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Alhambram's 1001 nights (turns) stories as Persia.

Turn 81:

I try calm down and try find some solution, but right now I don't know what to. List of troubles are long and only becomes longer majority of them is caused by me, with other words I shot myself in foot.
Beginning with Emperor K, to be fair my attack with warriors and archers after turn 60 normally wouldn't be a success and normally a suicide mission. But Emperor K's lack of units and my 2 movement points made it possible.
Also I did mention earlier that I did make mistake regarding immortals, if I did properly rush Emperor K with immortals, I might have taken his cities before he could deploy horsemen. But all of that are in past and I have to deal with current situation now.
After initial success with Rose/Ahmed, due geography and placement of that encampment, both of us are at standstill here. My reinforcements in forms of 2 horseman has just arrived with battering ram this turn and two more immortals shall follow shortly. I notice no units of Emperor K, but I can see his domination score of roughly 175 compared with my score of roughly 235. So it isn't force to taken lightly with and I can't sudden rush here or I might be walking in a trap. I likely need knights and crossbowman to deal with Emperor K here.

I also notice at diplomatic peace window that Emperor K lacks GPT, which mean that he is running in red with his army to defend Bastions. Which mean no upgrades, more reason to wait till knights and crossbowman.
But problem is: time is against me, firstly Emperor K is not far anymore for Great Prophet which he can use to get Defender of Faith to make capturing his cities a pain. 15 more turns with 1 GPP for Emperor K, he can speed up it with more holy sites, shrines or run a holy site project. I don't know how long I still have, maybe I can somehow pull off a Stonehenge here. Next turn check every aspect of my empire, policy cards and what I can do to possibly prevent Emperor K grabbing religion. Yes, it is a desperate act but sometimes from a desperate of normally idiotic actions you get results fro example my conquest of Rose that normally would be failure.

Another reason that time is against me, it is TheArchduke. He is winning against Suboptimal and after Suboptimal it is my turn to be attacked since I am remaining contender of TheArchduke.
Even worse is that TheArchduke just got his second GG and next GG is another Medieval/renaissance GG. I shiver already about thought of triple GG powered Knights and Crossbowman controlled by TheArchduke! scared
I really need to nab this GG, at this moment I have 40 points and 1 GGP per turn, but TheArchduke has 7 points and 4 GGP per turn, moreover his Hetairoi UU can kill for GG points which is happening in Australian lands. I need to build barracks in Aladdin and run projects frantically. 
But at same time, best way to not get behind is found or conquest more cities. Therefore I need to build some settlers and send them to powerful locations, that ones that quickly benefits my empire. For example that location nearby Tsingy de Bemaraha in southwestern corner of map. Best city for producing settlers is Aladdin, but I also need take care of GG Points or I can try to be first person to survive triple GG army. lol 
Also I might take Armagh and Hattusa for extra fast empire boost. Argh, so many things to do in short time, I feel that I am going nuts here and I am ready to receive triple GG punishment. 

When starting this PBEM, I decided to make a list of threats that need to be dealt in order. 

-Firstly TheArchduke: it was critical who was his closest neighbor and when I determined that Suboptimal was his closest neighbor, I took act to deal with TheArchduke. I DoW Suboptimal to make him harder to conquer for TheArcduke while grabbing some pillage bonus in process to keep Suboptimal's science per turn somewhat in check. And with that TheArchduke would be unable to beat his closest neighbor and Macedonian civilization would fall behind after classical age compared with others. So threat dealt thought I at that moment.

-Secondly: Emperor K, due dangerous medieval UU, he was second on my list to dealt with and since he was my closest neighbor, I needed to dirty my hands here. I did mess up with Immortals and therefore delayed attack, his scout movement however provoked my desire for war. And then I attacked him with intent to cripple/eliminate him, and I did with attack that shouldn't succeed but I did succeed. And now due geography and some unlucky barb situation we are stuck in this situation. I still intent to get rid of him before he get Winged Hussars. 

-Thirdly: Suboptimal, if he was my neighbor, he would be first on my list to be dealt with. But with TheArchduke as neighbor, I decided to 'support' him while gaining movement bonus for myself. I was bit concerned that Suboptimal would be too strong after my initial DoW, but thankfully he did invest mostly in military units instead even more campus or other economic buildings and he used that military to able fend off TheArchduke. So it would be long stalemate which is good for me. But what the heck happened over there! Suddenly Suboptimal is at domination score of 150 while TheArchduke got over 300 strength. And on top of that TheArchduke is taking his cities, even my another DoW on Suboptimal for extra production didn't help that all. What was Suboptimal doing with his army which size was double TheArchduke's at a moment?

