Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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Calling all NL HC Heroes onto a Blaze of Glory

Occhidiangela Wrote:I think I am good to go. :storm:

What, he doesn't look like a necromancer to you? :rolleyes:
Well, it should not, since Gunnar Greiz are now dead. Good thing we passed the torch to King of Pain's Raise Em All Low Rent Necro person, as Gunnar died on the second Uber Tristram Run.

Pro Tip For You All: Don't randomly shoot bone spirits into the middle of Uber Tristram in an effort to wake up "ONE" prime evil. Seems you may wake up more tha one.

RIP Dancing CLoud, my favorite Amazon ever, and one of the nicest Zons Doc ever inflicted on US West. innocent

"Think globally, drink locally."

We started out pretty close to Shadow's suggested roster gathering the organs to raise the portal to ÜberTristram:

[Image: UberTristram1.jpg]

Occhi drove Gunnar_Greiz (Necro)
Shadow drove PiousHopeAgain (Cleric)
Thenryb drove Plantagenet (Smitin' Hammerdin)
KoP drove ShadowPelt (Druid Summoner w/ HoW)
Shishak drove Shi_ThreadShak (ES Orb/Firewall Sorcy)
WildViking drove SpearShield (Shockwave Summoner w/ Oak)
Dr. Disaster drove Troubadix (Singer)

We used our key set to create the portals to Forgotten Sands, Furnance of Pain and Matron's Den, grabbed a big BO, raised minions and spirits and off we went. Buffed up real nice neither ÜberDuriel, ÜberIzual and Lilith took long to defeat.

Once the portal to UT was up we walked counter-clockwise to the southern part of the map to draw the prime evils out one by one. We wanted to start with Mephisto but Diablo responded first to our lures. Gunnar's decrep, Shi_ThreadShak's static plus Gunnar's ClayGolem and the Grizzly duo did him in real quick. On second try Baal responded who got his butt kicked even faster. Finally Mephisto was left and he was the only one who really dealt some damage to us. But again the Decrep/Clay Golem/Grizzly combo made him succumb fast.

After only a few purples used each of us got his Standard of Heroes and this:

[Image: RBDTorch1.jpg]

Being made for a Necromancer the Hellfire Torch was handed over to our LowRentLegion Skelymancer RaiseEmAll.

This run went very smooth so we wanted to top things off with a second assault on UT by using my organ set. To spice things up a bit (somebody said it was pretty easy) i switched over to Dancing_Cloud, so there was no BO this time. Also KoP switched from ShadowPelt to RaiseEmAll to bring the new torch into use. After the red portal and all minions were up we entered and walked counter-clockwise again until the southern end of the map. Then we tried to lure Mephisto once more.

This time he responded as wanted but he brought Diablo as company! By facing 2 prime evils at once things got hotter then before but we still seemed to be able to manage them. Meph was most of the time busy fighting Dancing_Cloud's Valkyrie and Decoy while the group concentrated on Diablo. After a few minutes into the fight suddenly Baal joined in too and brought havoc onto us. Within seconds both Plantagenet and Gunnar-Greiz fell and while we retreated to re-group Dancing_Cloud got bagged by a one-hit-kill, right after she downed a big purple to recover from a hit yikes

[Image: RIP_Dancing_Cloud.jpg]

After the first shock was over Occhi, Thenryb and me decided to stay down to tell the group about the activity of the prime evils. Diablo was on my right screen edge while Baal walked off to the North and Meph went back to the townsquare. To equal things a bit Thenryb rejoined with ShadowPelt on his second PC. With some good luring and guidance from afar Baal was bagged pretty quick. Then WildViking spotted Mephisto inside one of the houses. He went there to lure him out so the group could attack him. In the middle of that battle gave us a disco, sending Plantagenet, Gunnar_Greiz, Dancing_Cloud and their stuff to the void banghead

I rejoined with Troubadix and Occhi grabbed his Assassin Rustinail. With the now BOed up group Meph was done in fast. In the remaining fight vs. Diablo suddenly ShadowPelt was mowed down. I did not see him fall; i guess he was surrounded by Diablo's PitLords. Soon another disco struck and so also ShadowPelt disappeared banghead

To compensate Thenryb grabbed my Shockwave Summoner Petzi and in the final onslaught Diablo fell, giving us more Standards of Heroes and our second Hellfire Torch:

[Image: RBDTorch2.jpg]

Tailormade for a Barbarian this torch went to our LowRentLegion Howler Deafening_Dirge.

