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Woden's and Chevalier Mal Fet's [Insert Clever Name Here] Team Thread

Your weekly score report (turn report to follow in a few hours):

Score report:
Player Score ScoreCivicEmpireGreat PeopleReligionTechWonders
Japper9518 (0)47(+7)0030(+0)0
Emperor K15722 (+2)88(+4)6432 (+2)5
BRickAstley16130(+2)92(+14)3 (+3)036(+6)0
Woden13924(+4)77(+15)6 (+3) 032 (+2)0
Chevalier15724 (+2)90(+7)6 (+6)034(+2)5 (+5)
Singaboy17430 (+2) 70 (+8)3838 (+4)25
The Archduke15322 (+2)98(+24)3030(+4)0
Cornflakes8922 (0)34(+2)3428 (+0)0
Japper15|24Icon_Science15.4Icon_Culture2260Icon_Faith 224|9Icon_Gold
Emperor K16|26Icon_Science21.8Icon_Culture20520.5Icon_Faith236|32Icon_Gold
Chevalier17|36.5Icon_Science43.2Icon_Culture3890Icon_Faith 20|85.2Icon_Gold
The Archduke15|23.8Icon_Science19.9Icon_Culture3200Icon_Faith214|71Icon_Gold
Great People GenAdmEngMerProSciWriArtMus
Japper 0|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.041|1.00|0.00|0.00|0.0
Emperor K 4|1.00|0.00|0.02|1.0-|0.032|2.0105|4165|4165|4
BRickAstley 0|0.00|0.00|0.09|3.00|0.097|5.00|0.00|0.00|0.0
Woden 7|4.00|0.00|0.00|0.048|2.040|5.00|0.00|0.00|0.0
Chevalier 0|0.036|10.00|0.05|1.00|0.022|2.00|0.00|0.00|0.0
Singaboy 0|0.00|0.00|0.09|1.0-|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.0
The Archduke 0|0.00|0.012|4.660|4.60|0.015|20|0.00|0.00|0.0
Cornflakes 53|3.00|0.00|0.00|0.0-|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.0


1)Score-wise, the biggest news is Archduke's huge surge in Empire score, probably from the 3 Hansas he dropped between last report and this, accounting for 18 of his 24 point increase. Rome and Woden both surged with new cities being founded, while Japper, Singaboy, and I had more modest increases - new cities and districts. Otherwise, Japper and Cornflakes were totally stagnant - no new techs or civics, nothing. Just a bit of population growth. Singaboy and Sullla finished far more techs than anyone else - 5 between them. I maintained my rapid score increase - I'm now tied with Emperor, having erased his early lead in unique districts, right on Sullla's heels. Of course, Sullla has no unique districts inflating his score. :/ Well, we do the best we can. Woden, also, is surging - if we keep improving at this rate, we'll soon past Emperor and Archduke entirely in the score. Of course, we're shifting to military builds and our score increase will slow down, but perhaps the new cities we add (if we add them) will make up for that. 

Either way, though, this period of peace has been fantastic for Woden and I. We've made up ground on all fronts - if we were given time to build, we can definitely hold our own. 

2)Rates - Sullla's science continues to soar, now even above my culture, driven largely by his pick-up of the suzerainity of Seoul. I could use my spare envoys to contest that, but it wouldn't help me at all, and it'd mean Seoul stays neutral when Rome declares war on Kongo, so I let him keep it - for now. Need to do something about that soon, though, it's worth +4 beakers in every campus, which he has at least 3 of. Yikes. However, I'm firmly in second in science, with Woden close behind me. He'll take over the second-place spot once the war begins, as I'll lose my Geneva trade, but International Confederation will mitigate that a little bit - I can leech off Woden's science instead! Singaboy is in fourth, and the other teams are chasing us after a bit of a gap. Relic's science is just sad. 

