterix probably least deserved the map information after his ridiculously prolonged silence, but I figured he'd hear it from someone else if not us, so it may as well be us.

(October 13th, 2013, 18:32)Dp101 Wrote: What is the threat level from our neighbours?

They both have active NAP's with us, so we won't have to start worrying about them for a while yet.

By choosing of words it seems that some of our known neighbours seem to expect that we "give" them wonders by telling which they want. Unless there is a wonder we really not concidering I think wonders should be a not negotionable topic unless we really want a deal. Btw: is the Apostolic palace on?

Also: we could have kept the fact about continents for usselves. It is just fun when other waste their turns discovering new icy and frozen tundras.

We should talk one day and maybe split the diplo. Maybe even Magno wants some diplo... if he is still here *waves after Magno*
Current games: Pitboss 14 - Team Orgynized

BTW: I am in Berlin for a few days, starting tomorrow. I am going to follow on the chat here and reply, but will be unable to play.

+ Do we have any screenshots from later turns? Our last screenshot was at turn 60 here, but we are past turn 61.
Current games: Pitboss 14 - Team Orgynized

Who do we think is winning at this point in time? The REXs?
Surprise! Turns out I'm a girl!

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