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Our reply to WPC should include losses on our side. For sympathy (if any) and also for giving an impression that they are not the only one doing the sacrificing... I would somewhat exaggerate numbers of units lost/killed......
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Hey guys, kind of busy right now and unable to draft anything (later tonight), but we just got this from CivFr:
CivFr Wrote:Hi,
The war goes on, CFC is going to have hard times.
What about your war? It seems that you are going to quickly eradicate the Incas. What are your plan toward Aztec and Ottomans afterwards?
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CivFr diplo in a nutshell:
CivFr Wrote:Bye,
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I like this part though  :
CivFr Wrote:The war goes on, CFC is going to have hard times.
Think we should say something like:
Quote:No plans for offensive war with Aztec or Ottomans. We will consolidate and prepare and for potential invasions when our NAP with CFC ends. Perhaps we could team up against CFC when that happens?[quote]
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But do we want a war with CFC on turn 175? Not sure if we should commit to such a thing right now, or even mention the possibility if we are not yet sure we want to commit to it.
Personally, if CFC keeps busy with Civfr, I think it'd be best to attack Civplayers, WPC or Apolyton, if we want to acquire more land.
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@7: Hilarious! And... you also right
I would entertain the idea of a limited war with CFC if we can hurt them a bit, e.g., take their border city with us.
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(July 2nd, 2013, 16:00)Ichabod Wrote: But do we want a war with CFC on turn 175? Not sure if we should commit to such a thing right now, or even mention the possibility if we are not yet sure we want to commit to it.
Personally, if CFC keeps busy with Civfr, I think it'd be best to attack Civplayers, WPC or Apolyton, if we want to acquire more land.
I don't want to invade WPC, that's dishonorable. Civplayers - maybe. A CFC war would get us the "We appreciate our mutual struggle" diplo points with CivFr, and despite their untalkative nature, I think that's our best shot of an ally this game. I don't mind mentioning it as a possibility even if we're not ready to commit. CFC has been trying to arrange a dogpile against us the whole game - I don't know why we shouldn't even the odds a little.
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I actually like CivFr's diplo style. No wasted words. They say what they mean, even when they don't respond (flat rejection).
Ok, so the message itself...I think at a glance that we don't want to bind ourselves to anything, and obviously we don't want to give away any intentions regarding any civs outside our potential mutual target, CFC. I don't think that attacking CivPlayers (Aztecs) makes any sense for us at present. They would make an invasion very painful for us with a good number of citizens to whip, Sacrificial Alters, and longbows (they do have those, right?). I don't want to attack WPC (for now) because they're serving as a buffer, and murdering them (that's what it would be) would hurt us diplomatically and would remove our only true ally. Apolyton is probably the most realistic target, but we're going to be "hands full" with our economy for a while yet, to say nothing of having to prepare for CFC, should they still look to threaten us at T175. But, if Apolyton continues to ignore military, we can slap them around a bit.
I think our best course is to take a wait and see approach with CivFr, consolidate our gains from the German war, soothe over our inept ally, and then look to take a bite out of Apolyton if CFC and CivFr fight it out seriously. Or, we pile in on CFC if things look promising there.
We're #1, and if #2 and #3 are fighting it out, we can only gain relative to the field as long as we don't do anything stupid. It isn't like agreeing immediately to be best friends with CivFr is going to give us much long term benefit beyond the current conflict. They are a strongly win-oriented team and only treat with us when strong self-interest induces them to, as now. As soon as they have finished with CFC (if they should be able to do so), they're going to look on us with unfriendly eyes, because we will be standing between them and a victory condition. We'll do just as well with them helping on the attack when the timing suits us, I think.
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I would definitely want to see serious increase in CivFr and CFC WW numbers before judging if this is a real war or still a conspiracy to have us engaged in a losing situation.
Sending a spy to the CivFr-CFC front line (am I right that a spy can't be caught if you have open borders ?) will also greatly improve our ability to see through both CivFr and CFC diplo.
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Nope, it's just spies can't be caught in neutral territory. I lose spies all the fucking time to non-open borders
And I figured they'd be highly interested in eating 'poly, considering the weird-ass shape of their borders. But if CivFR are interested in partitioning Civplayers, then I'm interested.