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CDU teams up with AfD in Thuringian. I suspect they did this because they know they will be forced to one day anyway due to the left refusing to prop them up and they would never get goverment again with AfD getting votes. AfD isn't even close though because they have to get to 50% on their own and this is their strongest state. Nazis were able to win with 37% because commies refused to prop up the center. I know that I said that they wouldn't prop up just the CDU but that's different. Grand coalition is not propping up CDU.

(February 5th, 2020, 09:51)TMJW (ya that one) Wrote: CDU teams up with AfD in Thuringian. I suspect they did this because they know they will be forced to one day anyway due to the left refusing to prop them up and they would never get goverment again with AfD getting votes. AfD isn't even close though because they have to get to 50% on their own and this is their strongest state. Nazis were able to win with 37% because commies refused to prop up the center. I know that I said that they wouldn't prop up just the CDU but that's different. Grand coalition is not propping up CDU.

This take is revisionist. The left was in power in Thuringia and the libs and CDU refused to support them. They’ll refuse to support a socialist/left wing and side with the Nazis instead. 

The centrists could have sided with the left, as happened in France pre-war, but instead chose to go ahead and support the Nazis.

“They’ll be forced to side with the AFD”
No one is forcing anyone to side with fascists. It’s called collaborationism, because both parties reallyrepresent the same class interests.

Just like the lib dems repeatedly spurned Corbyn and vote with the Tories on nearly everything but Brexit.

Just like Pelosi for all her nonsense posturing votes eagerly for the military spending bills.

All else held equal, “centrists” will go ahead and side with fascism every, single, time.
"I know that Kilpatrick is a hell of a damned fool, but I want just that sort of man to command my cavalry on this expedition."
- William Tecumseh Sherman


(February 5th, 2020, 13:41)GeneralKilCavalry Wrote: This take is revisionist. The left was in power in Thuringia and the libs and CDU refused to support them. They’ll refuse to support a socialist/left wing and side with the Nazis instead.

Adding to that, the candidate of the left is very popular even among libs and CDU and leans more heavily to the center then to the left.
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Center was able to work together with far left in France pre-war because they were much less hostile to them like modern day Sweden's and Germany's left party. That was not possible in Germany pre-war because far left was incredibly hostile. They even called the then Center-left party "red fascists". So no one could get to 50% to do anything, "negative majority". Because today's German's far left isn't hostile they, and CDU, would suck it up to stop AfD if things got heated.

NOT voting for own candidate is supporting the Left. So AfD would rightfully claim that it's the only opposition party and get 30% of the vote in the next election and every election after that until CDU flips. So if they going to flip anyway there's no reason not to sell out now. Left should support center-right parties because the right got more votes. They just want to use AfD bleeding off votes to retain power forever. This already happened in Sweden.

Lib Dems don't matter because they are dead ducks. You cannot be a left party when you are left on only one issue (EU). They will able to stay afloat via Scotland and politics transiting from economic right-left to social right-left.

What wars are you talking about (Pelosi)?

I should also mention that it was obvious it was a bad idea to let the Nazis win and Hindenburg should have self-couped and changed to rules to shut out both the commies and Nazis. Ranked choice ballot, which hurts the far left and right, is the easiest way to do it.

Hmmm... The FDP leader ether doesn't know what he's doing (he could have rejected support) or wanted to trigger another election where AfD gets 30% and its obvious the right has to work with them in order to form goverment ever again; without having to wait 5 years. I'd go with first because the second idea is far too risky.

New poll shows AfD having more votes than CDU+FDP combined, as expected. This would happen anyway after CDU+FDP supports Left by not voting for own candidate, so the FDP leader accelerated the inevitable without handing the Left five more years of goverment. CDU is backing off snap elections now but Left will refuse to compromise because snap elections have no risk to them because there's no way FDP+CDU get majority.

I feel the need to clarify some things about this new poll.
  • AfD did not gain significantly more votes (23.x% to 24.x%)
  • CDU lost half their votes and FDP enough to be under the 5% limit.
  • Left increased in votes as well as SPD and Greens.
People in Germany are very angry about CDU and FDP because they voted together with AfD, which might be the main reason for the result of this poll.
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Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer resigns after local CDU party refuses to call new elections. The Left party will refuse to compromise, even through 69% wanted someone more conservative as PM, in order to make right parties look bad. I'm pretty sure the local CDU will cave in a bit but AfD taking out AKK is a big win because it's not possible to do worse for them, a free re-roll!

(February 10th, 2020, 09:36)MJW (ya that one) Wrote: Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer resigns after local CDU party refuses to call new elections. The Left party will refuse to compromise, even through 69% wanted someone more conservative as PM, in order to make right parties look bad. I'm pretty sure the local CDU will cave in a bit but AfD taking out AKK is a big win because it's not possible to do worse for them, a free re-roll!

Are you talking about Thuringia or Germany as a whole. Because in Thuringia the majority of people want the candidate of the left - Bodo Ramelow - as PM. Where did you get that number of 69%?
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