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RP Pitboss #2 [SPOILERS] - Darius I of the Holy Roman Empire

Ok, I'll make the deal then.

I was thinking of sending a chariot and an Axe with the worker/settler.

Rolan can also build a settler after the chariot.

[SIZE="5"]1 AD[/SIZE]

[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0060.jpg]

Here's our little empire with expansion plans.

Rolan will grow in 1 turn and should start on a settler (Centralia site) then.
Krondor will finish the library in 2t and should build military or maybe a wonder
Sethanon is building a rathaus to save 4gpt, we're going to hook-up the marble a.s.a.p.
La Mut is on Settler (Whosit trade) duty and will build one, then build an axe to grow to size 6 and then build another Settler (Yabon site OR Port Natal site)
Crydee is buidling a lighthouse to get research and growth going even better.
Stardock is building a Galley and should build/whip a monument afterwards.

We've got 3 warriors exploring, one in the Ottoman empire, one in Romalinese lands and a third one moving towards Whosit/Plako to scout their lands.

Construction due in 3t thanks to this:

[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0059.jpg]

We're going to repay them after Construction is in and we must decide what to tech next. Maybe Metal Casting is an option with a Silver at our next site. Or Currency/Calender

[SIZE="5"]25 AD:[/SIZE]

Rolan changed to a settler.
Construction due in 2t, and Krondor can build a military then.

Okay, all looks good.

I personally would prefer we research Currency first (we've got 6 cities right now, 7 soon, so that's probably 2 commerce per city) because it helps our future tech situation. Afterwards, we can decide between Metal Casting and Calendar (both are priorities with our calendar and mineral resources).

Sorry I wasn't online yesterday, I was without internet all day.

Sounds like a good plan.

Currency - Metal Casting - Calender (or an offensive tech is we are at war).

I think we have enough health resources to build forges, so I suggest MC first.

The more I think about this game, the more I feel like we need to take out Dantski if possible, or at least take Gao from him. What do you think?

Also, regarding our next cities, our first settler should go to Centralia, but what shall we do with the second? Go for the Yabon site (working Iron, Wines and Wheat) or go for the Port Natal site (Clams, Horses and an calender resource).

Another question, do we need a Granary in Krondor before we start building an army there?

I propose we whip Stardock once it reaches size 3 for a Galley - Monument.

Just checked the game. Dantski did return the 2 axes we lent to him.

Also, Athlete was in the game yesterday and noticed Speaker sending a message "Krondor". Wonder what that will mean.... good thing we're preparing for war! yikes

I would prefer a granary in Krondor so it grows back faster after we whip.

Is there anything else you can find out about Speaker's message? And who was the message sent to? (EDIT: Read the emails)

*Put the 2 axes that we got back in Krondor and fortify them.

How many units exactly do we have in Krondor?

**One thing that worries me is that we aren't building a military right now. Does Crydee really need a lighthouse right now? Might it be better suited to building a unit?

Crydee has almost no production. The lighthouse can get the growth and techrate interesting.

We'll start building more military once Construction comes in.

* We got a message from Greece, stating India is going for Metal Casting and maybe Colossus. Should we try for that as well to denie it to India?
Also, we do need Archery researched...

No, I would not even attempt to build the Colossus. The Colossus is an incredibly bad wonder and I have virtually never bothered to build it in my immortal/deity games. In fact, I hope they build the Colossus and work water tiles. The more water tiles the work, the slower their cities grow and the fewer cottages that they will work. On top of that, the Colossus obsoletes early, with Astronomy, an important tech allowing us access to observatories and being prerequisites for many other techs.

EDIT: Actually, now that I think about it, the Colossus is good for failure gold, since we have copper. So maybe we could build it up to 1 turn from completion. However, MC is still a lower priority than Currency (which is our next tech, right?).

I checked the game, and there is no reason why Crydee needs a lighthouse. I have to admit, I was puzzled at the build for a minute, and I thought there was a coastal fish/clam/crab that I missed which woud justify the need for a lighthouse, but there isn't any.

A much better build choice is a granary in this city. I would take a granary over lighthouse in this city 99.9% of the time. I have not switched the build since we've put so many hammers into it, but just pointing it out that in many cases a granary is superior to a lighthouse, even with our organized trait. The only time I would build a lighthouse in a city like Crydee at this point is if there were at least 2 seafod resources wink (just letting you know for the future).

Also, we need to have 2 farms built by Civil Service (or during Civil Service) if we want to grow Crydee (chain irrigation). smile I've marked the farm sections. Furthermore, to keep the wheat under our cultural control, we need cultural buildings (not lighthouses). The farm near Hawk's Hollow suits it well, giving it a surplus food tile to grow on. Speaking of culture, I really hope there's a chance we can take cultural control of one of the tiles adjacent to Gao before we attack, if at all. Not likely, but we can hope.

The good news is ... we have Construction next turn, AND an academy! smile I am a huge fan of academies. :D

[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0487-1.jpg]
[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0488-1.jpg]
[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0489-1.jpg]

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