February 11th, 2010, 15:34
Posts: 3,143
Threads: 21
Joined: Oct 2009
[SIZE="5"]Turn 108?[/SIZE]
Got 32$ from pillaging a village! That's a free turn of science!
We'll loose a chariot that cut a road and I have the feeling that we've walked straight into a trap with a lot of units, but Dantski is with us, and India has to cross a river to attack, so we might still be safe. We're currently next to Antietam to get India to move his units inside and leave Fred'burg almost empty for Whosit's strike. Don't know if the bite.
We do need to move away from there next turn, since they'll probably whip a catapult.
Onto the homefront:
La Mut finished an Axe (going to Rolan) and started another one. We'll get a Settler out of there after the Axe for the Yabon site.
Krondor will finish an Axe as well next turn, worker - library/granary (or military) after that.
Rolan will finish the Library next turn. I sugest a worker, galley or chariot next.
Sethanon is building an Axe, guess we need a Rathaus there as well.
Crydee is still building a library, but growing slowly and starting to work riverside cottages.
Stardock is buidling a workboat, we can build a Monument or Galley there afterwards. I suggest Galley first.
Monarchy in 1t, then we revolt. 2t of money should be enough to give us Math in a mere 3 turns.
Talked to Whosit about the GP trade and he's ok with a second GS, but we need to discuss that some more later on.
Plako is asking for military aid again. Don't know what to do with him.