Issnur Isles
All Items have:
- Reqs of 5 in the specified attribute
- An inscribable slot with no current inscription on it
- Staffs with +8e and HRS 10%
- Shields with +15 Health always
reqs of 5 in the specified attribute.
Lohfihau - 3 Insect Appendages
Winged Axe (Axe) 6-15
Suntouched Scythe (Scythe) 9-21
Heraldric Shield (Com) Armor 10
Stoneshard Hornbow (Mark) 10-16
Earth Staff (Earth) Earth 8-12
Holy Branch (DF) Fire 8-12
Ensorcelling Staff (Dom) Chaos 8-12
Hoanjo - 3 Skale Claws
Suntouched Scythe (Scythe) 9-21
Adamantine Shield (Tact) Armor 10
Sturdy Recurve Bow (Mark) 10-16
Tidal Staff (Water) Cold 8-12
Winged Staff (Smite) Light 8-12
Unholy Staff (Curse) Cold 8-12
Illusory Staff (Illusion) Chaos 8-12
Iyemab - 3 Insect Appendages
Barrel Hammer (Hammer) 13-19
Suntouched Spear (Spear) 10-15
Shield of the Lion (Str) Armor 10
Wooden Longbow (Mark) 10-16
Pyrewood Staff (Fire) Fire 8-12
Protective Staff (Protection) Fire 8-12
Spinal STaff (Blood) Dark 8-12
Locations of the Lahtenda Bog Armor collectors
If you believe everything you read, better not read.