Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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[Spoiler] RB Pitboss #2 - Shaka of Rome

Yeah, where's your battle worker to immediately road up the square your forces are on to connect the two cities...? :-)

spacemanmf Wrote:Yeah, where's your battle worker to immediately road up the square your forces are on to connect the two cities...? :-)

2 workers would be better.

Ennemy charriot will be a pain since he can harass your worker(s) // cities, but I guess that you have at least 1 spear in each border cities.

City maintenance I'm pretty sure does not count against you until the city it out of revolt. If you wanted to save on city maintenance, you could have lost some of those battles (to reduce unit maintenance) lol

Cities in revolt do cost nothing in maintenance, BUT they do increase the maintenance cost for all other cities (best proof is with vassal on, once you start capturing on other landmass, your colonial costs are going to the roof with each new capture even when most of them are still in revolt)

spacemanmf Wrote:Yeah, where's your battle worker to immediately road up the square your forces are on to connect the two cities...? :-)

My two "combat engineers" are currently on the back lines because I didn't know how dangerous the front lines would be. Granted, it would have saved me a turn to have them ready now, but it's not a big deal.

Right now, I believe that is the only Chariot that Korea has. I'll try to keep an eye on it to make sure that it can't bother any Workers that I bring up. I may keep a Spearman or Praetorian around to cover my Workers.

I'm also gonna do some math and plan things out for my cities. Especially Imperial Center. If I shuffle some tiles around, I can 2-pop whip a Praetorian for max overflow in a couple of turns, and have 3 new Praetorians in 5 turns (counting the one in production now).

Imperial Center: This should work out about perfectly. Geared it to finish Praetorian in 2 turns (T86) with 0 overflow. Then put 14 hammers into next, and whip for 2-pop (T87). It should be a turn away from growth at this point, so it will return to size 6. Third Preat finishes T89. I have 4 Praetorians in the Capital.

Carida: Granary finish T86 with 28 overflow (adjusted). Praetorian finishes T88. Can link up with those in Imperial Center for an attack?

Byss: No great plans here. Going to finish the Monument next turn and start working on some Galleys. Grow into cottages, so it's a low-hammer place. Don't want to whip it.

Kuat: Finish Axeman for self-defense, then start on Galleys. Should get 3 done by T98 . . . . Will have to consult Coalition about this, because it means that I could not attack Sullla/Speaker prior to T110.

Worker plans:

Copper Pair: Road copper; move to front lines; connect "P'yongyang"; cottage grassland (2T); mine Iron (2T).

Carida Chop: Finish chop; move to unimproved Kuat hill; mine (4T); road (2T)

IC Worker: Pair up at Byss; Cottage hill (2T); road hill (1T); move to I.C.; road to Wonsan (with cover)?

Something like that. Good to have a plan, anyway.

Brought in the troops to heal. It will take 2 turns, on top of this one, so they should be healed by T88. At that point, I will split them into 2 groups: 3 Preatorians go to Seoul to start pillaging; 3 Preats and the Axeman head toward Wonsan. A Preatorian from Carida will reinforce Nar Shaddaa (former P'yongyang), and troops from Imperial Center will link up with the Wonsan strike force. It looks like they're going to whip Axemen out of Wonsan. One this turn, one next turn due to overflow. It can probably be whipped fairly rapidly, until it accrues too much unhappiness. I expect maybe . . . 4 more Axemen out of it in the next 8 turns.

Speaking of Axemen, here's two:

[Image: T85Axemenreinforce.jpg]

I have two healthy Preatorians in Nar Shaddaa, and I gave one Shock just to make sure that those Axemen wouldn't cause any trouble. Unfortunately, crossing a river onto a mountain is just too tough, even for Preatorians. Will they retreat, entrench, or destroy the mine? I doubt that they will attack. Not sure where the Chariot went, either.

Also, took a pick of Jowy's territory, that I've seen. I'm going to backtrack through Killer Angel territory to try and get the coastline updated. Same with the east coast.

[Image: T85GreekLands.jpg]

Not sure why Corinth is 1 off from the sea. Was it to get the Horses in the 1st ring? Also, Sparta is really close to Athens! And I thought that I was building a compact empire! At least he has rivers.

Also, mail from me.

Quote:Dear Friends and Allies,

I just wish to update you all on my position. As you may have guessed from recent changes in the score, my attack on Korea is going well. I probably won't get bogged down in a stalemate on that front. The biggest problem is going to be building enough Galleys to transport my troops. The way things are going, I probably won't be able to launch until Turn 100. I would not land at Fredericksburg until Turn 112. However, that is still faster than trying to march my troops overland. The good news is that I will certainly have 3 Galleys by then, maybe even 4. That means 6-8 Preatorians to join the battle.

Now, it would be possible for me to sail earlier, but probably with just half that force. If I left earlier, I might make it by Turn 106 with 4 Preatorians. Personally, I think the landing would be more effective with a larger force than with a couple of smaller waves, but I will prepare for whichever strategy the Coalition wants. Based on Nakor and DMOC's strategy, it seems like there's a good chance that fringe areas like Fredericksburg will be underdefended, which should fall easily to me, and then my troops could link up where needed.

A third option, of course, is to push back the whole operation, but I know there's a big risk in that as Sullla and Speaker will continue to gain a tech lead. Speaking of that: Jowy, do you know what they are working on now that Monotheism is complete?

To victory,

Whosit, Galactic Emperor

Is there any way to block them from leaving or encourage them to attack? It will be two less axmen that can be entrenched in a city.

Whosit Wrote:Speaking of Axemen, here's two:

MWIN Wrote:Is there any way to block them from leaving or encourage them to attack? It will be two less axmen that can be entrenched in a city.

Mmm, theoretically. If I left only one soldier in Nar Shadda, plako might try to retake it, but that's pretty risky from my standpoint. Plus, I don't have to pay support for my soldiers while they're in the city, and they will heal faster, too. Lacking fast units like Chariots or Horse Archers, there's not much that I can do to keep them from escaping. I don't really want to put my injured troops by pulling my healthier troops out, either.

So, basically, no, not really. I'll probably have to face them later. There's 2 there, 2 in Wonsan, and probably 2 in Seoul. I've been having trouble tracking Seoul's builds lately, very confusing.

Neither Wonsan nor Seoul will be as easy to take as P'yongyang, but I should still be able to do it . . . .

And just another thought.

While I am dedicated to knocking team Sullla/Speaker down a notch, it's really coming at a bad time for me. If I didn't have to divert my production and troops, I'm pretty sure that I could overwhelm plako with sheer numbers. Of quality troops, no less.

He's down to Seoul and Wonsan for troop production. I could be wrong, but I imagine that Pusan, wherever it is, is not a major factor. On the other hand, they do have at least one Galley to shuttle units around.

I would have Imperial Center, Carida, Kuat (as it matures), and even Nar Shaddaa to produce units. Carida alone will be able to produce 2 Praetorians every 5 turns. Kuat would be able to do something similar, and even Imperial Center's production is nothing to sneeze at. Nar Shaddaa might resort to Axemen or something, but those aren't useless. So, even if they whip their cities into oblivion, I'd be able to roll over them like an avalanche.

However, I'll have to devote a significant number or resources to the other fight. I definitely have to take another city. Preferably Seoul, but I'm not sure I could handle it unless I can go all out, so Wonsan will probably have to go first.

If I were able to take Seoul, though, I'd feel more comfortable signing peace since Wonsan would be trapped.

Anyway, just gotta see what the next turn brings.

You really need to have some chariot (that is have the horse connected whenever possible) to be able to deal with random axes like those.

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