As a French person I feel like it's my duty to explain strikes to you. - AdrienIer

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[Spoilers] Old Harry's Game

Yeah, that's slightly sneaky.. yikes
PBEM 45G, PB 13, PB 18, PB 38 & PB 49

Top 3 favorite turns: 
#1, #2, #3

(September 21st, 2013, 09:39)Old Harry Wrote: Well we both know you're a bad person. I guess I am too. The fact I only bulbed Astronomy last turn makes it seem even meaner. devil


The troops while away the long hours waiting for the next battle, praying it won't come, knowing their bloodthirsty overlords will ensure it does.

Its the hope that kills you, as sure as the bullets.

They find ways to pass the time.

[Image: A%20company%20of%20Waldos.jpg]

This is more confusing then when when Waldo visited that barber pole factory!


lol How did you...?
(March 12th, 2024, 07:40)naufragar Wrote:"But naufragar, I want to be an emperor, not a product manager." Soon, my bloodthirsty friend, soon.


Turn 178

The final turn dawns on a drawn-out but probably not epic game. I began by ripping Hydra's stack to shreds:

I'm pretty pleased with how it turned out - I had just enough cavalry to flank all but one cannon, then after a bunch of grenadiers and rifles suicided there were a lot of easy pickings at the end. I didn't take a "before" screenshot - but if you want to have a go the password is Harry. This is what the stack became...

Because I was just having fun I didn't pay much attention to this stack up here - and due to my negligence Halifax is doomed! Even if I hadn't spent so much material on the main stack I wouldn't have held it. Not much chance of getting collateral in place or of flanking away those cannons, so in two turns the city would fall. Nicely played THH - this is my main military pump city!

So I went to try and burn Cuzco - unfortunately it had three units in so I had to burn Vitcos instead cry

There are a bunch of other small stacks around that won't do much damage, I attacked a few of them for fun. Finally this is my plan for a GG to be added to a 9 xp cavalry and allow a combat IV + commando raid against Machu Picchu next turn. Would it have succeeded?

I'm not sure I'm a clear winner here - I feel a bit like a swarm of mosquitoes buzzing around THH right now, knocking out cities here and there without being able to land a knockout blow. Perhaps he's drafted down to the point where he just couldn't defend against my army once it's healed up in a couple of turns? I'll have to have a look once I finish turn, but my rifles and cav just don't do much against infantry... Can we get an adjudication from the lurkers? If it helps this is what I was building:


(September 23rd, 2013, 23:39)thestick Wrote: lol How did you...?

It's the Official Where's Wally BTS skin pack!
It wasn't that I spent an hour doing it in Paint just to please the lurkers nono

Thanks Bigger and Noble - your encouragement and nit-picking were both vital! I'm off to read some other threads...

What was going to happen at Kettering? I'm not sure if the commando plan would have worked; I might have just killed your random cavalry with my infantry up there, and I certainly would have done something if I had realized what you were up to, but whether I would have I cannot say. If I didn't, I'm not sure whether you would have taken the city - it had one unit in it last turn, but units had been constantly moving through it to get south. Anyway, hard to say; might have worked. As for going on the offensive, I still had capacity to draft to the hilt for many more turns as well as produce units conventionally; if happiness became a problem I had no problem running the slider, which I had never had to do yet - and I still had 20 units in the south I could bring up to form the core of a new defensive army. I had actually been preparing for a deep strike by your cavalry stack into my north, between Wild West and Hydranauts, so I would have had stuff on hand as well as whippable. The point, though, is that my invasion failed (as you'll find in my thread I predicted as soon as I saw your defences), leaving us at the status quo - you lost Halifax and Forest Green (and Kettering? hence my question), your military pump and a trash city, and I lost Aquanauts and Vitcos, my military pump (yes) and a trash city. Our armies were also vaguely the same size (still). In this situation, your superior economic capacity would have secured you the victory, as you had basically caught up in tech, albeit along a different path, and were poised to race ahead of me, and could far outproduce me militarily through Police State. The reason I launched this war was because I knew you would win if I didn't, though even if I did victory was by no means assured. Anyway, you'll find many more thoughts in my thread; I've already read all yours and commented a bit in mine. Good game and well-played.

It would have held unless you had more units coming? I attacked with some cavalry just for fun, but if I was playing seriously might have just stacked them in the city.

Thanks for playing, I'm probably not going to get all the way through your thread today!

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