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RB Civ5 SG 4 - Ryder Cup European Team

Agree with gems-city

Some thoughts after looking at the save.

GLib was not build and takes 13 turns in the capital. But writing has ben out some time now.

Need to target Askia next as Jenna looks rather delicioius (wheat, fishes, spices and 2 useable jungletiles).

In 5 turns we can take another SP which should fit nicely with a Library-push smile

About research. Perhaps better to res BW and IW while waiting the Libs to finish. We need to know our Iron-situation anyway.

OK, I'm going to try GLib. Even if we don't get it, failgold will help

Research after Maths - BW - IW
SP - will take Republic
Primary goal - take out Dublin
Will try to found the gems city in my turnset too

Attacking Askia is tempting, but I think we should build Libraries first, and I'd prefer to attack him with iron units (or Crossbows/Horses if we have no iron)

yuris125 Wrote:Attacking Askia is tempting, but I think we should build Libraries first, and I'd prefer to attack him with iron units (or Crossbows/Horses if we have no iron)

Agreed smile

What you can do is look around the AI-citries to see if they are building the GLib.

Played, report coming up

We have Dublin... but it was close

T70 (inherited)

As Rowain suggested, I looked around and didn't see GLib being built in AI cities. So I changed the build in Kyoto from Workboat to GLib. Kyoto's fish could be netted by the WB being built by Tokyo

Also noticed that Tokyo was working a forest tile (1/1/0), and changed it to a desert incense (0/0/3) to improve our gold situation

[Image: Civ5Screen0097.jpg]

Gave the Chariot Archer a rough terrain promo, and sent it to help in the attack on Dublin. Also decided to send the Warrior who was in the south to be a backup force. I was scared we would not have enough units with Dublin being at strength 14, and Horsemen getting a 33% penalty against cities


Positioned the Horsemen to invade Dublin next turn

[Image: Civ5Screen0098.jpg]

Maths finished, started BW. Songhai signed research agreement with India


Invasion started, units in final positions

[Image: Civ5Screen0100.jpg]

Songhai signed research agreement with someone else (Germany? not sure)


War declared. Chariot Archer shot at the city, and dealt only 1 dmg. Then I looked at the odds of Horsemen attacking

[Image: Civ5Screen0101.jpg]

Hmmm, that's exactly what I was afraid of. Estimated 3 dmg to the city, 5 dmg to the attacking Horse. This means that each Horse can attack twice and die. Still, this looked reasonably good: 3 dmg x 4 Horses = 12 dmg on the first turn, then it heals 2hp ibt, then 4 Horses attack again... some of them die, but the city should die too

Unfortunately, 2 of the 4 Horses did only 2 dmg. This is how things looked after the attack

[Image: Civ5Screen0102.jpg]

Dublin was expected to be at 11hp next turn, and if some of the Horsemen did not do the required damage, the attack would have ran out of steam. Fortunately, one of them had enough XP for an insta-heal next turn. The rest needed another attack for an insta-heal. I decided to keep them at the city, and if we didn't take it next turn, retreat the survivors after the next turn's attack, to give them an insta-heal outside of the city's fire range


Dublin obviously shot at one of the Horses, unfortunately not the one with insta-heal up

[Image: Civ5Screen0103.jpg]

I shot at the city again, used the insta-heal, and charged again. 2 Horses died, I retreated the other two


The situation at the start of the turn

[Image: Civ5Screen0104.jpg]

Off-screen, in the south, I decided to skip the Chariot Archer shooting at the city, and moved the Warrior onto the hill tile. Chariot Archer was only doing 1 dmg per turn to the city, estimate for the Warrior was 2 dmg

Then I used the insta-heal and charged again. The wounded Horseman died, the insta-healed one survived

Songhai signed peace with China. We adopted Republic, finished BW and started IW


I had just 2 units left, the very wounded Horseman and the Warrior. But with our UA, the Horse was going to fight at full strength anyway. I knew I was going to lose him, but expected these 2 units together to take the city