Well that's it; a great fun event holding both pain and pleasure thumbsup
Our brave NL Heroes may now rest or even seek up more keys for more action. The next ladder reset may be due soon wink

Dr. Disaster

Occhidiangela Wrote:RIP Dancing Cloud, my favorite Amazon ever, and one of the nicest Zons Doc ever inflicted on US West. innocent
As sad as her death may be she died a hero, fighting all 3 prime evils at once.

[Image: Dancing_Cloud_BlackRobe.jpg]
Farewell my lass. You will be missed cry
Arthur pulls tiles from the Scrabble bag which by random form into "What do you get when you multiply six by nine?"
Arthur: "Six by nine? 42?"
Ford: "I always knew there was something fundamentally wrong with the universe."

KoP said over vent, "Is UT suppose to be this easy?", after beating up on each of the 3 ubers, "They seems to be easier than your normal hell diff Baal/Meph/Diablo!"

I suppose the BO on the first round might have helped not to get anyone one-hit'd, but I remember having only seen one of us below (or near) half health. The extra buff from BO is certainly nice to have on any occasions but wasn't the deciding factor for our survival in UT.

We used a grab bag of characters on the next go and 4-5 toons got the black robe. Sure, the team wasn't "optimized" for UT but I doubt that was our problem. We were able win UT (outside of the mass death instance) with grace, after the regroup; and iirc, without anyone's HP dipping near half health (meaning BO was not a deciding factor in our final success). At the risk of stating the obvious, I think most pick up group can defeat UT with ease as long as we activate/isolate one boss at a time.

Some (balrogs only?) corpses are usable.
Can be raised as skellies, would assume it can be revived too. Should test if it's usable for CE.

Why are some words not translated in German?


Don't underestimate the high BO and Oak on the first go. Our chars and minions had more than quadrupled hit points compared to normal. My singer was the one who's life bar dipped slightly into red when he jump-tanked Mephisto but with a close to 10k life ball after BO and Oak that's relative wink

The only different char on the roster who started the second go was me, switching from singer to plaguezon. With only Oak we had about trippled life balls as far as the spirit stays alive and in range. The main difference we had to face was more than one boss at a time and a lot more summoned minions then before. That forced us to split focus between fighting the Übers and stuning/chasing the minions.

In general i agree with your statement. I'm pretty sure that we would have gone without black robes when we would have been able to get each of the Übers solo or at least less black robes if Baal had not joined the fray. I have no clue why he suddenly showed up too.

My singer tried "Find Item" on the corpses in UT. The skill worked and used up the corpses although it did not turn up an item. Then again those minions drop nothing at all when you kill them so i think that's normal. I'm pretty sure the corpses are Revive- and CE-able too.

On the translation issue: some words are indeed written identical in both English and German like "Hydra". What Blizzard did not translate are the Character Titles you earn for completing a difficulty. They are always given in English.

I realize we benefited from Oak both times, just saying either Oak or BO would have been sufficient. Of course, Oak, as good a tank as it can be, has a habit of dying at the most inopportune moment vs strong-hitting bosses [Image: yikes.gif] and is AoE based, which might just be the culprit for black robes.

Another observation: the corpses were not usable after the death of the trio, not for the necro anyway.


since we talked about the pathfinding..

here's some information that I found

- a picture of that famous stone to lure Mephisto alone
- and some help to navigate Nihlathak's place

Brighter larger map. Careful with the merc!

[Image: Screenshot044b.jpg]

Easy to recognize if you see the formation of rocks as a question mark turned 90 degrees counter clockwise, and the position is at the crest.
[Image: Screenshot044a.jpg]

An easy way to explain - The pattern of the rock formation repeats 4 times along the Eastern edge, starting from the Southeast corner. Bait point at the second set of the pattern.
[Image: Screenshot045a.jpg]


So, me throwing a batch of bone spirits wasn't what woke up more than one?

"Think globally, drink locally."

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