[SIZE="7"]Turn 123 / 200 AD[/SIZE]
I didn't officially end our turn, so you can change some things if needed. I added a couple of signs/reminders for the future.
The first thing I did was move our exploring warriors (one in Ottoman-Incan territory, one in Roman territory, and one in Romamalinese territory). Dantski has a 7-unit mixed attack (or defense?) force, which doesn't bode well. With his concentration of units in Gao and Kumbi Saleh, this means he probably has some kind of plan with India so that India doesn't attack him. I also explored more in Centralia. Whosit's axemen is there. Did you notice that Dantski is researching currency?
The second thing I did was mange our cities.
Sethanon looks good to me. It's building a worker in what will take 7 turns, at most (we have a worker chopping the fourest south of the city, so that the forest south of that can give health to either city). Do we want to chop all the forests in Sethanon? 2 forests gives us 1 health, but 1 forest gives us 0 health.
I would try to get 2 straight workers out of Sethanon.
We need to settle Yabon soon or else Whosit's culture will take control of it.
I moved this worker over to chop the spicy forests. We'll plantation over it eventually, but I'd like to get the chop done with and put it in a unit. After the lighthouse, I propose a spearmen to diversify our troops.
I moved one of our axes defending Rolan over to Crydee. The sooner it can get there and get fortification bonus (just in case) the better. Rolan is at 9/9 happiness and should finish the lighthouse after the settler and then make a unit.
Third thing I did was put some signs to indicate certain culturally important tiles. We need to monitor this.
More good news - we're #1 in GNP, and we're about to get Currency in 2 turns. :dancing5:
Power graph. About the only good thing here is that Dantski and us are about tied.

Usually in a tie situation the defender wins so we'll have to break the balance if we attack.
By the way, I'm just curious - do we have a NAP with Rome/Whosit until turn 150?
-Last thing: what should the composition of our troops in Crydee and Krondor be? Right now we're heavily dependent on our axes. Do we want an axe/catapults only, or do we add swords to the mix (Whosit's 2 praetorians will be useful though). I think for our melee units we should be dependent on axes mostly, but with a couple of spears and swords in the mix.
A lot of what I did this round is by a defensive mindset, but I will switch to offense once the time comes.