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Realms Beyond Werewolf 2 : Game Thread

If only Selrahc had even tried to make that second argument himself it might be believable.

As for the rest, I got all that, in fact I could have sworn I just said the same thing myself. My point was it relies on everything that's said so far being true. Well not even that, but everything being true except for Roland also pointedly leaving out mention of the seer in his confession post. Despite being aware himself that, according to his own theory, the wolves should already know who the seer is. Why is it that Roland didn't trust his own theory enough to reveal the seer, but now yourself and uberfish do?

Nothing really adds up here. However, they say never assign to malice what could equally be explained by stupidity. So I'm still giving everyone the benefit of the doubt here. I'm just not really very impressed by the whole business.

Irgy Wrote:If only Selrahc had even tried to make that second argument himself it might be believable.

As for the rest, I got all that, in fact I could have sworn I just said the same thing myself. My point was it relies on everything that's said so far being true. Well not even that, but everything being true except for Roland also pointedly leaving out mention of the seer in his confession post.

The second Roland post named Sunrise as seer. I confirmed it because Roland already lied once, and Selrahc's main defence is "Roland is lying again."

Lynch Votes:
1 = Gaspar: Haphazard1
1 = uberfish: Ug the Barbarian,
9 = Selrahc: Roland, uberfish, MJW, Kyan, Sareln, Gaspar, Lewwyn, sunrise089, Irgy
1 = Roland: Selrahc

No Votes:
All which don't show up above, no time to search all names now

Summary of Changes:

Sequence of Events:
1) Haphazard1: Voted for Gaspar
2) Ug the Barbarian: Voted for uberfish
3) Roland: Voted for Selrahc
4) uberfish: Voted for Selrahc
5) MJW: Voted for Selrahc
6) Kyan: Voted for Selrahc
7) Sareln: Voted for Selrahc
8) Gaspar: Voted for Selrahc
9) Selrahc: Voted for Roland
10) Lewwyn: Voted for Selrahc
11) Sunrise089: Voted for Selrahc
12) Irgy: Voted for Selrahc

Sequence of Claims:
1) Roland: Claims to be the Seer and that Selrahc is the Devil
2) Kyan: Claims to be the second Mason
3) Selrahc: Claims that Roland can't be the Seer (Seer doesn't possess the data Roland claimed to have)
4.1) Roland: Reveals that he lied and claims that a secret role, called "OWl", gave him the information
4.2) Roland: Reveals that he does not know if Selrahc is the Seer or the Devil
4.3) Roland: States that either Selrahc or Sunrise is the Devil
4.4) Roland: Asked sunrise (who he claimed might be the Devil) to help him kill Selrahc

I give up for the sequence of claims right now, I have to work - and apart from that, Selrahc has 9 out of 17 votes. Thats more then 50%.

Reading the rule again, everyone needs to have voted that more then 50% of the votes are enough for instant doom. Means I do have time to work it through and tell today in the evening what I think.

Please note - I changed my vote to Selrahc back on post #545

I find something very interesting:

Nobody mentioned the possibility of the fool. A fool would be seen walking the village the same as the seer or the devil. That neither Roland nor Selrahc give that any thoughts is strange. But uberfish and Lewwyn act the same way.

Lets see the possibilities:
a) sunrise is the seer and Selrahc is the Devil and the owl exists and has seen Selrahc visiting sunrise:
The wolves know sunrise is the seer; thanks to today they also know that Kyan is Mason2 and they know there is an Owl-role. The last thing was absolutly unnecessary to reveal.

b) sunrise the seer Selrahc the fool(or vice versa) Owl exists: Selrahc would scan sunrise as fool (as I understand f&i that would be the result if the fool scans the seer or the seer scans the fool). No good reason why Selrahc should not have said so.

c) sunrise is the fool Selrahc the devil Owl exists: both uberfish and Lewwyn's posts make no sense at all.

d) Owl doesn't exist or what he saw didn't happen (= fool owl). We are descending into utter chaos and have just outed our 2nd Mason, maybe our Seer and have a good chance to gain nothing in return.

I think a) is the most probable one.

Currently not voted:

Dantski, Mr Nice Guy, Rowain, scooter, Serdoa;

Rowain Wrote:Luddite was killed yes. His Mason friend from Day1. Don’t you wonder how the wolves got so lucky to kill a Mason so soon?

I figured this out while tossing and turning last night. It's from a PM I sent during the first Night cycle. It was my insurance policy in case I got eaten in the night. Unfortunately, being the noob to these forums that I am (LONG time lurker, but rarely post, and even more rarely PM) I didn't BCC - I sent it directly.

