January 13th, 2010, 20:20
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sunrise089 Wrote:Without putting a spoiler in my own post, here is the problem: Sullla was commenting on a certain strategy a player was using and another one he was not using. The strategy he was using was public, so as a player I knew that. However I couldn't be sure he wasn't also using a different strategy in secret until I learned here that Sullla stated he was not.
Despite my best efforts, I can't think of anything better to say than "oops" and "I'll keep the threads to themselves from now on." A learning experience, albeit with some collateral damage. Though I really feel bad and stupid now that I realize what I did.
January 13th, 2010, 21:38
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Whosit Wrote:Despite my best efforts, I can't think of anything better to say than "oops" and "I'll keep the threads to themselves from now on." A learning experience, albeit with some collateral damage. Though I really feel bad and stupid now that I realize what I did.
It can be tough to figure out how to compare things that are happening in the other games to your own game. I have run into that a few times myself.
January 14th, 2010, 00:18
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regoarrarr Wrote:It can be tough to figure out how to compare things that are happening in the other games to your own game. I have run into that a few times myself.
It's actually easier when you're a player - just only talk about your own game. That way you know whatever you're saying is by definition not a spoiler.
January 14th, 2010, 09:16
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sunrise089 Wrote:It's actually easier when you're a player - just only talk about your own game. That way you know whatever you're saying is by definition not a spoiler.
Yeah but sometimes you (At least I) want to make comparisons to things that are happening in my game to other games, because I think they are beneficial comparisons.
January 14th, 2010, 11:50
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OK OK OK. Enough with the hijacking of my thread. We're getting back to this game now.
As sorta promised, some charts. They are generally scary to people who are not "Spullla." Probably.
First, the fearsome GNP chart. Apparently the ups and downs represent switching between 100% science and 100% gold, though I'm sure most of you know that. I can't follow that strategy because I don't make nearly enough at 100% gold to pay for even 1/2 a turn of 100% science.
Then production. I'm ahead here, but not by as much as I'd like.
And crops.
So. Team Killer Angels are ages ahead of everyone in revenue, they are producing the most food (so faster growth = more commerce), and although they are second in production, it's not by far. They've basically built an extremely balanced empire that can do everything very well.
On another note, plako is building a Library in Seoul. It's almost done, and it's going to make it problematic to retain cultural control over my new cities. When I can afford it, I'm going to settle that filler city. Maybe it can help Ryloth fight Seoul's culture.
January 14th, 2010, 12:14
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Whosit Wrote:First, the fearsome GNP chart. Apparently the ups and downs represent switching between 100% science and 100% gold, though I'm sure most of you know that. I can't follow that strategy because I don't make nearly enough at 100% gold to pay for even 1/2 a turn of 100% science.
You can follow that strategy. In fact when your sustainable science percentage is lower, that often means a greater benefit from binary research. If you were to save gold now and begin deficit research later, you accomplish two things. One, you delay the commerce-beaker conversion until a time when the multiplier is higher, if in the meantime you build libraries or an academy or some rivals learn a tech to give you a devaluation discount. Two, you gather information on the best choice to research before committing where to invest your beakers.
(Three, there's a persistent myth that binary science avoids loss to roundoff error. Since Warlords introduced fractional beakers, this is tiny, never more than 1 unit per turn. Roundoff error can even also occur in the middle of the slider rather than at either end. So roundoff is a non-factor.)
January 14th, 2010, 12:25
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T-hawk Wrote:You can follow that strategy. In fact when your sustainable science percentage is lower, that often means a greater benefit from binary research. If you were to save gold now and begin deficit research later, you accomplish two things. One, you delay the commerce-beaker conversion until a time when the multiplier is higher, if in the meantime you build libraries or an academy or some rivals learn a tech to give you a devaluation discount. Two, you gather information on the best choice to research before committing where to invest your beakers.
I was originally planning to shut down research for awhile now that I have Writing. Maybe I should still do that. It's not like I'd build Monasteries any time soon (researching meditation).
7 turns to library in capital. Much, much longer in Nar Shaddaa and Ryloth (Ryloth will have to whip it eventually since it basically has no hammers now that the Horse tile is lost). Carida will build a Library after Stonehenge, but just because it can run a Scientist at size 6 (otherwise, it has no commerce). Byss will also start a Library next turn, when the Galley is finished. It'll probably take awhile at 5 hpt. 18 turns, to be precise. Not planning to build a Library in Kuat at the moment.
Nar Shaddaa . . . I'll mine the grassland Iron (4 hammers), so 6 total when it works that, and maybe 9 when I re-mine the hill.
Oh, Dantski Opened Borders with me, so I have one more foreign trade route. Whee!
Anyway, thanks for the info. I kinda made sense of it! I'll run gold for awhile to see where that gets me.
January 14th, 2010, 17:26
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Well, I was slightly mistaken. It would take me seven turns at 100% gold to pay for just ONE turn of max science. Ha ha. Oh well. Pictures!
Centralia, as I know it:
To the northeast of my Axeman, there appears to be another two tile lake. I'll have to explore much more before I can decide where cities go, and there are much better uses for tiles, but it would be interesting to abuse forts here.
And Outbound Sail is away!
I'll be producing three more galleys for attack on India. I have the IG "Wasp," and the next will be the "Hornet." If any lurkers have suggestions for the next two, feel free to share. They don't have to be Star Wars names, but they should reflect Imperial majesty. Though nothing too spectacular; they're still just Galleys.
January 14th, 2010, 17:36
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erm, to vaguely follow your theme:
Mosquito and Mantis?
January 14th, 2010, 18:37
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here is a list of all Imperial Star Destroyers in the star wars universe:
happy hunting!