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Getting to know Krillmod before it changes again

(August 10th, 2015, 14:32)von Adlercreutz Wrote: There doesn't seem to be too much land north of us. We got a spot with plaincow and gold, not too much food there, but nice for commerce and happy.
Hmm, plains gold is a great tile, but we really don't have much food (which I almost feel is a general theme here). I guess we can use the bananas eventually, but that's still IW+ calendar to be able to improve. Also, we already have gold and ivory, so this won't add any happy immediately, we need trading partners for that (where are our neighbours? noidea )

Quote:PB18 is coming to an end so the actual game might start soon.
Aye, the PB27 forum has already been opened. Would you like to open a thread there soon? I'm kind of itching to do so, but feel like it's probably better if you do it if you're the primary turn player.
Played in PB27

was plains gold something added in or was it RtR in general?

(August 11th, 2015, 20:09)Tasunke Wrote: was plains gold something added in or was it RtR in general?

The gold is on plainhill.

(August 12th, 2015, 02:33)von Adlercreutz Wrote:
(August 11th, 2015, 20:09)Tasunke Wrote: was plains gold something added in or was it RtR in general?

The gold is on plainhill.
I'm probably missing something here, but hasn't it always been the case that gold can be found on plains or desert hills?
Played in PB27

ah, i thought only on desert in BTS, but ya its common in mods

Gold is normally only generated on desert, but the start-normalizer can convert the tile into plains.

This is also how grassland gems get generated, it starts as jungle gems then the start-normalizer removes the jungle.

Thanks T-hawk. Is the start normalizer something found in base BTS? Or just in RtR and other mods?

Base Civ 4 since vanilla. It is specifically invoked by each of the map scripts, and the script can continue operating after the normalizer, so there can be subtle behavior differences between scripts.

Hi there! I don’t know if anyone remembers, but this used to be a succession game wink
Seriously though, my motivation for this game has dropped somewhat since it turned out that ”Krillmod” actually has changed a fair bit, plus there’s the fact that pb27 is enough under way that I want to focus my energy there.
Anyhow, I’ve got an update to this game, and it may be a somewhat controversial one as I made some quick decisions that we haven’t discussed and are far from being certain on being the best.
First off, I don’t think you Adler said it, but according to plan we did get the Stonehenge, [Image: BjoxZ64.jpg]...making us faux-creative. dance

Then on t39 our scout had just become woodsman II and made this discovery:
[Image: hcHKDbn.jpg]

Fish is a good enough tile that we need to put a city on the tile the scout stands (theoretically we could put it 1S, but the we can’t get the gold yield). In this general situation I believe the best solution would probably be to just continue according to plan and settle the gold city next. However, Fish city will be the much stronger site long term, so getting that up earlier has its benefits. Looking closely at the pigs I also saw two adjacent jungles and fearing jungle growth* on that tile (severely limiting the prospects of the city until IW) I decided to plant this city first. Workers were redirected to get the road in place (meaning we’re behind on the second flood plains cottage) and on t44 Cumae was founded. Trying to get my worker actions into some kind of order a played up to t49 with gold city just settled and the slavery revolt finished. Here’s an overview look at our empire:
[Image: OJ8tLmg.jpg]

Antium can whip its granary in three turns, Rome has started a granary, but I felt another worker was more important than finishing that. Having the cities close to one another you might want to look at which city is working which tile as there’s often some optimization to be done at that front depending on builds and sizes.

Brutus and Cinna are currently farming the corn (and can move to the gold thereafter) while Augustus I thought could road/chop his way towards city five by the clams (going through the pigs). (btw. the two cottage turns on the plains tile by Antium looks like real smoke but were done with last movement points that couldn’t have been used for anything useful).

*jungle growth has been modded out of rtr3, but should afaik still exist here

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Played in PB27

Yeah, the point of this game was really to get used to rtr 3 mechanics, find out new stuff here rather than in the actual game. I thought that starting pb27 would take much longer, pb18 taking longer and maybe even that pb18 players would get a little break until pb27 started. Now that it's rumoured that we might get starting screenies for pb27 in 36h, I feel that sandboxing that start will be better use of our time.

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