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Werewolf 7 game thread

After rereading day 1 during the night, I have to say that I'm disappointed with Uberfish. Near the end of day 1 I agreed with a post by Injera which said that he could only see two options: either Uberfish was a villager or Uberfish was a werewolf that the other wolves already decided to sacrifice. It ended up that he was a villager. But his lack of defense was so strong that I could only understand as a sacrificial wolf behaviour, that didn't want to give anymore info to the village. I can't understand why he didn't even try to defend at all, which could make us at least have more information about the uberfish voters (there were a lot of them that i felt that didn't explain their votes well).

What happened with this, in my mind, is that day 1 is a very confusing day, way more than the usual from WW games. The day seemed to go on a circular pattern, without ever going forward (until, quoting Injera again, the dam broke up and Uber was lynched), and it's really hard to read, let alone take something from it.

I'm finding it very difficult to have good reads on people. I start suspecting someone and a later post makes me think they are innocent, and the other way around is true too.

So, I use this as an introduction to my comment on Gaspar vote to lynch me. When I read it, I thought Gaspar was trying to go against the constant posts that X, Y player is definetely innocent. I would agree with this. Of course, it's impossible to play the game without making your own list of likely innocents and likely wolves, even if it happens unconsciously. But I have a bad memory about WW3 that I lost as a villager when 1 of the 3 wolves that were still alive at the end of the game (GES), was in my "confirmed innocent" list for a long time. I would never have voted to lynch him, even though he wasn't a really confirmed innocent. So, what i'm trying to say is that only one mistake in this regard can cost you the game.

Like I said, I'm not against this lists of confirmed innocents and likely wolves. But it started to worry me when I saw Erebus putting my name in the cathegory of "highly likely villagers". I never played WW with Erebus (maybe he read one of the games that I played), but I question why is he so sure about my innocence? He doesn't know my game pattern. So, I thought that this lists that keep showing can be influencing other players, which I think is bad. Especially since some lists, like Serdoa's, for example, aren't anything near settled in stone. He keeps changing them (which is likely to be expected and is right), but the effects may still keep going.

The problem is that once you put a certain type of glasses in the comments of a player, it's hard to go back and it's hard to read them with their real value. Like I said earlier about GES, which I thought was a villager, and I can say about Sareln in WW5 and in this game too, I was reading all his comments through a "his a werewolf" view.

But, in the end, Gaspar voted on me because I haven't been posting enough. Well, I don't know what to say other then trying to show the way I play: I take a long time to read the posts, a lot of them being pretty long, and I don't think posting just for posting helps. I'm having difficulties to find good clues and leads on wolves, so I won't post things in which even I don't believe. Instead, I try to ask questions. And this is where I will complain a bit: I asked a question to Gaspar, Roland, Zakalwe and Meiz before Gaspar told me that I was too quiet. But Gaspar and Roland didn't answer my questions (maybe Roland did, but he didn't point it especifically and I have trouble with his posts, due to them being long and with a difficult writing style). So I feel a bit bad that you say that I'm not speaking when people don't answer my questions...

But back to the game. I think Injera made a good post about day 1:

Injera Wrote:Briefly (more tomorrow, I promise) here's how I see Day 1: Votes were spread across the board, with TT having a few extras. There wasn't at least two viable villagers as candidates, so the wolves had no place to spread their votes out and push on anyone until the dam broke and uberfish became a viable candidate. No one did more to make that happen than zak and Cat. zak had been building a case against uberfish for the entire Day, painting him as a bad and unhelpful villager, and worthy of lynching even if he was innocent. Eventually, as the day headed towards a close and there still weren't multiple consensus candidates, he openly accused uberfish of being a wolf. At this point the vote dam broke and uber was lynched in a landslide.

I'd only add that there was also the little scooter bandwagon during day 1, which will be important for my later arguments.

Before that, I want to adress two specific players:

Sareln was my main suspect on day 1. I'll rest the case a bit for now, though. I tried to hear the other players opinion about him to see if I was not seeing things. In the end, there's something about Sareln's post that make me suspect him. I really liked Zak post about Sareln, when he answered my question about him. Guess I just can't understand Sareln very well. So, I'll hold on into it for sometime, while saying again for people to look at my previous comments.