Culture looks good still. I've levelled off, as I've stopped building districts, while Sullla has a bevy of new monuments, but I'm still comfortably ahead. Woden's caught up in culture, passing the other teams and tying Singaboy for third. So in terms of research rates, Empire and ourselves are roughly equal as a team, with Molotov-Ribbentrop slipping more clearly into third and Relic, well. :/ 

Domination scores - Woden and I still tops. Mine still deceptive, it's tied up in a lot of chopped-out ships, which is why I've improved so rapidly in other areas. But my 5 swords and 5 archers is still ahead of Japper's, and Cornflakes seems to have nothing much fielded yet. Not sure what his plan is...

Gold generation - I swapped my civics around and fiddled with tile micromanagement, and the results are dramatic - my income has skyrocketed as RNDs and trade routes come online, as I've now passed even Archduke's gold generation! I didn't know I could achieve that! I'm going to come down a bit next turn - I need to pick up maneuver and can't run both conscription and caravanserais (I'm in Oligarchy now), not without dropping Maritime industries...but it might be worth it to slow down my Quad production long enough to get my land army all upgraded. Hm. That might be what I do. It hurts to double the length of time it takes for Actium to build a fleet, since I so urgently need it at Nan Madol and Japper's new builds, but I can switch after my chariots are out. 

Right now, I'm pleased with the last 5 turns, at least in terms of development. Woden and I have the highest incomes even as we have the biggest militaries, and our research rates are roughly tied for first (second in science, first in culture) with Empire. Biggest issue is that our empire scores are lagging a bit, but after the war we should be able to rectify it. 

Great people: Nothing new - Sullla sniped the Great Merchant, as we know, and Woden grabbed the GG! This disarms Cornflakes and dramatically improves our chances of victory! Great Admirals are basically mine forever - someone would need to build a dozen harbors to compete with me at this point - while Archduke is starting to rake in the Engineer points. I'd like an Engineer - they also benefit from the Mausoleum - but I'll probably not build enough IZs to compete with Hansas. I plan on two to boost my two clusters of cities, with possibly a third by the coast to enable the VA and really lock-in my naval dominance. The scientist races are heating up, but Sullla is comfortably ahead - Woden is in a good spot to compete for the next if we want it. And Emperor continues to merrily gather GWAMs with his stupid Lavras. frown

Depending on how Japper and Cornflakes play this next week, this could be the last score update of peace!
I Think I'm Gwangju Like It Here

A blog about my adventures in Korea, and whatever else I feel like writing about.

Nubia-Turn 85

Save finally got to me after CMF's overnight trip and Cornflakes hold the save for almost a day (maybe longer than a day but he was at 18 hours when I went to bed). Anyways, start off with...

Which allows a policy swap but need to wait a littel bit until...

Settle my 7th city and I did remember to change this one's name and the other new city. I almost left this one named "Heh" but went with my naming convention, so named it Osiris. The other newer city in the southeast is named Taueret. I immediately buy the tile for a campus...  

Place a nice +3Icon_Science campus and switch to an archer that I will harvest the stone as late as possible. I will not get full value as Feudalism and Machinery will finish before the archer gets down to 1 turn but I will chop a forest to complete the campus after harvesting the stone. I also put a monument in the new city...

I think that brings the running total to 570Icon_Production from Valletta. And much more to come but will have to wait a little bit as I don't have enough for a granary or watermill yet. 

Now that I bought my last needed tile, time for a policy swap...

Out goes Land Surveyors and in comes Ilkum until Feudalism finishes. Amon and Isis start horsemen and Thoth starts...

A 2 turn granary with the overflow. Now, I could wait to get more faith and buy it but Horus and Amon will be in more need in the near future as I need those cities to grow faster than Thoth. So, I don't see this as a waste, plus I have way more to buy with faith than I can generate it right now. 

3 projects were enough to get me the General...

Next one is 240 gpp and will be a while before I get that one and don't think Cornflakes can push quick enough before the hammer drops on him. 

Elsewhere, I harvest the marsh at Taueret and place a discounted Theater Square, switching back to archer. City instantly grows and will be about half way to size 3. I will chop the jungle to speed the TS along and grow the city again. 

Here is an overview shot...

I am almost to the point where I can't fit it all in one shot. A couple of things to note, first may income shows 76.4 gpt but that is thanks to the 3 projects and getting 15% of production in gold, so it will drop back down into the 20s. Second, I moved the wrong General (classical) towards the front this turn and will have to move him back to give the horsemen extra movement. The medieval General can go to the front, as he will boost the crossbows but not the horseman. I will be in military build mode for about another 10 turns and then kick out a bunch of builders, then go in expansion mode. Many city sites to settle. Should have enough military units after 10 turns with 4 horsemen and a bunch of chariots for knight upgrades. 

A few notes for your last post. 
(1) Rome's empire score might be boosted by Baths, as they are unique and I am about 98% sure aqueducts count as a district in emprie score. Not sure if he has any up yet but he should have the tech now or soon. Also, Rome also has Feudalism builders, so once we get to Feudalism and some +5 builders going, we will kick it in overdrive. I only have like 4 mines now and probably 20 hills that need them. So, nice job keeping up and lets see where we are in 20 or so turns. 

(2) Pretty sure Rome is also using Natural Philosophy right now, so his science is high. I about 5 or so turns, I will have another campus plus I should be able to get 3 envoys into Geneva for an addition +8Icon_Science and I will head to Recorded History after Mercenaries to run NP and +6Icon_Science. We should be able to keep up with him. 

As noted earlier, my gold this turn is deceptive with the projects. Their yields apply to the following turn. It will drop down to were it was the previous turn but nice job increasing yours into the 80s. I should get the next scientist (after the current one) as I am making equal points to Rome and will have more after my campus completes and I build a library. I am hoping for the university scientist to add +2:science to all universities but we will have to see. If it is that one, I will probably run a few projects to ensure that I get him/her. 

(3) Let's talk about war. I have 4 archers down by the front, a few more on their way, a few more near the southeast, and a few more in production. If we want to start this thing sooner, I could use the 4 on the front to start working on his units and have upgrade the ones in route when I can. They should be able to handle swords and could run away if he shows up with crossbows but we can declare much sooner than T95 if we want. Maybe I could also start moving them towards Nan Madol and work on Japper's army but I won't be able to upgrade in their territory like you. My horsemen will should start showing up on the front around T92-93 and will be able to upgrade crossbows on T95-96, so your frontline cities will be fine. What do you think? Should we start pushing as soon as we can on T87-88, or wait and hit him hard with everything?

My initial instinct would be to wait and hit hard with everything. I'm doing everything I can to keep my army concentrated in one place - I've pulled most of Nan Madol's defenders out, Japper will have to grind on the walls, and I don't want to be hit by a first strike in a few turns and lose half my army. I plan to reform my swords and archers into a mass just east of the city, then push along the coast - the main goal is to kill Kongo and Khmer units, and not push for cities quite yet. If we want to go early, having your archers along as flank guards from Cornflakes would be good.

If you could kick Cornflakes out of Geneva, that'd be awesome - fewer units to worry about (not that I'm worried at all, actually - city states don't wander far from their borders and Geneva is ten miles from everything), and I can re-establish my science. In the meantime I'll finally send a trader over to Muscat for hte +4 gold there, been leaving that too long on the table in pursuit of science.

One other bit - if you had transferred the GG to Horus, and then started walking to the front from there, would it have been faster? It doesn't matter much, I'm just curious if that's a small bit of micro improvement that could have been had.

My turn report is coming up.
I Think I'm Gwangju Like It Here

A blog about my adventures in Korea, and whatever else I feel like writing about.

I thought about moving to Horus too but there is a road between our capitals, so it is quicker to move by roads.

Turn 84-85

I got home late Thursday night, and with a fatigue-addled mind I played my turn and got the save moving again, only for it to stumble again at Cornflakes. I, uh, don't remember much about what I did on that turn, but 85 made up for it, since 84 was mostly set up. 

Start the turn with Military Training:

Main thing this grants me is an envoy and a policy swap. The war could start as soon as turn 87 or 88 (they might need to wait for their turn), so I go ahead and do the last bit of preparation I need for my existing forces, swapping into Oligarchy:

Maritime Industries was a mistake - I thought I needed to get rolling on Quadriremes, but the issue is only Actium can build them in the sea I need - 4 of my cities produce into a sea that's totally uncontested, and I have 4 galleys patrolling that ocean now. Furthermore, I thought I wouldn't be able to build heavy chariots without horses from Woden, since I only have 1 source of horses and no encampments, but, as you'll see, I was totally wrong about that! Anyway, conscription was to boost my gold until I got horses and needed maneuver, and caravanserai's +14 gold was more urgent than Urban Planning's +6 production, since we need gold, gold, gold for upgrades! Unlike most of my opponents, I've been aggressive in my use of gold this game, never having much of a cash reserve, but the policy changes and my new trade routes push my gold production to tops in the game (as you've seen). Charismatic Leader is a waste of a slot, but Oligarchy obliges me to use it. 

Situation at Nan Madol at start of turn. I'm gradually pulling back - I've timed things so that I can get my units out just before Japper is able to declare war, avoiding a first strike scenario. Most of the city-state's army has been picked off by Japper, with a bit of help from Woden. Hopefully it can mutilate that archer with its sword one last time, though. The city has walls and Japper has no battering ram in sight, and no gold to make one - I assume the settler came out of his capital, so he could only be finishing one up there around now-ish. As long as the walls stand, I'm content to delay.

I pull one sword into the water, and swap the warrior in, where it's promptly upgraded into a sword. I've finished spending gold now, and everything else is going to Woden for upgrades. Plan is to redeploy to the terrain around the lake to the east, swords shielding archers. If I can, we delay until Woden's army is up. If not, then I go in and try to wipe out Japper's army. A battle of mutual annihilation is not ideal, since it opens the door to Rome, but if I ahve to I'll accept that outcome, since I can replace my army faster than Japper or Cornflakes can. I hope I win, though. smile

Emperor offers to renew our friendship - I go ahead and accept, so peace on that front is guaranteed through t115. Let's keep staggering our friendships, Woden, so we're never exposed to this team. This way we can probably get at least 10 turns' warning of an incoming Cossack assault. 

When I go to update Aboukir's production (it and Leyte finished traders this turn, Actium and Navarino finished granaries to resume growth), I discover I can build heavy chariots after all! What the heck!

10 turns, but that will drop to 5 next turn after I policy swap again. I go ahead and queue up heavy chariots, quads, or builders all across the empire:

I'll have 3 done ca turn 90, and 3 more done ca t95. I could push as far as 10 by t100, but I'm not sure I have that kind of time. 10 knights would be quite an army, though! I also re-distribute tiles across the empire. For example, Leyte was leaving its valuable whales tile unworked because it was busy with the deer tile. Actium, meanwhile, couldn't work the deer, because Leyte had them, and was working a non-ideal jungle hill tile. I swapped tiles between cities and got the best output I could out of my empire. The result is a vastly increased gold production, slightly improved culture and science. 

Also, guess what? CQUI is back! I'll post the link in a few minutes for those interested, but my goodness it was nice to get back to a proper UI after the atrocity that's the default display. Production queues, more city information, easier citizen handling...everything is better! 

so, bottom lines: 

1)Major demographics are all first or second in the game, and Woden is right behind. 
2)Military situation is secure, apart from the vulnerable Nan Madol. Attempting to redeploy to deal with that. 
3)Upcoming production looks good. Going to have a large army, easily upgradable, soon. 
4)CQUI is back, yaaaaay!
I Think I'm Gwangju Like It Here

A blog about my adventures in Korea, and whatever else I feel like writing about.

CQUI is in beta now for the R&F patch, but it can be downloaded from Github here. So far no one has reported any issues:
I Think I'm Gwangju Like It Here

A blog about my adventures in Korea, and whatever else I feel like writing about.

For some reason chariots are resource-less, only requiring the Wheel tech. Probably so you can build one type of cavalry unit if you don't have horses. Knights do require iron, so you should be good for upgrades.

We should probably discuss what religious beliefs we want to take. I will have the prophet in about 5 turns (T90). We have to pick a follower belief and I am really not set on one. I am leaning towards Zen Meditation, as it would help both of us. Work Ethic might be nice but it only really comes out to be about +5% production on average. As for the second belief, I am thinking either Papal Primacy and convert Valletta and Geneva for addition production/science or Stewardship for +1Icon_Science/+1Icon_Gold to districts. Don't know if any of the other remaining founder beliefs are all that good. I am not sure any of the other beliefs are all that pressing. I guess I could go for a building right away. Go for the Meeting House for production or Synagogue for more faith and more Valletta purchases. Of coarse, teh Mosque might be nice to spread the religion. I don't know, what is your opinion?

I will only benefit from the follower belief, but Zen meditation sounds like our best option - every one of my cities will benefit from it fairly soon, for example. A lot of the others - Religious Community, Feed the World - require me to build Holy Sites to benefit from them, which I don't want to do. So Zen gets my vote on efficiency grounds.

As for the other beliefs, yeah, nothing is really pressing. I lean towards the Synagogue, which synergizes with Valetta pretty well, and might even the ground a little bit with China's crazy faith generation. I don't think we need Mosques, since we're not going to aggressively spread in other lands, and we seem to be okay on amenities and housing so Stupas and Pagodas are redundant. I think grabbing the Synagogue will be the best move, since we can't get Wats to drive your science higher.

Founder beliefs - let's see, Papal Primacy would get a maximum of +4 science from Geneva with 6 envoys, and +4 production for units from Valetta. Stewardship matches that if you have 4 campuses, and it'll boost your commercial hubs, too. I think that Stewardship is the better long-term investment.

Enhancer beliefs, nothing inspires. Probably hte passive beliefs are best - you want to hoard faith for Valetta purchases, so want to recruit as few missionaries/apostles as possible. So something like Scripture or Religious Colonization would be best.
I Think I'm Gwangju Like It Here

A blog about my adventures in Korea, and whatever else I feel like writing about.

Turn 86

I don't have time to swap to Ilkum and pre-build builders, not while generating gold for Woden's Xbows, so I go ahead and finish feudalism:

Woden is right - Professional Army is a prize, but so is International Confederation. I did some math overnight (thinking about this game helps me fall asleep, don't judge me):

Right now, I have 4 coastal cities and 5 coastal districts, for a total of +18 culture from Nan Madol, or roughly 40% of my present total. Without Nan Madol, I'll fall pretty far - BUT, I can make up for it. 

Not ONE of my 6 cities has a monument at the moment, and they're pretty cheap. I've been holding off on building them since RNDs are as good as a monument right now, for less production and providing more benefits. But if Japper starts to wear down the city, I can crank 'em out in about 3-4 turns in most cities. That gets me 12 of my 18 back right away. That's where International Confederation comes in. With +1 science/culture per trade route, that'd be worth 7 culture and 7 science, enough to totally replace Nan Madol in its entirety, and replace a lot of Geneva's output, too. So, losing Nan Madol won't be as crippling as it might have been 15 turns ago. I still plan to keep it, if possible, or liberate it, if I have to. Japper razing the city would be him in pure spite mode. Which I guess would be fair enough after Aranyaka.  lol

I use the policy swap to adopt maneuver:

And then I use maneuver to speed up chariot construction in every city. Actium, Leyte, Aboukir, and Navarino will finish a chariot in 6 turns. Salamis needs just 5, and Trafalgar will finish TWO chariots in that time. So we're looking at 7 chariots due T92, while Stirrups will take me a little longer, so I COULD keep cranking them out. I think that'd be excessive, though, since I still need builders and quads and Commercial Hubs and monuments and granaries...

