Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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Living off the Land

Soooooooo...are we starting tomorrow night? I am ready! (I think) I got my Dervish to Kamadan for the Halloween events (and got my hat, woot!), but I haven't done any quests that you get in Kamadan. Will we meet there? What is to be our objective? I think the primary quest that we'll have is the taking a second profession thing...

Wyrm, you might want to post a reminder on the ZoS forum that we're starting... smile

I'll be ready to start tomorrow night. smile

Yes, we start tomorrow night and yes, I'll be reminding people about that.
Alea Jacta Est - Caesar
I live my life by Murphy's Law.

Yay, we had our first meeting for the variant and even more people showed up than expected!

The team I was on, consisting of Hawk, Seijin, Aravis, and myself, made it through most of the starter quests and got to level 5 (6 in some cases) so we're all set to pick up next week with the secondary profession quests and to continue the primary story. Next week we should do 2 things different. First, we should make sure TS is up and running (didn't think of that tonight until it was too late). Secondly, we should try to get people together who don't know each other all that well. Not quite sure how I wound up with Aravis, Seijin and Hawk since they're the 3 I know most of all the team members, but let's try to avoid that next week.

Also, since no one else suggested anything, we're going with "Voices in the Wilderness" for the reports. I should have the first one up either later tonight or tomorrow. If Zedf wants to do one for the other team, that's fine as well.

Not sure if I forgot anything else, so I'll stop instead of ramble on.
Alea Jacta Est - Caesar
I live my life by Murphy's Law.

Good title for the journaling Remy thumbsup
I just wanted to say here (also as my very first post on your forums wink ) that I had a GREAT time with this LoL team - while I DID have fun with you guys on my team, I DO think it is a fine idea and a fantastic way for us all to come together and get to know each other better if we "mix it up" a little with peeps we don't know too well, like you said Remy.
Well, spose I'm just doing a /clap and /cheer for the great idea for this Variant and very much looking forward to going further with it! smile
See you all in game and have fun!!

Since we're only allowed to use collector's armor, here's what everyone should be saving up on noob isle for the collectors:

First set:
Head (Zehlon Reach) - swamproot x1 (drop from mandragors lvl 12)
Body (Cliffs) - copper shilling x3 (low level corsairs)
Hands (Cliffs) - rinkhal talon x1 (lvl 10-12 rinkhals)
Legs (Astralarium) - Skale Tooth x1 (any skale)
Feet (Cliffs) - skree fledgling wing x3 (any skree)

Second set (all located in Lahtenda Bog):
Head - copper shilling x3
Body - silver shilling x3 (lvl 10 corsairs)
Hands - insect appendage x3 (I think any insect above lvl 2)
Legs - swamproot x2
Feet - skree fledgling wing x3

I can't find any max armor collectors. I guess we'll figure that out when we get to that point. thumbsup

Belt Pouch (Kamadan) - juvenile termite leg x2 (I think this is a quest anyways)
Bag (Sunspear Great Hall) - battle commendation x1 OR sentient seed x3 (lvl 6 plants and higher)
Rune of Holding (Sunspear Great Hall) - battle commendation x3
If you believe everything you read, better not read.

The introduction and first progress report are done and posted. Who wants to do the one for next week?

edit: Sorry for the lack of names in the write-up. I haven't memorized all the character names yet.

Aravis Wrote:Good title for the journaling Remy
Congratulate Hawkmoon, it's her title. Mine were kinda corny.

Quote:I had a GREAT time with this LoL team
Glad to hear it. We're glad you're joining us, along with the other people from your guild who are giving it a go (even though one of them won't be able to make the Tuesday night meetings, unfortunately).

Seijin Wrote:Since we're only allowed to use collector's armor, here's what everyone should be saving up on noob isle for the collectors:
Thanks for listing that stuff out Seijin (assuming you grabbed it off wiki). Not sure if wee need to list out the collectors for weapons. I know the rules say you can use any pre-order weapons you have, but I thought I'd go the extra mile and forego the use of my Sunspear and only use the ones I found on the field; I thought it might be fun to try that since I don't think I've had to use non-max damage weapons for over a year.
Alea Jacta Est - Caesar
I live my life by Murphy's Law.

Lurker Wyrm Wrote:Thanks for listing that stuff out Seijin (assuming you grabbed it off wiki)

Actually I had written it all down when I went through with my Dervish. Wiki hasn't been loading (if at all) for me lately, so I haven't been visiting as often.

Lurker Wyrm Wrote:Not sure if wee need to list out the collectors for weapons.

Near the sunspear great hall is a collector that trades some weapons/off hands for 2-3 juvenile termite legs. Of course they're all low level, but they do have an inscribable slot that is unfilled.

In the Issunur Isles I think there's a few weapon collectors there that trade for insect carapaces. I could get the info easily. I'll probably only list the relevant items (unless people are using their secondaries to use those weapons/off hands). I know we have Dervs, Paragons, Eles, a Ranger and a Warrior. Other than those professions, I don't know what else is in the group.
If you believe everything you read, better not read.

We have a mesmer (me)... smile
Uca was an ele, Sciros was a Paragon (but I don't think he's continuing with the rest of the group for much longer) and we had another Dervish whose name I can't recall...

Issnur Isles
All Items have:
  1. Reqs of 5 in the specified attribute
  2. An inscribable slot with no current inscription on it
  3. Staffs with +8e and HRS 10%
  4. Shields with +15 Health always
reqs of 5 in the specified attribute.

Lohfihau - 3 Insect Appendages
Winged Axe (Axe) 6-15
Suntouched Scythe (Scythe) 9-21
Heraldric Shield (Com) Armor 10
Stoneshard Hornbow (Mark) 10-16
Earth Staff (Earth) Earth 8-12
Holy Branch (DF) Fire 8-12
Ensorcelling Staff (Dom) Chaos 8-12

Hoanjo - 3 Skale Claws
Suntouched Scythe (Scythe) 9-21
Adamantine Shield (Tact) Armor 10
Sturdy Recurve Bow (Mark) 10-16
Tidal Staff (Water) Cold 8-12
Winged Staff (Smite) Light 8-12
Unholy Staff (Curse) Cold 8-12
Illusory Staff (Illusion) Chaos 8-12

Iyemab - 3 Insect Appendages
Barrel Hammer (Hammer) 13-19
Suntouched Spear (Spear) 10-15
Shield of the Lion (Str) Armor 10
Wooden Longbow (Mark) 10-16
Pyrewood Staff (Fire) Fire 8-12
Protective Staff (Protection) Fire 8-12
Spinal STaff (Blood) Dark 8-12

Locations of the Lahtenda Bog Armor collectors
If you believe everything you read, better not read.

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