Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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[NO PLAYERS] Lurking and Mapmaking PB55

(October 25th, 2020, 11:37)GeneralKilCavalry Wrote: Can’t wait for gaswynnto realize they have islands to settle so that they’ll stop complaining


They will find something else to complain about.

Amicalola should be grabbing the floodplains.
"I know that Kilpatrick is a hell of a damned fool, but I want just that sort of man to command my cavalry on this expedition."
- William Tecumseh Sherman


(October 27th, 2020, 10:12)AutomatedTeller Wrote: Turn 47
[Image: pb55t47hitcharide.JPG]
Cap starts it's long spell of settlers every 5 turns (or faster with chops).      Need to get one down to the copper reasonably fast - eventually, barb axes are going to show up, to say nothing of war chariots.

Should AT be building a few more workers instead? There's so many forests to chop...
"I know that Kilpatrick is a hell of a damned fool, but I want just that sort of man to command my cavalry on this expedition."
- William Tecumseh Sherman


What a pink dot plant by Lewwyn
"I know that Kilpatrick is a hell of a damned fool, but I want just that sort of man to command my cavalry on this expedition."
- William Tecumseh Sherman


Too bad superdeath isn't updating, he presumably ended up settling for copper first-ring at his third city, so I'm curious how he responds to Lewwyn's plant.


It's T50 and just like in PB54 my tracking tool is running again. First of all you can find all the data here: Tracking PB55

This PB is a little bit special because some players started coastal while others started landlocked. For easier differantiation I noted everybodys start in the sheet.

Total Commerce

First Metric I tracked was TotalCommerce. This is the sum of all worked commerce yield tiles + trade yield + anything else that gives extra commerce yield. As of T50 we have the following ranking between players

Current TotalCommerce

  1. Jowy = 30
  2. Ruff_Hi = 27
  3. Gavagai = 25
  4. AT = 25
  5. Superdeath = 24
  6. Commodore/Pindicator = 23
  7. Amicalola = 22
  8. Lewwyn/Gaspar = 20
  9. Chutulu aka The Barbarians = 4

This metric is a bit misleading, because there are constant fluctuations this early in the game. Therefore I also looked at the accumulated TotalCommerce across all 50 turns:

  1. Jowy (FIN, PRO, Land) = 780
  2. Ruff_Hi (FIN, Coast) = 755
  3. Commodore/Pindicator (PRO, Land) = 753
  4. AT (PRO, Land) = 743
  5. Gavagai (Coast) = 736
  6. Amicalola (FIN, Land) = 678
  7. Superdeath (PRO, Coast) = 675
  8. Lewwyn/Gaspar (FIN, Land) = 657
  9. Chutulu aka The Barbarians = 41

Now this is interesting as there is so far no clear pattern. Not everybody starting with a eco trait is in front and it really doesn't matter where you started so far.

Financial Bonus

Next we look at the Financial Bonus. Here I collected all the extra commerce a player (would) have gained if he was working Financial tiles. For example if you worked a coast tile you normally gain 2 commerce and 3 commerce with FIN. In this case my tool notes down 1 extra commerce. You will also find that I am tracking the CtH implemenation of Financial as well as the normal BtS implemenation for comparison. In the past some have wondered where the numbers for the non-FIN leaders come from. That's because I calculate the extra commerce for those players too, even though they are not FIN. I do that just to have more data.

I'm directly going for the cumulated Bonus. First the CtH implemenation:

  1. Superdeath (coast) = 49
  2. Ruff_Hi (FIN, coast) = 47
  3. Gavagai (coast) = 30
  4. Jowy (FIN, land) = 2
  5. Commodore/Pindicator (Land) = 0
  6. Amicalola (FIN, Land) = 0
  7. AT (land) = 0
  8. Lewwyn/Gaspar (FIN, land) = 0
  9. Chutulu aka The Barbarians = 0

Nothing that surprising here, everybody who starts on the coast with a seafood is already profiteering from FIN.

