That sounds solid, I think. If only we were playing version 9, where Arcturus Thorne also got IND. Then I'd get cheaper AND more efficient workers, who can also move on hills.
But I'm going to have to ask that we throw AH in there - my capital won't have a decent source of food without it. Counter suggestion:
Mysticism-->WotE-->Animal Husbandry + Exploration-->Arete.
As for exploration - there isn't much we can do unless we decide to waste more hammers on scouts, who will likely just die in 20 turns, or wait until we have Hunting. I would wait - we need to get it at some point.
(Hunting, as a side note, will be very very good for the Sidar - but they will ALSO need KotE, to enable Sever Soul, which I didn't realise when we chose the teams.
Adepts are pretty useful, and Sid might want to build Mage Guilds for that extra sage?)
As for city planning:
I think this game is going to be a tight map. We are going to be basically surrounded. We're guaranteed to have the core - we should claim lands that are going to be more contested down the line. As such I think settling inward at this point wouldn't be the best strategy.
There's heaps of copper around the place, so we should try to secure a source of that soon. 4 str, 3 promo warriors! THEY will be useful for a long period of time.