I saw that you played and whipped plenty. I was going to play but I'm glad you did.
I logged in real quick after the turn to check things out. Cyneheard's actions seemed weird - him waiting for us to play for him to then play. I was hoping it boded well for us (like he wanted to give us horse but needed to finish some builds or something)
as if.... no horse and copper for 2 more turns.
We do have 8 axes and 3 spears. I wish we had more than one spear on the mainland though...
Didn't get to look at the save since yesterday e enunciated was quite busy. I don't know if I'll get home in time from work so if you see an obvious play then go for it.
He has 1 axe and 1 warrior floating around at Coneheads. Those 8 axes include our axes at Conehead and Crazy Plant Hand, but still, if we can cut off reinforcements, we might be okay
So uh... we're in serious danger of losing our capital here
He has 2 axes (1 shock, 1 wounded CR1, who of course beat our archer at 59% odds, and is likely to have a 5xp promo coming). He also has those 2 chariots (1 C1, 1 C1 shock)
We have just 2 (unpromoted) axes in there and the only thing we can whip is a scout. Next turn we can 2 whip a (badly needed) spearman, if we survive...
I think I've figured out a way to save things, but it's not going to be fun
Doesn't matter where that worked goes: he's winning all the coin-flip battles and we're losing all them.
Besides, I figured we needed quick hammers (a la chop). Its not like I had a teammate give alternatives last turn. (Hey, this passive-aggressive thing is fun )
So here's some options. First repeat pic for tactical visibility
Okay before some options, here's some facts.
a) Shock Chariot vs. unfortified axe in 40% culture across a river = 88% odds
b) C1 Chariot vs. same axe = 72% odds
c) shock axe vs. same axe = [strike]35% odds[/strike] obviously he wins that
d) CR1 C1 shock axe at 62HP vs. that axe = 13% odds, though if he gets to that axe, our axes will also probably also be very wounded
e) Having no barracks and no promoted units sucks.
Pindicator Wrote:Its not like I had a teammate give alternatives last turn.
Hey I checked in at like 8:30 Eastern but you had already played :neenernee: