Here's a wall of text for you. Nothing urgent, so read at your leisure.
It's really looking like an even chance between the 3 of us as to who's going to draw the short straw. Us biggest prize but chokepoint, Retep attackable border but most experience and highest score, Grimace attackable border and low experience but ridiculously effective cheap G3s.
(May 20th, 2015, 10:11)HitAnyKey Wrote: So I think we just have to keep with our strategy of getting WE's. I'll get Construction EOT and can start building some Catapults...not sure where yet, but I will. Hungry will definitely be cranking them out as soon as it finishes it's Market (it really needs those happy bonuses). Sleepy will start Catapults in 2 turns when it's Market is done.
This is your warfare backgrounder. The scenario and results are below.
We'll need to adopt one of 2 strategies.
1. Defensive: Defend by planting an intimidating array of spears. At 35H a C1 spear with full fort will have about 65% odds. For a 90H-35H ratio, that's not going to be an exciting proposition for Master Commodore if we can fill it with a bunch of trash.
C2 Knight vs C1 Spear
Zero fort: 65.4%
Full Fort: 35.7%
-His response would be to bring cats to splash our spears:
C2 Knight vs C1 Spear with full Fort and 88HP: 68%
C2 Knight vs C1 Spear with full fort no culture and 88HP: 86%
So he'll walk right through that defense plan if he brings 1:6 cats to our units ratio. Bringing cats to the party will delay him a bit, but that will be expensive for him to build a knights + cats army so it will cause a bit of a delay. Delay means better tech and more units for us.
2. Offensive defense. Cats + WE.
-We attack out. Cats will do 6 splashes of damage to every unit they target. If there are 10 Knights and 10 cats we'd only do 3 splashes on average for example. Unpromoted we'll do 9HP damage to a defending hilled LB and 10HP with barrage1.
C2 WE vs Hilled G1-D1 LB (no fort) (Base Collateral 9HP, Barrage 1 - 10HP)
LB 100HP - 18.2%
LB 91HP - 21.7%
LB 82HP - 36.5%
LB 90HP - 32.3%
LB 80HP - 37.7%
C2 WE vs C2 Knight (Base collateral 7HP, Barrage 1 - 7HP)
Knight 100HP: 67.6%
Knights 93HP: 71.7%
Knights 86Hp: 75.8%
Bottom line - we need to have a lot of units for this cats + WE strategy to work. We have to have enough cats to weaken his units, then enough WE to get past his hilled LBs (probably banged up by the cats) and then start the killing and hope to be on the better side of an exchange.
This is the better option if we can manage it since those cats + WE will have very good offensive value but we have to have enough military to make that work.
DTay attacked with 14 knights at T119 I believe. I'm going to double check, but from what I've seen it looks like Master Commodore is noticeably behind in food output. Dtay had more on T97 than top food is on T107 (and top food may not be Master Commodore). I'll try to post what I can see about their relative development tomorrow.
After thinking about the spam that I wrote above I'm concluding that Master Commodore would not try to attack us without cats. For cats to be effective he'd further need some LBs to cover so that we don't attack out with elephants. So the scenario attack should not be as early as T120, but I'm going to double check that.
15Knights - 1350H
3 cats - 150H
3LBs - 150H
So a 1650H base case investment. The alternative would be adding 3 more knights for roughly the same hammers.
Defense option 1: Wall of spears:
-15 Spears = 525H
-This would be a reasonable (but nail biting) force against a straight 15 knights but once we take 18 splashes of collateral we'd go down hard. However, adding another 15 spears would stop him cold even with collateral. So a defense of 30 spears for 1050H as option 1.
Defense option2: Elephants + cats (equivalent 1050H)
-10E for 600H
-6 cats for 300H
-4 spears for 140H to round it out to 1040H
-Elephants also have losing defensive odds with (or without) a splash of collateral. So this is the attack out option.
-6 Cats do 36 splashes of collateral less the proportion of cats so say 30/31 splashes.
-Splash of collateral hits knights for 7HP, LB for 9HP.
-4 splashes hit 3 LBs
-26 splashes over 15 Knights means 11 knights receive 2 splashes and 4 knights receive 1 splash.
What would BATTLE1 look like?
-3 cats beat up 3 spears and 3 die trying.
-18 spears receive collateral damage leaving 9 healthy spears
-First 9 knights face healthy spears and 36% odds. 6 dead knights vs 3 dead spears
-Next 6 knights face 6 spears with 88HP for 68% odds, 2 dead knights, 4 dead spears.
Losses on our side 7 dead spears for 245H
Losses on MC side 3 cats + 8 Knights for 870H
What's left: Our side 23 spears between redline and full health (healed) vs 3 LBs + 7 redlined Knights.
What would Battle 2 looks like?
-we attack first with 6 cats. A fresh knight has 99.6% defense odds, about the same for a G1+D1 protective LB.
-Still we bang up the LBs or knights while losing 6 cats.
-Because the LBs are banged up (this might be optimistic) our elephants get to fight knights.
-11 knights have 2 slashes and 4 have 1 splash.
-First 8 elephants score 3:1 win ratio and last 2 score 1:1
-4 spears attack out scoring 1:1 win ratio vs Knights (EDIT spears would likely face LBs or cats)
-Losses 6 cats (300H) + 3 WE (180H) + 2S(70) = 550H
-Kills 9 knights (810H)
What's left: 7 redlined WE and 2 redlined spears vs 3 relined LBs, 3 health(?) cats and 3 health knights + 3 half-life knights. So round 2 could be ugly and I'm already being optimistic with this scenario.
-------------------BOTTOM LINE------------------------------
A wall of spears is a much more cost effective and sure defense. WE + cats will be more generally useful, but if we're falling too far behind in power we need to switch over to spears.
We should be stacking that border city full of them. Not 30 to be sure, but let's start with 1/2 dozen and get that fortify bonus.
Knights are truly powerful (and only while considering defending against them w/o LBs am I realizing the extent) but largely because they can fork 2 locations. With that advantage removed due to choke point, they are not very cost effective against even spears. Our UU would nicely shut them down. The more cats that MC brings to the party, the uglier our spears defense gets.
LAST: Metal Casting is still important for Triemes. If our choke is too strong he may try to go around that city and if we don't have Triemes we can't do too much to stop him from naval forks. Triemes are also important to stop Grimace too.