More I write, more I am frustrated at Suboptimal, but however I am reminded one of reasons why oledavy didn't win PBEM2: he did count on other player too much to deal with other dangerous player.
I am doing same here, expecting that Suboptimal can withstand TheArchduke while I do my thing. So I also blame myself for this situation and it isn't helped with my mistakes in this PBEM.
Well, here I am, enough venting and do something actually!

-For starters, builder completed in Aladdin shall go to forest 2 tiles north of city. After 2 turns I can do policy swap and I shall put limes and colonization in, chop walls and overflow in settler. Builder shall improve 2 more mines. I am sending settler to spot nearby natural wonder. Next settler (still dunno where and when to build him) goes to spot east of Sinbad, around lakes chokepoint to make TheArchduke's life difficult there as possible.

-What about farm for Feudalism inspiration? Just take Armagh, that city got 6 farms, instant inspiration! lol

-And I am in no state to take more cities of Emperor K, also he would notice TheArchduke's increase and Subopitmal's decrease of score. He knows that longer we fight, we both lose.
So I am sending him white peace, hopefully he shall accept. But I am afraid that he want his old city back which I shall refuse. I however don't suffer from occupation penalty, so I can keep refusing to give city back.
After signing peace, Emperor K get chance to rebuild and actually become major player, that is risk that I am willing take in face of TheArchduke's might. Also risky due Emperor K more likely to get revenge at me instead opposing TheArchduke, all that I need to do is be sure that I keep outteching him.
Heh, all of this is a complete mess and I am enjoying it. popcorn

It's very enjoyable for us lurkers too. Thank you for the great reports and keep them coming!

Turn 82:

As stated in previous post, I sent peace treaty to Emperor K this turn. Wonder how he shall react. Meanwhile I send my 2 horsemen and immortal in direction of Armagh, at turn 84 I shall declare war and attack it.
In case that Emperor K don't accept peace and attempt to take Ahmed, I got 2 immortals reinforcements incoming, first of them arrive at stone tile south of Ahmed next turn.
Also Emperor K seem to finish shrine since his GPP per turn did increase to 2 while he didn't build new district. I finished Apprenticeship and started Engineering. Aladdin finished builder (who did mine a plain hill) and started walls, I shall chop it at turn 84 and overflow in settler using policy cards that I shall swap next turn (put Limes and Colonization in).
Next turn Sinbad completes archer who shall escort planned settler and it shall start with walls too. I need prepare for inevitable attack from TheArchduke.
Situation in east remain unchanged and my scout seek and did find Suboptimal's trader. 
Unfortunately that trader is safe within Valletta's borders, however at turn 85 it shall go out borders automatically and I shall pillage it then for some fast coin.  

My insane plan to rush Stonehenge, heh: Emperor K shall grab Great Prophet in 7 turns, so turn 89 and I need to grab Great Prophet at turn 88 because I play after Emperor K.
The key to success of plan is pillaging Suboptimal's trade route, because my builder cost roughly 340 gold and I can manage reach that count with my almost 30 gold per turn and 50 gold from pillage at turn 85.
Then I am already building wall in Ahmed and next turn culture picker shall choose 2Icon_Food2Icon_Production stone tile. So with bought builder I shall harvest that stone resource (reminder to toss down Stonehenge before harvesting!) while walls are almost complete. I didn't do math and I just hope that I somehow manage to finish Stonehenge at turn 88. lol 
Maybe add corvee (urban planning out at next policy swap) for extra overflow (I am running Autocracy already).
Builder with 2 charges left can improve that grassland hill into 2Icon_Food3Icon_Production tile, same as hill stone quarry.

Turn 83:

Emperor K completely rejects peace deal, not even a counter offer. Seems that he isn't interested in peace with me ever and also of course signing peace would mean that I get chance to DoW again for extra movement points. Next turn last turn with extra movement and I can also sign peace with Suboptimal next turn, although I shall wait till I am able to pillage his trader.

Defensive Tactics completed and I start Feudalism. Policy swap:
Well, it is chopping and harvesting time.

Next Armagh, I set up my little army, ready to attack. Spearman joins due appearance of that guerrilla horseman of Emperor K. Critical thing of Armagh is that it got many farms, which mean a lot possible healing by pillaging. Which Emepror K might do with his guerrilla horseman. But for that he need to DoW on Armagh too.
Armagh just got city strength of 18 and no garrison, if that don't change, it shall fall quickly.

