'Only razing city states' sounds good with me, that acutally sounds better than banning city states!
Religion didn't matter in SP due weak AI, actutally no stratergy did matter, just grow bigger than Ai and you basically already won SP game, that is how weak AI are in civ 6!
That is one of big reasons why there is little interest in SP games of civ 6.
In MP religion can be major factor contributing growth of civ and winning game. If majority wants DotF and Crusader stay, that is fine too but be prepared for dealing someone with permanent 10+ strength bonus over you.
Random roll map type?
Also none of players aside me had played civilization 6 PBEM (except Grotsnot who did replace Chevalier several days when latter was on holiday), for civ 6 PBEM we uses PYDT client to pass around saves.
https://www.playyourdamnturn.com/ (it also supports Mac OS X and Linux aside Windows)
You need log in with your steam account. Downloading client is recommend otherwise you need to download and upload save manually from PYDT website every turn.
The client notify when it is your turn and handles upload and downloading saves very easily. Sometimes there is little problem and it is then recommend to upload manually through website.
One of common reason why PYDT don't seem upload your save properly: you didn't move all your units (or used up its movement points or put it in defense stance) and PYDT notices it and keep telling that you should download save instead uploading new save. To solve it just click start game in civ 6 again (this isn't reload or restart) and you are only able to move units that still need moving.
Yeah, it is sometimes annoying, especially in future eras when map is flooded by units.
I did put a test game for you all, to get some feel how to handle PYDT. Also check whether nothing goes wrong whether passing around saves. I put a password to prevent random players joining it.
Password: pbem13test
Don't matter which civ and in which order you join. We can just play one turn, maybe one more. Just get feeling how PYDT works.
In real game however we need to join in order according our determined order based upon our timeslots, also pick chosen civ there. Who start first, he shall set up civ 6 and PYDT for PBEM 13.