Injera has had some suspicion against based on lack of content. I find this totally unfair and it further leads me to beleive that some people aren't really reading all the thread (the same thing about my unanswered questions). I find myself constantly agreeing with Injera (not much on his suspects, but with his thoughts about the game). I already quoted his day 1 analysis and his thoughts on Uberfish. I also liked his own post about disliking the "liekly innocent" posts. Maybe he has a similar way of thinking then me, so that's why I like what he posts. But things like "he's a newbie villager" or "he's being commanded by wolves" doesn't make any sense to me.

But about the game in general now. I think there's a lot of contradictions happening in this game. Nobody cared to comment on my post that showed that Erebus and Uberfish made a similar differentiation between Zak's and TT's post (which was one of the arguments against Uberfish), which already was a contradiction. In fact, I can tell that is probable that nobody gave it much thought because the post was, in fact, wrong, albeit not obviously. The post from TT that gave the base for Erebus thoughts was done after Uberfish already posted his "suspicious results", so they weren't really making the same difference between Zak and TT.

But it goes further. People already called Zak on calling TT for something that he also did regarding Uberfish gambit. But when people voted on the scooter bandwagon, they were propelled by a Zak post that said that only scooter reacted to the post as a "obvious joke". But that's not true. Injera also stated that it was an obvious joke (he used those words), Meiz also thought it to be a joke and, if I remember correctly, Erebus too. So, why pick scooter? And zak vote was followed by Rowain and Serdoa, without further arguments, which makes me believe they were basing it on the same thing.

But my worst suspicion is with meiz behaviour. I already asked him about it and he said he was joking in his posts. The question I made to Zak was fairly similar, also asking him about a "contradiction" of some sorts. I asked Meiz about why he suspected scooter, then stopped, then came back with a vote. I asked Zakalwe the same about Sareln. And I find that Zak answer seems to be more like a villager. I think he passed the idea that it's his right as a villager to forgo a suspicion and attack again later. Meiz said that one of his comments, post 176, was a joke. Here's the post

Meiz Wrote:It's incredible hard to resist a bandwagon smile Only reason holding me back is that I'd like to keep TT on the block, right next to scooter wink

What I understand from this post is that Meiz wants both scooter and TT to keep on the block. So, I think he suspected both of them. Maybe I'm wrong in my interpretation, which would make my suspicion doesn't have that strong of a base.

But, let's go on with the case. I think Meiz suspected scooter, based on the previous post and on these other posts:

Meiz Wrote:Cross posted with scooter. IMO Zakalwe has explained his reasons and reactions well, so your accusation surprises me quite a bit. Getting desperate, or do I just have some strange bias on getting so big villager reads from Zak? smile I think of the first, since Zakalwe acted clearly different on WW3, where he was a wolf. As many said before, his act would be very hard to fake as a wolf.

Meiz Wrote:Part of me wants to understand alright

But bigger part thinks you are backing down because of the strong reactions on favor of Zak...

I don't think a villager should be that frustrated of not having wolf clues on day 1. It's more than expected.

I think is best if everyone read the sequence of posts, because the context is very important. I think Meiz started suspecting scooter when the bandwagon formed. He received 3 votes quickly, including one from Serdoa and zakalwe. The first post quoted is Meiz reaction to scooter voting in Zakalwe. The second is Meiz reaction after scooter switched to a no vote, after giving his reasons. In both posts, Meiz seemed to be taunting scooter, in my eyes. But the bandwagon faded after scooter no vote, because the scooter voters were content with his explanations. Meiz second posted quote leads me to believe that he wasn't.

(This is probably pretty confusing, like i said, it's better to read those posts in the thread).

But after that, the Uberfish bandwagon started, lead by zak and catwalk. After it started, Meiz posted this:

Meiz Wrote:I'm still on re-read #1 on page 15, but wanted to chime in already. First of all, what's with all these "I believe he probably is a villager, but I'll still vote him" - comments? lol

Based on what I've seen so far, I'm already getting quite confident on the innocence of: Zakalwe, Serdoa, Ichabod. Every post so far is in line with the way they have played as villagers so far. I'm trusting them quite a bit already, which hopefully won't come back to bite me smile

My "could very well be a villager" list states: Catwalk, Rowain, Mr. Nice Guy, Roland. Again they seem to be in line of the way I've seen them play and I can't really find much sinister thoughts. I know the Catwalk part will raise many eye browns, but that's just the honest way I feel about his game so far.

