As a French person I feel like it's my duty to explain strikes to you. - AdrienIer

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[SPOILERS] This Land is Your Land, This Land is My Land. But Mostly Mine.

Without me having to post all of the pictures I've been taking, here's the general plan:

Continue research on Flight. Mass wealth builds to upgrade navy. Focus on Krill front for now, I've upgraded a token number of units on the OH front to send toward TBS for team (me/Fin'arry) morale. Eventually. More pressing need: Hammers into wealth for research speed. After Flight comes Radio. Bombers are more important than tanks, but tanks come next. After Radio, Industrialism. I want a good navy, then a million bombers, then Tanks. My Heroic Epic city will keep churning out commando units. These go north for wetbandit's enjoyment. Strategically, adding more land is probably not all that helpful, but I don't care. I want to kill wetbandit, then Ruff, then Krill. That's my endgame. I'll chip in on TBS.

Mechanics question: Will my tanks come with blitz promos even if I haven't researched Military Science? Obvious answer is do a sim but the answer is yes. But the turn before I declare on wetbandit I'll want to tech Military Science because I'll need some commando killing to get rid of his massive collateral stack efficiently. Once that is done it is easy sailing with no fear of reprisal.

Since I've posted this I ought to just picture dump all the stuff I've taken. Maybe tomorrow. Anyway, if you're interested (or can be arm-twisted into doing it) in piloting my civ for a couple of turns next week, let me know. Thanks!















HAK: Check the first post for password info. I'm Perecles of the (no name entered). Click on the emptiness and proceed to log in.

[Edit: Dropbox fixed with a reboot. T225 is shown now. ]

Turnsplit: Ruff-> Krill-> me. I've also generally been waiting to play after wetbandit so we don't end up with a 4 way split. I'm also after AT, which may become relevant. I'm not planning on killing Ruff just yet. No other foes to discuss.

I'm at war with Krill. It is annoying, but I have to be aware of his movements. Mostly he's just tried to kill scouting units and I've done a good job of clearing his harassing units out of the way lately so hopefully this won't be much of a problem. If he makes a massive push toward us, kindly ask for a pause and let me sort it out. Short of that, use your airships (go to F5 and find them) and try to see what he's up to. He'll finish Biology this turn and will almost certainly go for Combustion next. He has withdrawn his naval stacks while he is at a disadvantage. I'm fine with this. My major Krill naval stacks are at Katmai in the northwest and Kenai Fords in the far south, at the edge of the map south of Ruff. Use the nav2 destroyer to scout ahead and then fall back if there is no threat. Eventually I'll make a move here but I'm not going to have you deal with that on top of the rest of it.

I'll try to set builds for you as the turn rolls. I know tihs isn't ideal from a sporting standpoint but it will be helpful to you. If anyone minds, let them say so and pause the game until we can sort it out. I dobut anyone will care.

Key things to keep in mind: I have a spy in Crazy Place (your former city north of wetbandit). I intend to steal Military Science next turn. From the espionage screen I should have enough EP to do it. If not, wait a turn. Military Science is important so I can promote units to Commando. I have about a dozen units that I can use this promotion on, and they're all moving toward former Nakor to invade wetbandit. I really hate to have you try to kick this operation off, so it will probably hold until I get back, just try to keep units generally out of sight. I'm moving more workers north now to help with railroads. I'll need to build several in his land to get the commando operation to work properly. You'll notice some relevant signposts indicating where I'm going to build railroads (RR) and the tile 2W of Arches which I should take cultural control of next turn. The point of this operation is to eliminate wetbandit's large stack, which includes an absurd number of collateral units. If I can roll up this force and flank away most of the collateral wetbandit will fall easily.