Overview of my empire:
Next turn commercial district and Immortal finished. Dunno what to build next, I shall decide that next turn. Also next turn chop forest north of Aladdin when walls are 1 turn left to complete.

Turn 84:

Last turn of extra movement bonus.
Finishing commercial district did give me eureka for mathematics and completed request of Geneva, 2 envoys there now. There isn't a good reason for me now to suzerain Geneva since it only works when I am not at war with anyone and I am currently in war with everyone! lol  
Also I got eureka for engineering by chopping walls in Aladdin.

At Armagh, I noticed that that guerrilla horseman of Emperor K did move closer and within range of my two 6 move horsemen, this is last turn of extra movement. So instead attacking Armagh I decided to get rid of that horseman. 
Now all backlines should be free of enemy civilization units and I can move settler escorted by archer around in my backlines without worries. And I arrange my units to attack Armagh next turn, I rather keep them close together instead spread out too much. Also with bit injured horseman, it is good idea to pillage some farms. Armagh produced archer which makes it bit harder to take.
First Immortal reinforcement  arrived at Ahmed, next turn stop building walls and start Stonehenge. Also next turn purchase builder with gold and then harvest stone to put overflow in Stonehenge.

At Aladdin as mentioned I did chop walls and overflowed it in settler, just 2 turns!
Ali Baba completed immortal and start walls, Jinni completes commercial district and start trader.

And lastly my scout is saying hello towards Suboptimal's trader, next turn time to loot! 
After that I offers peace to suboptimal so that he can re-use 100% production after 10 turns, only if he is still alive by that time......

Turn 85:

Alright, time to pillage trader and I click on scout and.... option to pillage trader!? what the heck!?, looking up internet reveals that scout can't capture civilian units as builder and settler, and guess that trader is also civilian unit. banghead
So, this is basically added to Alhambram's list of made weedy mistakes that only just becomes longer. smoke
And Suboptimal offered white peace, I accepted since I don't gain anything by staying in war with him, after 10 turns us both get boost if I DoW him.

Around Armagh then....
Just great, crossbowman and increased garrison defense for Armagh. From my experience of attempting to take Toronto at PBEM2, I know that my current forces isn't enough. I need to wait for crossbowman of my own and knights. So this front remains a stalemate for now. I swapped to Stonehenge, thanks due finishing commercial district and boosting adjacent Pairidaeza, I can purchase builder next turn already. Then turn 87 walk to stone tile, due road I might harvest at turn 87 already. But I think that I am too late to prevent Emperor K from grabbing religion firstly, but I still shall try with Stonehenge.

Next turn settler and walls complete.
Builder shall farm tile east of Aladdin to grab feudalism inspiration because I am not taking Armagh for a while.

Turn 86:

Purchased builder with gold in Ahmed:
Builder farmed near Aladdin, gaining inspiration for Feudalism. I decided to swap to Drama and Poetry, when Stonehenge is complete, I get inspiration for it.
I shall make policy swap to put Ilkum in for mass producing builders and then when Feudalism is in, finish them with 5 charges.
Aladdin finish settler and start another one right away, Sinbad finishes walls and start with archer without agoge policy so I can get one more archer before they can't built anymore.
Around Armagh, my horsemen are healing, more immortals arrive at Ahmed. And things are quiet for now.

Turn 87:

The long awaited harvest of stone and swap to walls to use overflow into stonehenge.
And the result?
Two turns to complete! banghead

[rant incoming]
So I completes my Stonehenge at turn 89, Emperor K play turn before me, so he shall claim Great Prophet at SAME turn, namely turn 89! banghead
And if that scout was able to pillage trader, I would be able to finish Stonehenge next turn and actually nab Great Prophet at turn 88!  duh
Why the hell are barb scouts able to capture civilian units or pillage traders and player scouts aren't able to do that! rant 
This don't make some sense and because of that I am not able to prevent Emperor K grabbing religion and in worst case Defender of Faith.
Only possible solace is that Emperor K need to move Great Prophet to holy site and I don't know where it is, but I except that he is able to found religion at same turn. It would be miracle if I can land religion first.
And my mood wasn't happier with this view:
Blue Octopus is under siege by TheArchduke, it is just matter of time before TheArchduke eliminates Suboptimal. Not only is his army going after me next, also his science and culture are going explode when he get cities out occupation status, thanks Suboptimal for mass building campuses for TheArchduke  rolleye , at least Macedonia don't get bonus for putting it at breathtaking tiles.
[end rant]

But in end I am sorta proud of myself that I almost managed to beat Emperor K with last ditch plan that almost worked, using combination of policy cards and crafty ideas to use in fact occupied city for Stonehenge (I don't have stone in my other cities), also such play is only possible for Persia due lack of occupation penalty and ability to generate many gold in earlier era through traders and Pairidaezas. 
Drama and Poetry 50%, so back to Feudalism. When Stonehenge is finished, I swap corvee away, Ilkum in to mass produce builders before I finishes Feudalism.