I still like TT up there and I don't see Zak's theory regarding uberfish impossible at all. Third candidate that has really raised my suspicions is... surprise surprise, Lewwyn.

He has quite a lot of posts but the general feel I'm getting is that he is replacing contributions with humor. And everyone expects that on day 1 so he gets away with it easily. I also find it really strange that the biggest band-wagoner ever lived suspects Sareln because of bandwagoning, on day 1. Serdoa, it surprised me that you had listed Lewwyn as "pretty sure innocent" (and he was the only one up there). I get a big villager vibe from you, so could you explain in more detail what makes you think so? Just because he acts the way we expect him to act?

After the Uber bandwagon, Meiz focus completely switched from scooter. Coincidentally, the same people led the bandwagons against scooter and Uber, which made Meiz comment on both occasions. It seems strange to me, because he seemed to be the only one insatisfied with scooter response, but few posts later he forgot about scooter, changing his target to the same target that the leaders of the scooter bandwagon looked to. This is a big inconsistency, in my eyes.

Now, on day 2, Meiz made a case against scooter, with some good arguments. But he left TT out.

Maybe i'm misunderstanding some of Meiz's posts, but it seemed to be pretty suspicious behaviour. I would be voting Meiz, if wasn't for the fact that his other posts, besides this, seems to be good posts. His big one today was a pretty good post, for example. So, it's best if I can hear other's opinion about this.

Another thing i'm finding pretty strange is some of Catwalk posts. They are not particularly wolfish, but let me show an example, with the bolded parts more important:

Catwalk Wrote:Switching my mayor vote to zakalwe, as Meiz seems to be convinced uberfish is merely a joking villager. He's a wolf in fool's clothing! yikes

Catwalk Wrote:I don't feel confident about either of the mayor candidates. I'd still like to support either Meiz or zakalwe, who both read fairly innocent to me. If both of you agree, we have 3 votes and there's no clear winner at present. As stated before, the mayor race is pretty important this time around with no seer and a wolf with voting powers.

I found this directing of comments to be strange. Maybe it's a different playing style, which I can respect, but why always the same people? Why make a separate group from the rest of the players? It has a weird tone about it. I can understand that people get well with each other outside of the game, but taking this to the game is not good. It's another thing that can lead to a wolf being made into a "confirmed innocent".

Sorry about the confusing post. If anything isn't clear, please ask me, so that I can explain it trying to be more clear. I will try to give some input on other people theories now.

I forgot to post about Jkaen:

There's a post in some of the game threads in the forum that Jkaen said where he was going to go in his travel and it was a really nice beach, where he'd stay for a week. Just saying that his silence is, unfortunately, to be expected. So, if you vote for Jkaen due to inactivity, have that in mind. He probably won't answer, being a villager or a wolf.

Roland Wrote:Maybe it will tell me if Catwalk really is a 'Wolf. At the very least it's a better option than zakalwe and Jkaen.

Yes, I at this point a vote on zakalwe seems a bit pointless. I regret now not switching to TT on Day 1, who I thought was more likely a wolf than uberfish, but the votes weren't there. It didn't even occur to me at the time it could have moved some other votes; I don't plan on wasting a vote again today.


Ichabod - thank you for the kind words. I admit, I was pretty frustrated this morning when I woke up to find myself characterized as being a no-content poster without any original ideas. I did get the sense that people were either not reading everything or just talking over each other yesterday, but I think it's improved today.

MNG - If you have a concern you'd like me to address, please go ahead and ask and I'll try to address it as best as I can. The only one you've mentioned so far, though, was that I had the temerity to vote for someone with a God-given Villager ID Card. lol

One final thing: I see a lot of votes going Erebus's way. While I'm quite suspicious of his post binge there, I think it would be really bad if we let Day 2 turn into a landslide like Day 1, only to find ourselves with a panicky villager with rope burns.

Alright, I'm out for night and I'm not sure how much I'll be around tomorrow due to football viewing, but I'll definitely be back a couple of hours before the vote. Y'all take it easy.

Ichabod Wrote:I wanted to write a post with my thoughts on day 1 now, but I spent too much time reading the new comments and I don't have enough time to do it anymore. But I have some questions to make to some of the players and it's better to do it soon. I'll do the post later.

