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RP Pitboss #2 [SPOILERS] - Darius I of the Holy Roman Empire

14 g from pillaging a cottage? :D Nice!

I was thinking of maybe doing 1 or 2 turns of full research, then shutting it down until after we get an academy. Do you think we'll get a big benefit by having maths sooner rather than later?

I will log in the game to take screenshots this weekend (it's vacation week for me :D).

The sooner we get Math, the sooner we could go for Contruction or something else. We have a library in 2t as well in Rolan to speed up research.

Nice to hear you have some time to do some pics. I don't have that much time atm.

[SIZE="5"]Turn 108?[/SIZE]

Got 32$ from pillaging a village! That's a free turn of science!

We'll loose a chariot that cut a road and I have the feeling that we've walked straight into a trap with a lot of units, but Dantski is with us, and India has to cross a river to attack, so we might still be safe. We're currently next to Antietam to get India to move his units inside and leave Fred'burg almost empty for Whosit's strike. Don't know if the bite.
We do need to move away from there next turn, since they'll probably whip a catapult.

Onto the homefront:
La Mut finished an Axe (going to Rolan) and started another one. We'll get a Settler out of there after the Axe for the Yabon site.
Krondor will finish an Axe as well next turn, worker - library/granary (or military) after that.
Rolan will finish the Library next turn. I sugest a worker, galley or chariot next.
Sethanon is building an Axe, guess we need a Rathaus there as well.
Crydee is still building a library, but growing slowly and starting to work riverside cottages.
Stardock is buidling a workboat, we can build a Monument or Galley there afterwards. I suggest Galley first.

Monarchy in 1t, then we revolt. 2t of money should be enough to give us Math in a mere 3 turns.

Talked to Whosit about the GP trade and he's ok with a second GS, but we need to discuss that some more later on.
Plako is asking for military aid again. Don't know what to do with him.

Quote:Plako is asking for military aid again. Don't know what to do with him.

the popular thing to do in this game would be string him along until it's convenient to gangjump him

m4gill4 > did that already, didn't I? bang

I don't think we need to do that with Plako.
I told him that we're busy right now and that feudalism is a long way of.
I will NOT promis him any aid.

Interesting thing is that Plako revolted to HR one turn before we'll do that.

Don't promise them any aid, we stand to benefit very little from it. Quite honestly, the way we've treated that team, they know that we won't offer them any help.

Hmmm.... don't be to sure....

We lost a chariot, diconnected a copper, build a library and axe.
Monarchy is in, so we revolted to HR.

Good - so let's try and grow our cities to work more cottages. Next up - Math!

I did send a worker to start connecting our Wine resource for even more happines!

CRAP!!!! yikesbangheadduh

Quote:Hi Guys,

I have made peace with India. While I don't expect you guys to be happy about it, I feel the war was hurting my civ's development too badly and even with the generous Ottoman offer in regards to finances I feel this will be far more beneficial.

I insisted on not giving away any CoW plans or unit info for the next 10- turns.

HRE I will be returning 2 axes to Krondor.


Dantski is afraid of the Catapults and he says his economy is crashing...

Renewed the NAP with Dantski to t135

But what do we do now?

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