Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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[Spoilers] Ceterum Peter censet Carthaginem fore triumphatrix - Adrien + Miguelito

Oh we can still have some fun here, although it's depressing to see our current collapse. Mardoc's whipping knights at top speed, but finding a good spot to attack will be hard for him. THH got just 1border city on a hill, which has walls and many ancient units. Sucks to attack that. No idea about Al and how far/close he's to real units.
But if one of them takes action and stops THH from taking all of our mainland, we could even still live to lib nationalism lol
Btw, yes , part of the current situation is because I had literally no experience with how it looks like when a top power civ "whips out an army", thinking we should be ok if.we started whipping muskets 3t after his first knights. I'm wiser now I suppose.

Now you know what it looks like smile It hurt him pretty badly economically though, to compensate that he needs to capture most of our mainland quickly. We can try to avoid that IMO.

today's topic of debate:
We should be able to 1t music this turn. Do we? Or just straight to Engineering?

- we could launch a GA. While it would hurt very much to keep 2pop-whipping during it, and not generating any GP, the extra hammers would be welcome for project:survival and the extra commerce could be a net gain
- denial. It would sucked to be artist bombed by THH right now
- it's just nice to do it with our lands full of Chinese knights. We don't care, sucker rolleye

- I've thought about it, and we really need Engineering. If not for the pikes - it would certainly be nice to have a unit that gets attacking odds agains a knight, in particular considering that THH hasn't bothered building anything else thus far - then for the extra movement, to help fight our multi-front war and have a mobility advantage versus those knights at least in our own lands.

My current idea is yes, do it, and fire the GA to get to Engineering.

Could we 1t engineering ? I'll laugh my head out if the GA spawns in Hulk

Isn't it always the capital?

Before engineering we still need MC and machinery, of not I would have taken it before paper and everything would be smiles and sunshine now

Oh yeah I forgot that we had pretty much no military tech. Then we stick to the music path, and run for cuirassier.

I'm 90% in favor of going engineering after Music, with a GA that we can launch with the artist and the GS. It's still a lot cheaper than all the way to military tradition, the road movement issue is very relevant for us, and pikes would be helpful as well because muskets can't attack out (plus promoting spears). I did only a rough estimate yesterday, but military tradition should be about 15t at least, including a GA. And poor lour economy isn't exactly growing anytime soon

Ok I didn't realize how long it would take us to get the cuirs

I'll do a better comparison of beaker costs later at home

So for Military Tradition we need (assuming we take Music anyways):
- Meditation + Philo + Liberalism + MT = 73 + 739 + 1294 + 1849 = 3955b; each techs gets 1 prereq bonus so we need 3955/1.2 = 3296 raw beakers

For Engineering:
- MC + Machinery + Eng = 415 + 647 + 924 = 1986b; each with 1 prereq, hence 1655 raw b

that's quite considerable, about half the cost of MT.
As of last turn, we were making 430b at 100%, and 48b at 0% with breakeven at about 35%.
This will go down as we whip TOS (I'm not intending to whip the capital), and we will most probably also lose happyness - at least the silk, possibly also the gems if THH breaks through at Emerald.
So at current rate Engineering would be 1655/(0.35*430) = 11 turns (not taking into account 0% beakers), and MT 21 turns.

After Music, I want to build a university at Pfeffi before turning on research again, but that will only give a slight boost of currently 85*0.25 = 21.25bpt. The GA should speed things up, and maybe our breakeven will go up when we lose cities (good thing we didn't build courthouses in Hulk and Barrow :P) - although it's probably a net loss because of the Cothons.

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