I'm sorry if the questions are hard to understand. Like I said, the idea was to have a post explaining them further, but hopefully it won't be a problem:

@Zakalwe: You suspected Sareln on some of your posts on day 1. Later you voted for Uberfish and gave your reasons, while I voted for Sareln and gave my reasons. Now you suspect Sareln again. Why didn't you comment anything about my Sareln vote? I got the feeling that you weren't so sure on Uberfish being guilty (maybe I'm mistaken), so I wonder why you didn't say anything more about Sareln after I voted.

It seemed to me that the Sareln discussion disappeared after Uberfish got enough votes. So I ask the same thing to Roland and Gaspar, because they also suspected Sareln.

@Meiz: There was a moment on day 1 that a scooter bandwagon happened, with 3 quick votes. On post 198 (coupled with post 176) you seemed to really suspect Scooter (even though you didn't vote for him, post 176 shows that you wanted to), even dismissing the post that he made that, in my eyes, made the bandwagon disperse.

After that, you present your suspects on post 218, saying that you suspect TT, Uberfish and Lewwyn, leaving scooter out. I don't see any comments by scooter between this posts that would make someone change his mind.

Now, you are back at scooter. What made you change your mind to not suspect and then suspect scooter again?

I missed your question to me here, which I've quoted after the handy forum search button, I think because I forgot you were asking me. wink

I was not satisfied with Sareln's responses to pressure and stated so in the thread. I'm still not, but by the time you slapped a vote on him I was trying to gather other information. (I was at work and am working from memory here, so correct me if I'm wrong.) Once the day felt sort of lost I threw out a few other candidates in the hopes of seeing if any would gain traction. Why? Well I wanted to see if we could get anyone to pull off uberfish and/or react extremely defensively with the hopes of identifying a potential wolf swing. That it didn't led me to believe that uberfish was probably innocent but since I felt that there was no stopping the onslaught I didn't feel a need to write it in the thread, especially since in the aftermath I thought it might just look like a wolf trying to appear "right" especially considering my recent history. While I'm not precisely trying to stay alive here, I wasn't interested in sacrificing myself for uberfish, who clearly was quite ready to be out of the game.

As far as Sareln specifically, I just don't know. I wouldn't go to bat for him because his play has been erratic but I remember WW5 and using that to my advantage to "tie" myself to him and get him lynched. (This I am good at. Sorry, Kuro.) I guess that still sticks out in my mind and as has been stated by others, he's just such an easy target. Not that it makes him unlikely to be a wolf - that is in fact perfect cover - but more that with time left still I'd rather hunt for some surer things.

And as for my vote on you, Ichabod, it was for two reasons. 1. Because I dislike that we're so quick to anoint people villagers, particularly just because we like what they write. You seemed to be to be an excellent example of someone in that category, so partly it was to give pause to exactly the phenomenon you just discussed. 2. You haven't been put under any pressure by anyone at all yet. Everyone should be forced to defend at least once, because often those defenses tell us more about someone's alignment than any other situation. Its when we become most emotional. Unfortunately, I don't have the sway in the village I once did, probably because everyone is wary because I was a wolf the last two games, so I was unable to get anyone to consider your innocence enough to force you to defend. I'm not saying I think you're guilty - I don't, really. But I'm not married to your innocence either. You last post was quite insightful and I found myself agreeing with a lot of it, though, so as long as you come up with those fairly regularly I won't be too fussed that every seems to think you're innocent with little proof.
I've got some dirt on my shoulder, can you brush it off for me?

Roland Wrote:<wall of text snipped>

Would you care to elaborate on that, i.e. with some more specific examples? If you're noticing it, and you feel it's smart 'Wolf play, don't you think that's a good lead on catching a 'Wolf? Share with us what you see. That would generate a great deal of discussion - something you keep fuming over the lack of but rarely throw anything out to further, IMO.

