Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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[Spoilers] REM and AdrienIer's thread of football, spamming and blaming it on the mod

I didn't play the turn, but if you see post 629 adrienier moved the stack there on T153. I am pretty sure it didn't move at all on T154

I played the past ~7 turns before GJ, and as you can see from post 629 of this thread the stack was moved t153.

I took a look at how things are without moving anything, and we can't play this turn before a ruling has been made on who should play first. Else we'd be putting the main stack on a hill and pillage a whale improvement which we wouldn't necessarily have the opportunity to do if we played after GJ.

I'm afraid you'll have to play the turn whenever it'll be playable, I have an exam tomorrow so I won't be back till late

That's fine. I will be able to play when work settles down, I have my laptop with me tonight. Good luck on the exam!

Also just realised that you're in Paris aren't you? Must have been a pretty tense few days there. It seems surreal, on the news looks like something out of a thriller film...

Apparently we're in for a 3-way split, too bad.
Yeah the past week has been really weird, I'm not sure what'll come out of it. Surreal is probably the best word to describe it.

Yes I definitely failed there... I only said don't attack as I thought it would cause aggrivation, but I seem to have caused far more this way! I was trying to play but the connection patch I have for gamespy doesn't seem to be compatible with PB. I was blocked by Gavagi...

I await your report. But the good news is read between the lines of the GJ message. He IS spooked by the stack size! Woo :P

Well don't get your hopes up, while GJ isn't confident enough to let us have a double move (or what he thought was one anyway, I think the best thing to do would have been to send him a PM about the situation, tell him I was going to enter the game to end turn and attack first part of next turn, and there'd have been no problem, but of course I didn't know when I played that turn that we were going to attack, and now this parenthesis is way too long) he's going to destroy our stack next turn. At least I think he will if he sends all his cats and all his knights at us next turn. If he doesn't we actually have a good chance.

Nothing outside of view, the city in the north is guarded by a warrior and there's an archer on the wheat.

He didn't attack, here's the defense.

Next turn, additional units available for attack : 1 pike and 2 knights. I think knocking down the 40% defense could be useful, there are 3 longbows in there including a guerilla 2 one (top defender) and a city defense 2 (I think from what I'm reading).
Because you're the military expert I'd rather you took the decision, but if by the time Furungy and GJ have played I haven't heard from you I'll take down the defenses. I think there's no other GJ unit in the area.

Hmm... I think the outcome will be pretty grim either way. I would have gone with the straight hit as after the longbows the next units to defend would have been the Knights. Plus he hasn't had a chance to use his cata and if he does he can waste our cats with those Knights and flank attacks.

But I don't think it will change the outcome. Too many Knights. Plus it sounds like from the tech thread he has got peace with furugny perhaps?

It was our best shot I suppose!

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