Now, I was smart enough to only send it to one Mason - Luddite - because I felt no need to share it with both Masons. After all, one is as good as the other, yes? However, I also sent it to 4 OTHER people - and remember, they could all see who it went to, so if anyone claims I'm lying I know there are people out there who can back me up on this.

Selrahc was one of those names. With an idiotic mistake, I had sold out one of the Masons - the very one that got killed last night. It has been bothering me since I learned Luddite was killed just HOW they knew to kill him - now I know.

Sorry to be so short. I'm at work with minimal time, but I wanted to get this out there.

Rowain, for what it's worth, I never meant to mislead you. I've been nothing but genuine with you - I was simply wrong on Meiz. I put my faith in my fellow Villagers (we went after Meiz as a consensus - I originally was the sole voice of opposition, but I relented to stay with the group), and because of that asked for the faith of others. It backfired, as hugely as was possible, and it cost me your trust (and many others, I am sure). For that I am sorry. There was never any intent to mislead, ever. It was just a bad call.

Irgy Wrote:If only Selrahc had even tried to make that second argument himself it might be believable.

As for the rest, I got all that, in fact I could have sworn I just said the same thing myself. My point was it relies on everything that's said so far being true. Well not even that, but everything being true except for Roland also pointedly leaving out mention of the seer in his confession post. Despite being aware himself that, according to his own theory, the wolves should already know who the seer is. Why is it that Roland didn't trust his own theory enough to reveal the seer, but now yourself and uberfish do?

Nothing really adds up here. However, they say never assign to malice what could equally be explained by stupidity. So I'm still giving everyone the benefit of the doubt here. I'm just not really very impressed by the whole business.

Speaking for myself, I vote stupidity, at least on my own behalf. Kyan asked me if I would be a martyr. I didn't really think about it enough before I gave a half-hearted "Yes", and EVERYTHING from that point on has been a total nightmare. Seriously. I didn't sign up for this. I purposefully wanted a Villager role when I signed up for this game because 1) I'm a shitty liar, and 2) I didn't want the responsibility of anyone important. I was happy as could be doing what I KNOW how to do - work with people, build networks, etc. I was FINE being the voice of the Masons. I was HONORED to keep myself between them and the outside world in order to protect them - after all, they took a huge leap of faith on me on Day 1. I owed it to them, I felt.

This whole debacle? NOT my idea. I volunteered, and once done, I said I would see it through to the end. It has grown into something completely beyond anything I ever imagined, I am clearly incapable of handling the situation, and so everyone has had to band together in order to salvage MY ruined attempts at executing this plan.

To quote Lewwyn from last night during my ever-increasing panic attack:
"What do you do when you're lost in the woods?"
"That's right. You stand still, and you send up the signal flares."

So... yeah. I'm not good at anything involving lying. It's one thing to keep people hidden from view, but it's entirely another to try and play the role of someone else. One reason I'm not an actor (the other being horrendous stage-fright :P). You can either believe this was all some elaborate plot by me to destroy the Village, OR you can believe that I'm simply an idiot, and screwed up. I'm voting B. :P

Oh, and Irgy, to your question about why I didn't mention Sunrise in my original post - I missed it. Lewwyn caught it and scolded me, and I pretty much just blew up at him and said "I don't care. If it's a problem I'll fix it in the morning. I'm going to bed." And that was that. So... yeah. One more screw up on my tally. Can we just paint me with the Scarlet Letter already and be done with it? It would make my life so much easier. Save me from having to write these long explanation posts. Much easier to just point to my chest and say "Idiot."

(And for those of you who are wondering, yes I'm still finding enjoyment in this game. Somehow. I just feel like a total fool for bumbling this whole thing up so bad, and trying to figure out WHY I ever volunteered for this in the first place.)

Wow Roland you really aren't doing your cause any favours with all these lies and story telling.

However since I'm a villager who wants to win there's 2 choices.

1. Vote Roland, if Roland turns out to be a villager then anyone who votes for him this round is virtually guaranteed to be lynched. While Roland's posts are making less and less sense and sounding increasingly desperate this option doesn't seem the right one.

2. Vote Selrahc. If all of the claims by Roland/Gaspar/ etc are false then they have all set themselves up to be lynched ASAP if Selrahc turns out to be innocent.

The most confusing part of all this to me is the supposed 'Owl" role, like someone else (sorry don't recall who posted it) I did a search of the web and found no mention of any such role in this kind of game. Either it doesn't exist or alternatively F&I created it for the purposes of this game.

At the moment I would warily encourage people to vote for Selrahc. If he's found innocent, then the villagers really need to lynch the heck out of Roland/Gaspar etc ASAP

"We are open to all opinions as long as they are the same as ours."

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