NobleHelium Wrote:Would it be possible to reload the game as sequential turns when war breaks out, then reverting afterwards?Unfortunately, this isn't possible. Simultaneous turns is set at launch, and is saved with the game. However, our pitboss overlord weighs in:
Quote:[12:58] <@Sid`> i ASSUME you could hack the DLL to force it to always load a game as one or the otherMaybe this will happen? Maybe not. We're figuring things out.
[12:58] <@Sid`> then save
[12:58] <@Sid`> then swap the DLL back
[12:58] <@Sid`> (which is how i was adding extra time to turns in ffh2)
Bobchillingworth Wrote:I might have missed someone addressing this, but why not just do sequential pitboss turns on Gamespy or direct IP connection? I played a FFH duel once in that format & it combined the best worlds of all modes- sequential turns (to avoid the issues Iskender brings up), with all players being online at the same time so you can check your civ while you wait for the others to finish playing, and the game runs much, much more quickly than just playing one turn per 24 hours or so. The way I got this format working in my duel was just to load a PBEM turn on Gamespy.
Bobchillingworth Wrote:Well it isn't really a PBEM once you load it up on gamespy or a direct IP connection, since all players are connected to a server and no longer actually emailing the turn back and forth. But sure, you can start a PBEM game, play some blitz sessions as a sequential pitboss, and then at any point return to playing the game as a regular PBEM. The reason why almost nobody does that with any games here (the only example I can think of was my duel with Irgy) is because it can be tough to get all of the players online at once for a decent chunk of time & connected to a server. But with proper planning it shouldn't be an issue.Sequential Pitboss seems to be promising, if the above doesn't come through. As for a blitz, we were hoping to avoid that, because while it is faster, things like early forward planning and *especially* diplomacy can be quite rushed. This caused some ruffled feathers in our first FFH Pitboss. Doing a blitz with sequential turns might alleviate the worst of this though. Again, its a matter of organisation, which sometimes isn't possible.
antisocialmunky Wrote:Hart, can you reserve Pacal of the Inca or Sury of India or is the Reddit PB not at that stage yet?We're still waiting on more people to sign up. Then we'll probably vote on map settings, and then settle on Civ choices. Also, Ilios makes a good point!