Now let's look at the BtS implementation of FIN:

  1. Jowy (FIN, land) = 93
  2. Commodore/Pindicator (land) = 90
  3. AT (land) = 64
  4. Amicalola (FIN, land) = 57
  5. Superdeath (coast) = 49
  6. Lewwyn/Gaspar (FIN, land) = 48
  7. Ruff_Hi (FIN, coast) = 47
  8. Gavagai (coast) = 30
  9. Chutulu aka The Barbarians = 0

It's clear that under BtS FIN the benefit is much higher then in CtH. It's interesting that the coast players are so low on the list. For that we need to look at the delta between CtH and BtS:

  1. Jowy (FIN, land) = 91
  2. Commodore/Pindicator (land) = 90
  3. AT (land) = 64
  4. Amicalola (FIN, land) = 57
  5. Lewwyn/Gaspar (FIN, land) = 48
  6. Ruff_Hi (FIN, coast) = 0
  7. Gavagai (coast) = 0
  8. Superdeath (coast) = 0
  9. Chutulu aka The Barbarians = 0

As you can see the BtS extra commerce solely came from working land tiles. The most interesting player here is Jowy, who has a pastured sheep and river-cottages already. Commodore/Pindicator also has a lot of extra gains here, but those are not from cottages, but rather other tiles like river-sheep, river-ivory, which no longer gives extra commerce in CtH. Same can

Protective Bonus

If you look at the spreadsheet you will notice that I skipped over all the foreign and domestic trade. Those are the actual commerce gained from trade routes. I think for now those numbers aren't that interesting so we go to PRO. You will also notice that I track the 1.3 version and 1.4 version of Protective, but this early in the game there are no differences between those two. Just like with FIN I do calculate the commerce income, if everybody would be PRO. You will also find the FIN (CtH) extra gain in parenthesis behind the PRO value. Here the accumulated values

  1. Ruff_Hi (FIN, coast) = 55 (47)
  2. Commodore/Pindicator (PRO, Land) = 54 (0)
  3. Lewwyn/Gaspar (land) = 53 (0)
  4. Jowy (PRO, FIN, land) = 51 (2)
  5. Gavagai (coast) = 51 (30)
  6. Amicalola (FIN, Land) = 49 (0)
  7. AT (PRO, land) = 49 (0)
  8. Superdeath (PRO, coast) = 3 (49)
  9. Chutulu aka The Barbarians = (0)

Now this is interesting so far PRO looks fairly even compared to a FIN leader with one single seafood. You can also see that the players are fairly close with city count and connecting them in a trade network. I hate to say it like this, but there is one player who is not playing towards the strength of their trait. It's fairly important for PRO to connect newly build cities as soon as possible.

Tech races

There are two techs I wanted to look at here: Mysticism and Hunting. Let's start with the former. This PB saw 3 players starting with Mysticism. Note that Mysticism no longer gains the +1 commerce on the palace in this version.

  1. Gavagai = T50
  2. Superdeath = T49
  3. Ruff_Hi = T49
  4. Lewwyn/Gaspar = Not yet
  5. Jowy = Not yet, maybe never because he's Native America

PB54 spoiler
It's interesting to see that the players teched Mysticism around the same time as the other players in PB54, even though the +1 commerce no longer exists.

Next I wanted to look at Hunting. In this version the scouts are back to 2 moves and they gain +100 vs animals with Hunting. But more importantly everybody with a landlocked start had a deer resource. We have 3 players already starting with Hunting and these are the research times of the others:

  1. AT = T6
  2. Amicalola = T12
  3. Superdeath = T24
  4. Chutulu aka The Barbarians = T36
  5. Ruff_Hi = T44
  6. Gavagai = T47

PB54 spoiler
It's no wonder that the landlocked players researched Hunting sooner, but at the same time the coastal players also researched it fairly early. Also the barbarians once again have teched Hunting fairly early, so we can expect barbarian spearmen again.


Lastly I want to briefly mention some other statistics. As you can see I also tracked the unit maintenance bonus from AGG, but so far there aren't enough units. Similar thing for ORG, which doesn't have enough civic maintenance to have a big effect. It's noteworthy that ORG comes into effect fairly early around T47, but only with a reduction of 1.
Mods: RtR    CtH

Pitboss: PB39, PB40PB52, PB59 Useful Collections: Pickmethods, Mapmaking, Curious Civplayer

Buy me a coffee

Love the stats Charriu.

(October 31st, 2020, 17:02)Tarkeel Wrote: Love the stats Charriu.


I'm hoping these will be repeated every 50 turns, then collected into an attractive coffee table book that we can pore over at our leisure!

I can promise the 50 turn report. Do you know a good publisher for the book. wink

Also if there are more stats you interested for future games let me know.
Mods: RtR    CtH

Pitboss: PB39, PB40PB52, PB59 Useful Collections: Pickmethods, Mapmaking, Curious Civplayer

Buy me a coffee

This game is very interesting and by interesting I mean aggressive. popcorn
There is no way to peace. Peace is the way.

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