Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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[SPOILERS - PBEM17] Kyan Does Dallas. The Orange Sensation.

You and me baby ain't nothin' but mammals, so let's spam it like they do over in Regorrar's channel ( )

Oh yes, i'm back from my trip and you guys are owed an update:

[Image: dutchoverview0000.jpg]

The world as i know it. 4 cities, 5 workers so far. All cities are working improved tiles only. Boatmurdered will have it's floodplain cottage developed then whip out a workboat for it's seafood. Citadel Felbarr and Mithrall Hall will both have their pigs tiles improved in 2 turns time. Once the pigs are improved, the rice can go back to the capital. Capital and Felbarr will both whip their granaries out.


[Image: dutch-demos0000.jpg]

Yeah, so don't get used to that. GNP is with us at 0% science *although* we are cultural so hard to get a read there. At 100% science, we are top on GNP. We're last on MFG but that's because we're running a whip economy for now. However, that will change as Felbarr will be raised as a production beast.

I am to settle Ironforge shortly and this will also be a mainly production city for now.

Just caught up with messages - yes I did play the last turn as it came in just as I was checking the account
"You want to take my city of Troll%ng? Go ahead and try."

Twinkletoes89 Wrote:Just caught up with messages - yes I did play the last turn as it came in just as I was checking the account

Excellent, thanks mate.

The Great Lighthouse is the first wonder to be built! It will be interesting to see how powerful that is on this map as i can't see people giving open borders without concessions.

Teching sailing so i can start colonising offshore. Building another settler for Ironforge. I'm going to totally ignore wonders for now and purely focus on expansion/economy. So far, it's worked pretty well...

[Image: dutchfood0000.jpg]

Considering the illustrious competition, i did *not* see that coming! I'm feeling rather good right now!

However, there is the matter of defence. We have none. My thinking is that everyone in this game is highly skilled (present company excepted). Everyone in this game is therefore aware that wasting hammers on military right now is exactly that - wasting. Sure, they might wreck me, but they would wreck themselves compared to those not at war. I do have copper hooked up next turn but i intend to run this gambit as far as it can go. It's weird really. This game takes 90% of my civ-time as i plan the micro and try to maintain competitiveness. However, Fall from Heaven is bout 90% more fun for me right now. I suppose i'm being controlled by my ego. In this game, i'm terribly worried about being embarassed so put the effort in. for Fall from Heaven- i know im crap at it, so if i lose, it's no biggy.

Actually, just taken a look at the 'soldier' points. We have NOTHING to worry about militarily. The world leader has one warrior more than me. Oh noes! bang

Impressive demographics. Doesn't look like you have anything to be embarrassed about so far. smile

Your citizens must be breeding like, um, mammals.
If you know what I mean.

zakalwe Wrote:Impressive demographics. Doesn't look like you have anything to be embarrassed about so far. smile

Your citizens must be breeding like, um, mammals.

Haha. Thanks Zak. Unfortunately, i'm not enjoying it one bit.

I don't suppose there is anyone not already spoiled that might want to take over? Although, if they're reading this thread, they're probably reading them all duh

Guess i can put a post in the general forum. Situation is that Maths is due soon, city 6 is offshore and is set to be founded momentarily. Hanging Gardens is a very real possibility with 8 cities but will require some micro to achieve.

Got your PM... although I am indeed unspoiled for this PBEM (as with pretty much all the other PBEM's), unfortunately my work is suffering enough already with just PB4. lol That and the pace of PBEM games tends to be a little slow for my liking. So although I'm flattered by the offer, I'm afraid I'll have to decline for now. If it was just temporary I might be able to help out, but I can't commit to being a permanent replacement right now. Best of luck in finding someone else though. smile
Lord Parkin
Past games: Pitboss 4 | Pitboss 7 | Pitboss 14Pitboss 18 | Pitboss 20 | Pitboss 21

Lord Parkin Wrote:Got your PM... although I am indeed unspoiled for this PBEM (as with pretty much all the other PBEM's), unfortunately my work is suffering enough already with just PB4. lol That and the pace of PBEM games tends to be a little slow for my liking. So although I'm flattered by the offer, I'm afraid I'll have to decline for now. If it was just temporary I might be able to help out, but I can't commit to being a permanent replacement right now. Best of luck in finding someone else though. smile

Fair enough. Worth a try!

As requested, I can sub from 5-19 June. Let me know if there's a particular plan you want me to follow (so I don't go off on some random tangent tongue ). Also let me know if you're involved in or are anticipating a war with anyone. Peacetime turns are of course quicker and easier to sub for, but I could manage wartime turns if necessary... just need to know what the situation is ahead of time. smile
Lord Parkin
Past games: Pitboss 4 | Pitboss 7 | Pitboss 14Pitboss 18 | Pitboss 20 | Pitboss 21

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