But before I can get to wetbandit, I may have to eat Automated Teller. Krill recently gifted him a lot of units that he would not have been able to access for another dozen turns or so. This was in response to me killing all those Krill units recently. He countered, wiped 2/3 of my units, then gifted what he would have lost to you to deprive me of GG points (I assume). AT used this to attack and capture Iron Skull, and AT has very few units left in his southern port cities. I have an airship in Halekala to scout this area and should also have some city visibility remaining. I have another airship in Isla Loopy so send him scouting east to get a good look at AT's setup. In all, I have around 20 hitters (mostly infantry) on transports and galleons for the AT operation. This can begin in about two turns, depending on what he does with his units on the island. If I can kill his galleons his units will be trapped uselessly on your island. If I wasn't stretched so thin I would have had units on hand to counter his stack while it is injured, but you can't be everywhere at once.

End of T225 Flight is in. I'll want a lot of fighters. After flight, go for Radio for bombers. I'll leave OH/Fin to build the wonders to prevent TBS from getting them for his culture victory attempt. I just want the bombers. After that, Industrialism for tanks. After that, conquer the world, just not OH/Fin. Too gristly by far. You won't have to worry over this though. OH/Fin have posted some navy on our shared border. If they attack, get a pause. I'll have to sort that out. I doubt they will, though. They've just seen me steaming a long line of navy past the border and are being prudent. War between us helps us both lose and they know this.

Random thing-- I'm settling a city in the north of the map on some land WLP cleared away from Dreylin/HRE. I've marked this on the map. The purpose of this city is a mid-range staging point vs. TBS. I can fly units in and then drive them east later. Just settle the city. Name it whatever you want to.

Don't worry about the settling party near WLP. He logged in as I was doing domestic builds for this turn (I started a ton of fighters) and he wiped the settling party. We signed a peace treaty or cease fire. Send the frigate home and don't bother him any further. It was not my intent to fight him really, just to get a forward operating base against TBS. Probably not a good decision on my part.

Also, reallocate EP to TBS and scuttle the bit above about EP spending and tech stealing. I misunderstood the EP display. I'll never accumulate enough EP into German Joey to get a tech from this. I can steal drama, which is the cost that was displayed I suppose because it's the cheapest tech I can steal. I'd need to put a lot more EP in to get enough for MS and it isn't worth it. I'll put my EP back into Krill or maybe TBS later to poison his wells and make cities angry (culture victory cities only). For now, put it into TBS.

I don't think I said this originally, one turn at 0%, then research into Radio.

Yowzers, was that confusing....
Hopefully I didn't screw things up for you too badly. First up (as you can see in the first screenshot) when I logged in I got a request from TBS for Open Borders. Since I saw you had previously canceled those on your own, I did not accept it. I'll wait for you to get back to make that decision.
I really had no clue what you were doing with most of your fleet. Some of them I could tell were going somewhere and had a destination, but lots of them looked like you may have been just keeping them in place, so most of them just stayed where they were. I moved a few here and there, and stuff like that, but really tough to know what to do with them without knowing more.
And those signs you have all over the place...also confusing. I'm hoping you did get to setting the city builds to how you wanted them for this turn, because most of those signs contradicted what the city was actually set for.
I started taking screenshots, and planned to take a whole bunch kinda like how you have been posting (I only went back about a page to try to get an idea of what you were doing), but as most stuff looked almost the same as your previous batch and I started to get a bit lost....well, below are the only ones I took:

With any luck you get back on Sunday before the next turn comes around, since at this point I really don't know what to do with your fleet. And everything that completed building at the end of this turn...most of them I set them to build another of the same thing (mostly Fighters). I was kind of hoping when you said you would set up builds you actually had stuff queued up so I wouldn't have to spend the time thinking about what to choose to build next when I ended turn.
Anyway, I'll wait to hear from you on what I screwed up for ya. LOL

Who likes blood?


Me! Me!

Is that a trick question?
EitB 25 - Perpentach
Occasional mapmaker


(April 30th, 2015, 07:34)Boldly Going Nowhere Wrote: Who likes blood?

True Blood, New Blood or the real thing?

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