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Races, Units, Buildings

I'm thinking that maybe we should give lizardmen a custom Ship unit instead of the defaults to make it more interesting - we have many unused slots anyway.

Any suggestions? (Main bottleneck is we'd need to make some sort of a new graphic for the unit unless we are reusing an existing ship type. I don't think I'm particularly good at drawing ships in fact I most definitely don't want to.)

I'd totally give them another turtle unit (based on maritime's guild) that can reuse the dragon turtle graphic. Instead of an actual ship. Something like a Great Sea Turtle. And they can probably just use the trireme from the ship wrights guild.

Well I don't mind if it's a monster but I rather not have a turtle. Turtles are slow and this should be a faster unit (probably move 4). Not sure if we want a ranged one or melee, either works.

Something like

Sea Ship monster thingy
Requires Fighter's Guild (we can't have Fantastic Stables, as we don't have Stables)
Moves 4 Sailing
Melee/Ranged ?
Cost ~75-125
Health ~15-20
Resist ~6-7
Transport Capacity 8

If we do have this we shouldn't allow Ship Wright's Guild or Trireme/Galley/Warship.

(However we can also just make a copy of Warship and make it have a different cost, requirement, stats and color if we desire - I think the first thing to decide is what stats we want on the unit.)

Turtles in water are not slow :P There's a reason there are a variety of carnivorous turtles. But a sea monster is fine, and in keeping with the theme of the game.

I don't like the idea of 3 units based on fighter's guild. I'd make it based on armorers guild + ship wright guild (or at least fighters guild + ship wright guild); or possibly stables instead of ship wrights guild, although that would be anything but intuitive. Actually, I would go with stables - that gives them a fraction more production as well.

The point would be to have it quickly so it can support a zerg or naval defense tactic early enough. Making it harder to produce completely misses the point, especially on a race where reaching Armorer's Guild takes like 50 turns due to poor production.

Stables would be ok except for the fact that stables feeding a kraken would be odd.

An idea :

Requires Forester's Guild.
Similar ranged power as catapults, but other stats as described in the last post.
Graphics would be a large raft with a catapult carried in the middle.

How about this?
(Not sure how you'd navigate with a raft on sea but hey, they are lizards, maybe they get off, swim and push it...)

No, I definitely think the sea monster style thing is more in theme for them. They don't build things, they just grow better/different creatures. And yeah, the stables (if you can imagine it as an underwater stables) makes sense, but I don't think there's anyway to show that, thus my comment about lack of intuitiveness. Its also why I don't really like the ships either.

Completely different comment - it appears gnoll starting units actually get their full movement on the first turn, while everyone else is limited to 1. Is there any way to implement whatever is affecting the gnolls for everyone else? I had been under the impression it couldn't be done for anyone without excessive work which is why i was surprised by gnolls.

I thought we have already done it for every unit - it was a copy of the entire table.
My Lizardmen units definitely move 2 on the first turn.

I'm ok with the sea monster, assuming we decide we want the unit to be melee. Do we? I'm not so sure - threats on sea have a high chance of flying or ranged so a pure melee unit would be ineffective (albeit, carried javelineers can fight at range, the AI won't be able to do that - loading a swimming creature into a ship)

Also if we pick the sea monster option we'll need someone willing to draw sprites for one. I don't think I'm capable of that.

Dwarves definitely move 1 first turn. I don't actually remember dark elves and barbarians.

Actually that brings up a point. The AI won't be able to use this new unit anyway; do we need it at all? And give the sea monster the ability to shoot balls of fire, similar to fire giants, and boom, ranged attack. Or could make it shoot water, like a water elemental.

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