Okay, how did I do?
Currency will finish when turns rolls. After this I shall get metal casting, because IND and because I've 3 precious metals. Collossus is gone, though. I'll get calendar after that and see if someone will let me build MoM. Or maybe see if I should build some of those anesthetic wonders.
Oh, that's not a lot. At all. But fortunately I'm building a brand new army here:
...or not. Well one galley [for scouting] and a combat worker [will clear jungle] and an aggressive settler [backfill my island].
Cottage spam detected.
I'm getting the great spy from great wall any minute now. He shall start a golden age, at such a time as I can grab hereditary rule and bureaucracy. Or maybe not hereditary. Currently I am in slavery, judaism and organized religion.
Org rel....you know I'm leading the MFG-demographics, about 60 to 50-ish. I've also been building a lot of buildings. So I definately will win the award for MOST WASTED HAMMERS. 40% more than closest competitor at this stage of the game.
I held off settling more of my island after my finances went down to 20% break-even, I figured if anyone tried to settle here I could just kick them off at my leisure.
After currency I'll just plop settlers down nonstop till my island is filled, they will be instantly useful. I've plenty of open borders.
My lands:
Northern Star:
Apparently it seems like I will want to settle a city among those forests and chop a wonder there. Master of Magic, by the look of it. Even further north I can enjoy silver and marble. But food, not so much.
Western Union:
Far west, Moai city. Also holy jewish city. Working on a great profit. Slowly. Lots of food, hammers not so much. I dont think the people of these villages like me, or my whip-toting henchmen much.
Eastern Wherever.
Yeah, more libraries. If I can avoid being attacked for 10 turns I'll be in
great .....not terrible shape. Famous last words.
Deep South:
Settler is 1N of chariot. I'll later settle north of this, canal city, but I figured it was okay to get a toehold down here too. Also, gems. Also also, lot of jungle. Glad I'm not a worker.
Plan for the game:
a. Settle my island.
b. Build minimal defense and lots of eco-gnomic shiny stuff.
c. Avoid getting attacked. I am galleyable from west, east and south.
d. Find someone to attack. I seem to remember something about a pledge I made semi-intoxicated earlier on. I think I can devote a couple cities to full-throttle Keshik production with barracks and stables. I have galleyable targets west, east and south. Just ....one....more...ECO-tech....
IF NOT c then
d. Go full tilt and ruin my game attacking whoever attacked me. Amphibiously. (I'm not sure of the spelling of this last word, but it should be like that)