Turn 88:

Opened save and I was greeted with message that Drama and Poetry inspiration was triggered, huh wait a moment...
Wait, wait did I really complete Stonehenge this turn...yeah, yeah I did it!!!! dance
Fuck that UI messing up with me, I guess that when I harvested stone resource previous turn, it only showed effect of 100% overflow from Limes to finish walls. But I guess it hasn't included 25% for wonders (10% from autocracy and 15% from corvee), therefore wonder was finished this turn already! 
I did rant for nothing this morning after all, well I can rant now about that UI, it really needs to reworked to show things properly. 
I also gained envoy from Valletta, one more then I can suzerain it. But it is close Australian lands and TheArchduke is likely to capture it to turn it in foward base against my empire.

Well, Great Prophet appeared in Aladdin and I sent it to holy site and founded religion:
Weedy Movement again. smoke Choral Music to ensure that Persia keep superior culture edge over other civilizations and with Defender of Faith, I might have a chance against TheArchduke's double(triple) GG after all. I still need to spread it to my forward cities.
The fact that I managed to rob religion before Emperor K's nose is going hurt him, especially since next Great Prophet is a renaissance one, 240 points needed and Emperor K got 58 points now, one turn short of grabbing his own prophet...

This also mean that nothing can stop me from invading Emperor K with knights and crossbowman except TheArchduke invading me after he finishes off Suboptimal, he just took Blue Ringed Octopus as excepted. 
Next turn finish Drama and Poetry, then swap to Ilkum and start mass producing builders. I shall start Feudalism and stop at 1 turn before completion unit most of cities almost finished builders. Meanwhile I can research Theology for envoy and temple. Ali Baba wall 1 turn before completion, I save it till Ali Baba get forest inside it range and I can use Limes to chop it for major boost.
I did rearrange tiles in all cities so that I earn so many gold as possible, maybe purchase a shrine in Aladdin with money. And suzeraining Valletta isn't bad idea, with that I can purchase city and encampment buildings with faith.

Turn 89:

Finished Drama and Poerty and I made a little mistake while swapping policies:
Namely, I forgot that I still has settler producing in Aladdin and removed colonization resulting in longer build time for settler, oops.

To remedy I shall research Theology in 2 turns and Aladdin instead produce builder now, till it is one turn from finishing and then swap back colonization and settler again.
Only Aladdin and Sinbad are strong enough to produce builders before finishing Feudalism, other cities works on other things. Ali Baba starts heavy chariot with intention to upgrade it in knight later.
I am saving up gold for shrine now, I need missionaries to spread Defender of Faith. Also I can attempt to spread all my cities and sneak convert some of TheArchduke's cities so that I win religious victory if TheArchduke takes too many of my weedy cities. To counter it, TheArchduke shall raze all of my cities instead I think, next Great Prophet cost 240 points which is huge investment.
Emperor K built walls, I decided to not attack but maintain suzerainty of Armagh, it is big source of my faith now. When knights and crossbowman are at field, I shall make attack from south with it, while forces nearby Armagh shall attack from west. 

As for TheArchduke, it is problematic if he attacks me while I am dealing with Emperor K. I try set up defensive cities asap, so I threw my former dotmap out in favor of new defensive dotmap. Here is lands directly east of Sinbad:
Forgot to add markers to make more clear. 
Blue is cities.
Red is encampments.
Green is planned chop/harvest for walls using limes card and overflow it in encampment using Veterancy card.

Northern blue dot is very defensive, it is surrounded with cliffs so it can't be attacked from lakes useless with cliff promotion. Northern encampment has just one tile where enemy can attack melee and flat lands west of it allows me do counter attack. Also lake tile SE of blue dot is ideal location for rarely used Huey Teocali wonder (1 amenity for every adjacent lake tile, 1Icon_Food1Icon_Production in all lake tiles of my empire).
Southern blue and red dot is less defensive, but it is best spot that I can find over there.

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