<more wall of text snipped>

Seriously, Roland - I think there's more content in my to the point posts than your borderline annoying self-doubt filled "maybe they could be guilty if things just fell this certain way but oh jeez I'd feel bad if I lynched the wrong guy oh it's so hard to be Roland" emo-fests, but you wouldn't know, because apparently you don't read them. I've commented probably a half-dozen times on what I'm talking about. The Ichabod vote from today is classic - I throw out an accusation, albeit with only a sharp question - nobody responds, except I think maybe Meiz who said something akin to "Nah, Ichabod's innocent." I'm not saying I want everyone to come running and pat me on the back and tell me I'm right - I'm saying a villager poses a question about a player - let's discuss the player. Serdoa and zakalwe have run into the same issue during Euro time. Pose question about player - no answer. I try to make sure I respond to the accusations about me when they're based in something, I also try to respond to accusations about others when I feel I have an opinion and/or nobody else is giving them weight. Let me bold it so everyone understands what I'm trying to say:

Conversations about players, whether or not you currently believe them to be innocent, guilty or otherwise helps avoid damaging groupthink and leads to finding wolves.

Conversely, sucking each other's Popsicles about brilliantly villager-ish someone is without backing it up without any content accomplishes very little.

And finally, and all bold this one too:

Completely ignoring questions and accusations posed in the thread about each other serves no purpose other than to generate groupthink and leads us down the primrose path to losing.

Today is much more illuminating than day 1, but its still been frustratingly quiet for huge portions. I think we have a pair of interesting suspects at the moment in Catwalk and Erebus, and I think some other interesting theories have been mooted as well. Its important to note that its entirely possible to walk and chew gum in this game - my current vote is on Erebus because I think his moment of slipping up seemed very wolfish and his responses have been a lot more about saving himself than finding a reasonable alternative. Even still, I can talk about and consider other candidates because I believe it good idea and there are 4 wolves out there, so more than one of us can be right as well.

Roland, I know you're going to lose it on me in a minute and that's fine, I can take it, but I think you have some really good insights that you often lose in self-doubt and some attempt to be everything to everyone. I'm not 100% sold on your innocence, mind you, because I still believe my tell from day one, but I'll give you that you've sounded genuinely attempting to be helpful in most of your posts since then. But I'll take umbrage at any idea that simply because you're willing to write a novel every time you post you're being more helpful than me - you aren't.
I've got some dirt on my shoulder, can you brush it off for me?

Injera Wrote:MNG - If you have a concern you'd like me to address, please go ahead and ask and I'll try to address it as best as I can. The only one you've mentioned so far, though, was that I had the temerity to vote for someone with a God-given Villager ID Card.

Okay, I'll do my best. I read all of your posts and made some points from what you've had to say. It comes down to this, and it's the same thing I said before:

MNG Wrote:So... is Injera innocent connecting two dots that are unconnected? Or is he a wolf trying to force two things together?

The trend of wolf-like behavior has gone all through the game. Here are some examples of Injera connecting dots, hedging bets, and not being specific with his claims...

Just so it doesn't get lost in what must be my largest post of the game, my vote goes to Injera

Injera Wrote:It makes me suspicious of the people who engaged in the discussion on it (uber), particularly zakalwe.

Later, you clarified:

Injera Wrote:I'm more interested in looking at the people who jumped on it opportunistically

Then, after moving to no vote (which is really a neutral move, no guilt or innocence to be read from that):

Injera Wrote:Now, there are reasons to discount all of these, and I still believe zakalwe is probably a villager- individually, I don't think anyone is likely a wolf right now with what I've seen. But I can't ignore my suspicions, so I'm going to move my vote back to zakalwe.
In other words: "when zak turns up a villager don't blame me for wanting him dead, but I want him dead". That's a pretty classic wolf line right there. Meiz (and others, maybe?) brought up similar concerns, and your response was:

Injera Wrote:Well, it's true for a lot of people! With the about a quarter wolves, unless you start to think someone is twice as likely as the others to be a wolf, they're still probably a villager. At the end of the day, though, you gotta vote for someone.

This makes some level of sense. Do you ever start thinking someone is less likely a villager? Or more likely a wolf? I'll keep reading. Your next post:

Injera Wrote:At this point I don't see a reason to move my vote around as it appears it won't matter, though we still have some time left. For the record, my suspects right now are Zak/Catwalk (both of these drop off with a guilty 'fish), Lewwyn (doesn't seem to be contributing much, just following other voters around), TT (a variety of reasons.)