Finishing feudalism leaves me with a choice after Mercenaries. I need to think aloud here:

Exploration is just beyond mercenaries, and costs 400 culture - 9 turns at present rates. Add 3 turns for mercs, 4 turns for medieval faires, and we're looking at 16 turns from now to a Tier II government. I could shave 4 turns off that by grabbing 2 caravels. I have the galleys, and can get the gold fairly easily. However, the tech for caravels will take 7 turns, which means I could have it 11 turns from now if I went for it next - just in time, basically. However, that means delaying stirrups until t102, and I wouldn't have time for Machinery, either. Hmmm...Is it worth it to grab the upgraded units now, and waste 200 culture? Or save the culture, but fight the war with outdated units? Caravels will be handy to have regardless...

Right now, I think I'm just going to eat the culture costs and slow-research it without the boost. Culture is less precious to me than science right now, and I need the units on the frontline desperately. I can't justify holding back on medieval units, not when Cornflakes/Japper could get them at any moment. There's no other urgent civics, so I can go for Exploration and boost it for Woden. Woden, thoughts? Divert research for the inspiration, or just go for it? 

Abroad, my scout makes a friend:

Hello, Archduke! I need to make my way around Singaboy's borders - it's good to see that I won't be blocked in the south! 

Meanwhile, my exploring galleys find action:

A barbarian quad attacked, but my two galleys - 1 promoted- can handle this easily. They combine and attack.

The quad is left shattered and almost sunk:

I'll finish it next turn, then send the damaged galley home to repair while the relatively fresh one forges ahead. 

Finally, the situation at the front. My army is lined up out of range of Cornflake's potential first strike. I plan to get my swordsmen in front of the archers, though. I'm also contemplating declaring war myself, I can shred Cornflake's warriors:

Every one of my land warriors is visible in that shot. I'm balanced with Cornflakes and Japper combined, maybe a little outnumbered, but Woden tips the scales in our favor. 

Woden, I think you should hold back until Crossbows can be upgraded. I'll avoid exposing myself decisively, then we can press forward jointly on Nan Madol and Cornflake's expansion. I'll finish my chariots, then start cranking 3 quads out of Actium to control the northern seas. Oh, I want one more galley there, too, 2 caravels are better than twice as good as just one. Shouldn't need more 'n two, though.
I Think I'm Gwangju Like It Here

A blog about my adventures in Korea, and whatever else I feel like writing about.

Nubia-Turn 84

Slow turn as I wait for stuff to finish. Start off with...

Now I can finally get my poor slinger that has been trapped between Germany borders back to my land. Other than that, units moved, I brought teh right General back to Amon, sent the other one to the southwest front, and I started Engineering. Here is an overview shot...

Income is back to a reasonable 26.5 gpt. Since it was a slow turn, I figured I can show the rankings...

We are second in Science and Culture, first in Military Power, and last in Religion. He is the score...

Give of a tight race for first place and me trailing the pack but I am the only one without a unique district or lots of wonders. Plus, my cities are fairly small with my highest population city sitting at 4. Need some builders to improve that but nothing I can do now. That is about it for the turn. I was hoping TheArchduke would play his turn so we could get a second in today but nope, will have to wait until tomorrow. 

Now time to talk a little about strategy...
(March 4th, 2018, 12:09)Chevalier Mal Fet Wrote: I did some math overnight (thinking about this game helps me fall asleep, don't judge me):

I have the opposite problem, the gears start turning and then I can't fall asleep! 

I thinking about the game last night and trying to figure out what I want to do mid-to-long term. One thing I was thinking about was religion and we maybe able to use it a little to supplement culture. Thoth follows Russia's religion right now and Choral Music is a followers belief. So, Thoth is going to build a Holy Site and Shrine once it hits size 4. Then I may spread Russia's religion to a few of my border towns and build Holy Sites, shrines and temples. I could even spread it to a few of your cities if you want to build Holy Sites. The issue with that would be you might get the last prophet and if you found a religion, all your cities with Holy Sites would convert. Then again, you wouldn't have to found the religion if you did get the last prophet.  

