Just two turns later....
The skirmishers did a great job of masking the horsemen's approach and I didn't see the horsemen until they were in the yard drinking beer and knocking over lawn furniture. A second horseman will appear next turn. I have just finished Masonry and now it's clear I need walls ASAP. The capital was getting out a builder because I needed to hook up iron, but I swapped it immediately to a horsemen at this point. Everything is rushing west now to try and save Res Publica, and Wealth of Nations is again going to fall under siege thanks to the southbound second prong of skirmishers.
The settler is done but where can he go with all these units around? Also I was wrong before: this is the turn when I realize I need to get my warrior away from the barbs and back home. Hopelessly redlined and dragging more hostiles back to my homeland with him.
My force out to the desert hills to try and slow him down is doomed but I don't know it yet. Because Kabul is under Suboptimal's suzerainty they are going to pinch my forces and leave nowhere to escape.
That poor settler. I'm thinking maybe I can put him on the east coast there south of Conquest of Paradise at this point.
Here I know what I have to do. If I just sit back he's going to take Res Publica with ease. If I try to attack him directly his army of skirmishers and horsemen will outmatch my warriors and archers. But if I can buy time for the walls to finish - if I can catch him inbetween two rabbits - then I have a chance. And so this turn, after he had separated his forces to try and encircle the city, I moved up in a line and dared him to come at me. But as soon as he comes forward then I would retreat again and let him go back to the city. The idea is that he should never be allowed to fix on one target and then hopefully the walls will finish and I'll be able to push him back.
And the warrior that was out by the barbarians died to a skirmisher shot. So many lost units this game.
Barbarians to the rescue!?!?
This city looks like it should be doomed but it just needs to hang on for 2 more turns! So I moved everything forward from here. My horsemen attacked his southern(?) horse, and my warriors all moved up. Again: if he attacks the army then the city has more time, so I'll take losing a couple units. And if he attacks the city then I'll get free shots on his army and be able to win.
Also, my settler has moved farther south now, just off screen. I don't want to show another target for Suboptimal to easily switch to.
And suboptimal retreats, his horses scattered between my advance and the barbarians. From here I'm able to kill the skirmisher next to the city between a warrior and an archer attack. My walls will go up next turn and then I will hold in the south.
But he now pushes again from the north, with horse to follow the skirmishers. And my units are still out of place. Perhaps those northern desert units did not die in vain. Perhaps it was their sacrifice which bought Wealth of Nations the extra time it needed.
And I added my 4th city, Art of War last turn. Which the barbarians spot right away and is defenseless.