Okay, so now we have a list of suspects. But you've given yourself an out in every case in case you're wrong... and you've already shown to be wrong on one of them. From the tone of your early posts, I'd expect you to be more firm in your beliefs... kind of like JKaen's famed list of suspects. And "a variety of reasons" doesn't cut it in these games...

Today has been much less quote-worthy. But this gem sticks out:
Injera to Erebus Wrote:I don't know what to make of these last few pages of Erebus posts, they seem to have gotten downright frantic. I mean, after some hasty posts and a bizzare nonedit, he then attempts and fails to do a role count? ....I'm not trying to nitpick, but what? Why on earth would you use preview post if you never reread what you write?
To me, this feels like an opportunity that a wolf just couldn't waste. After careful consideration, Erebus seems like he really was just a panicky villager. But Injera comes off as an opportunistic wolf smelling blood.

Injera, I guess I don't have any specific question for you. I'm sorry, I know how frustrating that can be. All I have are a slew of reasons to suspect you.
You can get a look at a t-bone by looking up the bulls ass but I'd rather take the butcher's word for it.

Gaspar Wrote:Roland, I know you're going to lose it on me in a minute and that's fine, I can take it, but I think you have some really good insights that you often lose in self-doubt and some attempt to be everything to everyone.

No. I'm not going to lose it on you, because I think you've made some extremely valid points, and I can clearly see the frustration you're feeling. You're right - I have been overly critical of you, and I do have a tendency to get a bit wishy-washy if I'm not completely convinced in my own ideas. Maybe it's my own fault for not seeing in your posts what I'm hoping to see, but I keep pressing you for "more" because of that - I'm just not seeing as much from you as I'm hoping to. Maybe it's unfair, or maybe I'm just blind to the things you're pulling out, but I keep pressing you because I want to hear your thoughts. For example, what do you feel about Meiz? How about Serdoa (who's recent paranoia is rather curious)? Twinkletoes? I just don't have much of a sense as to your reading on a whole slew of people, and I keep pressing you hoping to get you to open up. I know yoy play your cards extremely close to the chest, Gaspar, but you have to open up sometime!

As for convincing you of my innocence, well either you think I am or I'm not. I'm not going to placate you. I am trying my best to help the Village, and I'm trying to do that by advancing my own ideas instead of being content to follow along with anyone else's. I mean, honestly, name one point where I've been part of the pack? I may have echoed others sentiments from time to time, but I don't think I've done that more than anyone else. I was one of the first to press Twinkletoes to try and get some discussion from him (albeit not realizing he was busy). I was one of the few people to actually give uberfish's gambit a chance instead of getting lost in whether or not it was a good idea. I've been consistently trying to draw out my suspects with further discussion and analyses, often without any input from anyone else, and even in the face of opposition. I think I've done a pretty fair job of trying to advance the Village towards victory, and although I'm sure you didn't mean it that way I almost wonder if you don't agree?

So, you called me out on some of my issues. Good on you. I'm doing my best to swallow my pride and just take it in stride. I'll say this, however - simply getting pissed off and yelling at the Village for, in your eyes, failing to perform is not the most constructive use of your energy. I understand the point you're trying to make, I agree with you, but flying off the handle is only going to put us back into the same situation we were in yesterday - expending more energy fighting ourselves than tracking down 'Wolves.

That's all I'm going to say on the matter.

(Forgot to post this before my direct response to Gaspar just above. I really need to pay more attention to what I'm doing...)

First off, thanks Gaspar for finding the post that Ichabod was referring to. I tried looking quickly earlier and couldn't find it, but I was pressed for time. Now that I have a bit more, I think it's only proper I address it.

Gaspar Wrote:I missed your question to me here, which I've quoted after the handy forum search button, I think because I forgot you were asking me. wink

Not to sound like an idiot, but ditto. I remember you asking the question (I think I read it when I was crafting one of my longer posts), but totally forgot about it until you called me on it. I tend to re-read through the thread quite a bit when I'm making my long posts - thus the quotes - but if I see something that doesn't coincide with what I'm trying to say, or doesn't really make me go "Aha!" with some new revelation, I tend to skim over it until I can go back to it with a less distracted mind. Unfortunately, your question just got lost in the shuffle of that, and it took you calling me on it to bring it back to mind.

