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Joined: Oct 2009
[SIZE="5"]Turn 142, 640 AD[/SIZE]
The first two longbows are ready! One in Krondor (another ordered), the other is going to Rolan just in case Dantski is planning a naval action and to get more hapiness. La Mut is also building a second one. We'll get a settler out of there soon as well to go to Centralia.
The first missionary will go to Krondor, cause we can build other missionary's there super fast when we're in OR. Second goes to Crydee.
Next city on the southern island will be founded next turn. We need to send a worker there, cause there is Copper, Iron and rice. Nice production site. 2 calender resources as well.
Regarding tech, I suggest we go for MC - Calender after CS. With gold and silver, forges will help a lot! After that we need to get some more health and backfill HBR.
A spearman on Centralia interrupted our worker on the silver. The axe is going to defend him, while I'm building an archer/galley in Stardock for more military there.
Yabon will grow next turn but can work the Iron so I won't whip the monument.