[Image: Civ5Screen0105.jpg]

And that's exactly what happened, I sent the Horse first, he died, then the Warrior ended the war

[Image: Civ5Screen0106.jpg]

I annexed Dublin as soon as it was out of rebellion, and started a Courthouse. Here is the situation at the end of the turnset

[Image: Civ5Screen0107.jpg]

GLib is still uncontested, should be completed in 2 turns. Once it finishes, I think Kyoto needs to build at least 2 Horsemen, I'm worried that our whole army consists of a Warrior (who's escorting the Settler) and a Chariot Archer (who's fogbusting in the south)

Happiness is an issue, but the road to Dublin should be done shortly (in 2 turns I believe), that's 1 happiness immediately. Osaka is building a Circus, will be finished in 4 turns. Once Dublin completes its Courthouse, we will be in the positive again

I really don't like the Songhai Warrior on our border, there was a moment when I saw 2 more in the same area, Askia could easily decide to test our defences in Dublin (non-existent, but we should be able to defeat a Warrior force with city attacks)

Our Scout can capture a Mongolian Settler, not sure if we want a war with Genghis at the moment, but if we do, this is a good opportunity

[Image: Civ5Screen0108.jpg]


[Image: Civ5Screen0109.jpg]

With our top MFG and weakness in other categories, I think building a good army and attacking Askia is the best medium-term plan. Let's hope we have iron smile

Good luck!

Well, without the japanese Unique Ability this would have gone south. Great job!, our crap start just became bearable. If we snatch the GL and it looks like it, things could become fun.

I am sorry that I burdeoned the team with that useless settler. I guess it was quite the strange move.smoke My logic made sense at the time. At least we can snatch the gems with all due speed now.

Are we not selling the incense at all, I thought that we do not want to unfairly milk the AI for money, but no trades at all? bang

In any case, things look up, I would leave the settler alone, this is not worth it, Genghis means nasty business and he does not make peace quickly if in a war.

Gao seems to be west of Dublin under the fog. What is the overall strategy now? In 2 turns we know our iron situation and if we have 4+ we go for Currency->Philosophy-> Another city down south -> Steel -> Samurais -> Profit?

Ah yes, got it, will play this evening our if a tougher strategy discussion ensues, tomorow.

For the next turns I think improving our soldiercount is mandatory. Both Askia and Genghis love to attack if they smell weakness.

Trading the incense for another LUX is ok but don't trade with Washington. I fear he is becoming quite strong. (several cities with nice size). And not with Askia as he is our next target.

Nice work on Dublin, Yuris (and I'm glad I didn't have to do that bit, bit scary for the first 10 turns of Civ V in over 18 months lol ).

TheArchduke Wrote:Are we not selling the incense at all, I thought that we do not want to unfairly milk the AI for money, but no trades at all? bang

I looked during my turns and no-one had a spare lux to trade for it. In fact only one (America?) had a lux on the trade screen but no spares.

I'm good with the plan of building up an army and going for Askia next, keeping my fingers crossed for iron smile

I shan't be around much today, going out for a daytrip, but will be back tomorrow.
...wounding her only makes her more dangerous! nono -- haphazard1
It's More Fun to be Jack of All Trades than Master of One.

The Settler was not useless, Settlers are never useless smile He will be ready to found the gems city in 3 turns

Not sure we should found the southern city yet, it's a pure specialist city, so it needs to grow to be useful, and it won't grow with our current happiness situation

Speaking of the happiness situation, I would strongly suggest to go Masonry-Construction after IW. We don't need Philosophy yet, and we do need Colosseums. Then Philo and towards Education, would be great to land Notre Dame. Steel would be nice, but I wouldn't prioritise it: Samurai are not great, just a free Shock promo, Japan's strength is in its UA. Right now if we get 4-5 Swords and a Catapult or two, we will take out Askia without too much trouble. Iron will be the limiting factor

So I would say start rebuilding the army (Horses, switch to Swords as soon as they're available), research Construction, defend against Askia if he gets ideas

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