Well, I suppose the biggest reason why I didn't comment on your Sareln vote was I was too focused on my own suspicions. I was going back and forth with Catwalk pretty heavily, and I really wanted to see what Twinkletoes had to offer. I saw you were the only one really pushing the Sareln bit, and I wasn't really looking to get myself too spread out, so I was pretty content to just let you follow your gut, and I'd keep tabs on it. That, and I really thought you were making a bigger deal out of Sareln's Mayor vote than was necessary, but since I wanted the pressure on Sareln I decided not to say anything. So... yeah. I could have, and should have commented more, but I didn't originally because I was essentially using you, and didn't want to pull you off, simply because I didn't have much more to add without trying to poke holes in what appeared to be your biggest complaint. Later on, Sareln responded to your suspicions, and believe it or not it sounded pretty plausible to me - that he knew Gaspar was most likely just fishing for information, and would move on soon enough. The only reason I bought that is because I know Gaspar pretty well, and that's a pretty accurate statement (look at him voting to lynch you recently). He's brazen, he's confrontational, and he thinks for himself - and doesn't give a damn what anyone else might think of his actions. In that sense, I pretty much laid it to rest because I believed that bit about Sareln's story, and that seemed to be your biggest sticking point with Sareln, but it was rude of me to dismiss you so easily, so for that I apologize.

I think and I can agree that Sareln is far from being innocent in my mind, but at the time I didn't see very much to discuss about him directly from you. I've tried to raise my concerns about Sareln, and others had fired back that I'm being too critical or unfair, so maybe I am barking up the wrong tree. I'm willing to discuss it now, though, if you are Ichabod. What do you think about my posts to Sareln, and his responses? Do you think I'm being overly harsh? Do you feel his responses were adequate? Not trying to play tit-for-tat - I'm genuinely interested in your thoughts, being you were one of the first to suspect Sareln.

Ichabod Wrote:But, in the end, Gaspar voted on me because I haven't been posting enough.
. . .
So I feel a bit bad that you say that I'm not speaking when people don't answer my questions...

I have to say that Gaspar's accusation here is baseless, IMO. Ichabod's never been one to be a chatterbox, in any of the games I've seen him in, but he always - always - tries his best to further discussion. In Gaspar's defense, I think he's just pissed off at this point, and letting too much of that get in the way of what he's truly trying to accomplish, which is to stir up the pot and catch a 'Wolf off guard. I still think it's odd he chose you, of all people, to call out, but it does make sense in the context of him wanting to attack the "known innocents", even if I completely disagree with his approach. :neenernee

Ichabod Wrote:Injera has had some suspicion against based on lack of content. I find this totally unfair and it further leads me to beleive that some people aren't really reading all the thread (the same thing about my unanswered questions).

I must say I agree. Throughout I've seen Injera doing his best to try to be helpful to the Village, and although there have been some fluff posts, overall he tries to get his thoughts out and advance discussion. Thus when I see people jumping at him I generally want to defend him, and that's why I refer to him as a "newbie Villager" - some people see him as a 'Wolf, but I see it as a new, innocent player trying hard to make his mark in the game. I don't mean it as a derogatory comment.

Ichabod Wrote:But it goes further. People already called Zak on calling TT for something that he also did regarding Uberfish gambit. But when people voted on the scooter bandwagon, they were propelled by a Zak post that said that only scooter reacted to the post as a "obvious joke". But that's not true. Injera also stated that it was an obvious joke (he used those words), Meiz also thought it to be a joke and, if I remember correctly, Erebus too. So, why pick scooter? And zak vote was followed by Rowain and Serdoa, without further arguments, which makes me believe they were basing it on the same thing.

You know, I glossed over this bit earlier, but I must say it struck me as peculiar, too. It really seemed rather knee-jerk, making a big to-do about nothing, but I again let it slide because I wanted to see how scooter reacted under the pressure. Initially I found his responses somewhat lacking, but that was without his later explanations ("I didn't even know I was signed up, and my time is limited, so I'm not going to make a million posts just to 'clear' my name"). Rapid bandwagons like that always make me nervous, even though it's probably the last thing a 'Wolf would initiate, but again I was curious to see how he'd react under pressure, so I didn't say anything about it at the time.