As for Research, I would beeline Exploration and Caravels if I were you, CMF. You have no immediate need for Stirrups and Machinery right now, soon but not right now. Remember, I am the hammer that's going to knock Khmer's door down and you are the knife that slits his throat! Meaning all you need initially is a few swords to take cities. Let me take the brunt of the initial wave of units and you swing in to help clean up. I will have a line of units flowing to the front, I can build them quicker, and I have the General. I don't mean to take the glory but all of our gold (except what you need for Caravels) should be going to upgrading my archers and chariots first, since I have the advantage. Plus, if we have too many units at your front waiting to upgrade, it will become a major traffic jam (I think it will already be with just may units). Now, still build your chariots (Maneuver obsoletes at Divine Right) and have your units ready because they will come in handy after the initial attack and for what comes after Khmer /Kongo are gone. 

I don't understand your urgency for more units at the front. You should have a few units protecting your cities but why the front? I already have 4 archers sitting next to your cities plus more on their way, plus a few warriors that will be swords, plus my horsemen and chariots will all be heading there as soon as they are built. Are you afraid they will attack us? By the time I upgrade my archers, my MP should be close to 1000. I hope they do attack, bring their units to us so we can wipe them out before we get close to their cities. Frankly, I would start pulling your archers back so they aren't exposed and draw their units closer to mine. Maybe keep a few in defensive terrain for vision. As for Nan Madol, unless he is bring a ram, he is not going to take the city anytime soon. It has a defensive strength of 46, crossbows will attack a walled city with a strength of 23 and his Ngai Mbebas attack at 35 strength but do only 15% damage. He won't be able to put the city in siege since he has not boats. It is going to take him a long time to work down those walls without a ram and a little while with a ram. Plus, they strength will increase on T90 when I earn my prophet and finish their quest for an envoy, making it more difficult. In summary, I think you have time to delay Stirrups and Machinery and chase Cartography and Exploration. Of coarse, if you disagree with me, feel free to finish both first. I know everybody likes a little action and it is tough to sit out. 

As for upgrades, I think I will have enough for 4 crossbows and 1 sword on T95> I will probably need 300-400 gold from you for 4 more crossbows and 1 more sword. Then we will need more for knight upgrades but my chariots will take a little bit to get to the front. I have copper that I will harvest for the knights and can get ~340 Icon_Gold from both coppers at Horus. So that would be a little under 4 knight upgrades around T95-T100. In 10 turns you should have close to 1000 gold. Plenty for me and probably enough for you to upgrade a few units. Maybe you do want to finish Stirrups soonish but one thing to remember with me upgrading a bunch of units, my income is going to go in the shitter. I may have to have you fund my maintenance a little bit. I will probably have a few CHs done but I haven't quite figured out how much maintenance I will need to pay with all my upgrades.  I guess, my instinct says to go for Exploration asap, but how you get there is up to you. If you want some glory, go for knights. If you think you want me to smash his units first, try for the boost. 

I like your plan with monuments to replace the Nan Madol culture. And good job on the income! Let's keep that rolling with Commercial Hubs now. We are going to need a lot of gold in the coming turns and beyond. The more I think about it the more I think if everything goes well against Khmer/Kongo, we should just continue to push against Sullla. I think if I take Khmer's capital since it has an encampment and use it to kick out units and keep a steady flow of units form my core, we can have a huge fricking army knocking on his door. Then, maybe Germany and China will go at it and we can sandwich Rome/China. Another reason you may not want to upgrade your chariots as soon as possible. Keep maintenance down and then roll them to the front, upgrade them, explode in Military Power, and knock Rome back. Now I am just dreaming but one has to have goals. 

Short term goals are to build military, build more military, and build even more military. I need 4 horsemen and probably at least 6 chariots. I have to more archers that will be produced before Feudalism finishes, which should bring me up to 10 or 11 potential crossbows. After the chariots are finished, it will be a round of builders, then districts and settlers, then Muskets. 

Okay, that is enough of my BS for now...

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