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Okei, I know I'm hijacking the tread....but after all my whining and complaining I can now finally say that I have NO PROBLEMS with CIV  yes - got my upgrade last week, and have played many hours on a huge terran-map! A game I had to abandon months ago due to crashes - works perfectly now
I now have final proof; GeForce 6800 GT = BAD.
"Trying is the first step towards failure" - Homer Simpson
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sunrise089 Wrote:Hey Kronoz, was your upgrade only a GPU? I ask because I had always assume civ was CPU limited on large maps, but never really looked into things.
No also upgraded motherboard (as the old did not support pci-express), cpu, and memory. Now running the Core 2 duo 6600, with 2 gb ram. (as opposed to 3,2ghz P4 with 1gb ram earlier)
The total package was hugely expensive, but I recommend it!
Your probably right though, I dont think the difference would have been as big if it was just the GPU that was upgraded. But still, the game IS grapichs-heavy. Especially for this kind of game....
"Trying is the first step towards failure" - Homer Simpson
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Thanks, that's exactly what I suspected. I run an Opteron 144 (A64 w/ 1meg cache) overclocked to what used to be really high speed  I will do a GPU upgrade as soon as I can afford a better display, but probably only upgrade to a dual-core Opteron if at all. That's the smartest plan for games in general, but I suspect it isn't ideal for Civ play. Still, my machine (which falls roughly between your old PC and new PC in single-threaded aps) can run huge maps acceptably for me, so it isn't too big of a deal.
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More info was avaiable in an interview with Alex.
And now this:
Check the UB of the Dutch and the Portugese. +1commerce or +1production from the sea. Whilst other civs get +1health from the aqueduct.
They need to balance things more, again..
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TheArchduke Wrote:Check the UB of the Dutch and the Portugese. +1commerce or +1production from the sea. Whilst other civs get +1health from the aqueduct.
They need to balance things more, again.. But these are late buildings: Dutch at Steam Power and Portuguese at Economics, neither of which techs are heavily prioritized by the human in the current games (Artillery and Liberalism are more popular paths). They'll be big on archipelago maps, but then both were powerful sea-faring nations, so it's doesn't seem to outrageous.
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I think TheArchDuke meant the Khmer, which gets +1 FOOD from its UB version of the Aqueduct. What an interesting civ - its UU are war elephants that target mounted units first!
The Landsknecht (HRE's UU, with +100% vs. Melee) might be a bit over powered. I've never played Warlords, so I'm looking forward to all of the radical changes.
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TheArchduke Wrote:
"Players who want to gain a few extra engineers can do so by building the Industrial Park. Still, the added sickness generated by this new building may not make it worthwhile under certain circumstances. You can offset this penalty somewhat by taking advantage of the slight health boost provided by the new Public Transportation building."
Is anybody else reminded of the Diablo 2 expansion? "Doubled monster hit points in Hell difficulty for even more challenge!" "Added elite unique weapons for extra power!"
Is content that cancels itself out really content at all?
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Quote:Is anybody else reminded of the Diablo 2 expansion? "Doubled monster hit points in Hell difficulty for even more challenge!" "Added elite unique weapons for extra power!"
Is content that cancels itself out really content at all?
That's fairly specious. If there is a building that does nothing else other than allow you to run more engineer specialists than that is fairly silly, yes...but you're making a comparison to a vastly different situation based on a 3rd hand description by IGN of an upcoming feature. No justification for being that down on it yet...
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As for the machine - my new PC is a Core 2 Duo 2,13 GHz along with a Geforce 8800 GTX. And hell does the game run on it ! Though I'll admit that it would be overkill to spend the money just for Civ...