Regarding Meiz, I think you summed up some of the things that have been gnawing at the back of my mind, but that I couldn't quite put my finger on. It's not even just that - his whole play style has been rather erratic to me. I read through his Wall of Text, and I was impressed by the effort he put into it - it seemed to read genuinely as a Villager thing to do. However, it didn't completely negate my earlier suspicions, and in fact it's the sort of perfect response to throw someone off your trail. He just seemed far too light-hearted and non-committal during the first Day. That's hardly enough to call him a 'Wolf over, but it's enough for me to not be able to simply call him "innocent" and end the discussion. I think Meiz, for me, is just someone I have a hard time truly getting a read on, so I can't say I'm with you enough to want to lynch Meiz, but I do think he still bears scrutiny. I feel we have better targets to work through at present, but I'm not going to call you off your hunches.

Ichabod Wrote:Another thing i'm finding pretty strange is some of Catwalk posts. They are not particularly wolfish, but let me show an example, with the bolded parts more important:
. . .
I found this directing of comments to be strange. Maybe it's a different playing style, which I can respect, but why always the same people? Why make a separate group from the rest of the players?

Echoing for emphasis. It's one in a long list of odd things about Catwalk that have made me suspect him.

So as to follow my own advice, thoughts on Meiz and Injera...

I think Meiz is legit, as I told him earlier. I think he does bandwagon a bit, and much like I don't think zakalwe would ever recognize a wolf novice without a scry, I don't think Meiz will ever notice a wolf zakalwe or Serdoa without a scry. Not sure if he really wants the two of them to like him or if he really just tends to agree with them so heavily, but its been pretty obvious to me these last 3 games. So I think as long as one takes several spoonfuls of salt with his takes on those two I think his other insights are pretty useful, even if I don't always agree with him. He takes his responsibility in the game with appropriate measure so I think he's one of the more valuable village players. I wouldn't bet my life on anyone at this point, but I'd really need to see something to count him as anything but villager.

Injera I have to say I don't see the suspicion. I think the pushes on him were helpful in getting him to show his full personality but to me he's a big addition to the game and I think he's certainly added to getting us to some conclusions. I don't agree with everything he's saying but I think its coming from a place of wanting to help the team. So I just don't see wolf.

Like I said, right now Erebus and Catwalk trip the most bells for me, so I'm happy to see them on the lynch list for the time being. I think Sareln still has a lot to answer for, as has been stated a lot, but I'm still not convinced its not just Sareln being Sareln. Ultimately I think we'll find several wolves if we locked Erebus, Catwalk, Sareln, TT and scooter in a room. I think there's probably 1 or 2 deep cover as well, but I agree with zak that there's time. Honestly, the longer "known innocents" stay alive without being picked off at night, it gets easier to sort the wheat from the chaff. So let's see if we can grab the low-hanging fruit today. I like Erebus best right now for reasons stated several times, but I'd be willing to place a vote on any of those 5. Well, I'd be willing to place a vote on anyone, but you get what I mean. lol
I've got some dirt on my shoulder, can you brush it off for me?

Gaspar Wrote:Injera I have to say I don't see the suspicion. I think the pushes on him were helpful in getting him to show his full personality but to me he's a big addition to the game and I think he's certainly added to getting us to some conclusions. I don't agree with everything he's saying but I think its coming from a place of wanting to help the team. So I just don't see wolf.

Thank you for at least commenting. I'm with you on the day 2 frustration. I feel like I've put a lot of thought into my comments but I haven't received much in terms of actual commentary. Even dissenting commentary helps the village. In fact, dissenting commentary is probably better than complete agreement.

That said, I'm frustrated. I really feel like we should be pushing for one of Sareln or Injera. I've had quite a few words about why I suspect each, and to make matters worse, people have largely ignored them. I expect that if they were innocent, at least 1-2 players (maybe wolves, maybe not) would join me, in an attempt to get the zaks and Rolands of the world into a bandwagon in a villager-vs-villager day. But with either one being a wolf, I would expect to see exactly what we're seeing... a push to try and get someone else killed.

If I must, I can accept the fact that my targets won't get lynched. But I work tomorrow, so I really only have 2 hours or so to post my final vote of the day. Will it be Erebus, Catwalk, or is there any chance that one of my 2 prime targets get lynched?
You can get a look at a t-bone by looking up the bulls ass but I'd rather take the butcher's word for it.

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