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Why are you guys proposing a troll nerf of all things lol... Unless they're next up for rebalancing?

I'm assuming due to all the discussion about using trolls plus drain life to get crazy levels of skill very early in the game.

My particular numbers come from comparing to werewolves though.

Trolls don't need a nerf IMO. I love playing them, just used them in a game, but they are clearly not overpowered vs other Myrran races; probably weaker, all things considered. Regen 1 makes sense for all trolls although it does sound interesting to allow shamans to have more.

I vaguely remember something about trolls in the test games thread but not sure anymore. Wait, I think I know, it was this one :
It's not a Troll nerf though, it's a regeneration nerf. It's clear that being able to abuse Regeneration to give 50 extra health to your units is not a good idea and breaks balance. 25 health might be more balanced but it's still a huge amount compared to what a Swordsmen or Spearmen unit naturally has.
Basically he did the exact same thing with Trolls as with Werewolves (and what I also did with Werewolves). 2 extra units worth of regeneration health in combat is plain broken.

Trolls are still on the untested races list. Currently I'm doing Nomads, then Barbarians will conclude the Arcanus plane, after that Trolls, Beastmen and Dwarves probably in that order.

Trolls could probably use a rigorous test, but I wouldn't advise starting with 0 regen as part of that test. Regen is really all trolls have going for them, since their high health / combat stats are shared and exceeded by other Myrran races.

Seeing how this thread ended with the implemented regeneration numbers being a temporal value we're going to test and adjust, it's about time to try to reach a conclusion.

Trolls : I played them and they seem to be fine. They weren't particularly strong but not weak either - I played poorly and had very bad luck though at least in this last test game which I lost. But fighting 3 other players at once, with a race that is slow at making units and has poor economy does lead to that, no surprises there. If I won that game, that would have been a warning sign for the race being too good though. But I was pretty far from it even though it looked like I was winning at first. I simply couldn't produce units fast enough to keep up with expanding and defending all of the territory at the same time. So trolls can keep the 1 regen.
Regeneration spell : comes at the same tier as Herb Mastery so anything other than 2 would be weird.
Regeneration items : hit points on heroes are generally way more valuable and exploitable, and the item power is (and most likely will remain) available early. So this should be 1. I rather not do 0 here, that would be too disappointing. Players will heal their heroes anyway so to kill them, damage need to come quickly enough to kill the hero in the first few turns. Which means this isn't as bad as on normal units (+25 extra hp) because only the first 6-8 are relevant to the survival of the hero. Still, that's as good as Lionheart, and at regen 2, it would be twice as good.
Werewolf : Works well as is.
Shadow Demons : Same. Regen 2 sounds powerful but the fact this unit only moves 2 and spends 8 turns in ranged combat seriously limits the potential to abuse it in melee.
Great Lizard : Don't think I used these in the recent games? So not sure. We can always change it later if needed but probably won't be.
Behemoth, Hydra : These are powerhouses but not due to the regen amount. Probably good as is. Hydra definitely, it takes tons of damage. Behemoth I remember we raised the summoning cost because it was too good, haven't used them since then I think, have I? Maybe I need to play Nature next?

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