October 11th, 2021, 11:26
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My bad luck at sea continues. He had 4 Frigates protecting one of his islands. I attacked them with 8 Privateers, 2 Frigates, and 2 Galleons. I won a single battle, at 95% odds. If I had won every battle that was at 50+% odds he wouldn't have any Frigates left there.
As it stands his Frigates will promote and heal and mine will continue to have low odds, not that the odds seem to matter right now.
It would be nice just once to get a low-odds victory, and maybe to win good-odds battle more than a quarter of the time.
October 13th, 2021, 10:54
(This post was last modified: October 13th, 2021, 10:54 by Mr. Cairo.)
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Well, the conquest of his capital was a massive anti-climax. I lost a single Treb at ~65% retreat odds, but all that was left were Pikes and a handful of Catapults.
This is what he's got on the island near me:

Quite a lot to deal with, but with 10 Galleons of units (not that I have 10 Galleons in that ocean) should be possible to crack. If it weren't for it's culture I wouldn't bother.
I'm focusing on infrastructure builds right now. Courthouses and Libraries in cities that don't have them already, Universities in my main hammer cities for Oxford. A few Forges.
I'm pretty behind in tech, the only thing I have ahead of others is Mil Trad. I need to consolidate my conquests and catch up with everyone else.
November 17th, 2021, 10:33
(This post was last modified: November 17th, 2021, 10:34 by Mr. Cairo.)
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What exactly is going on here?
Is this supposed to be some sort of message from Miguelito? We're as far away as it is possible to get from eachother on this map. I kinda now feel bad for accepting them, but why should I not treat every offer sent as legitimate? However, this turn I received that rightmost deal, and another one similar to it, only I got sent that one about 5 or 6 times, and I had to reject them all. That really weirded me out.
I don't know, whatever, I'm happy for the free money I guess.
This is why when using the diplo screen to try and communicate, send offers that aren't going to cost you anything if they're accepted, or send offers so one sided they'll never be accepted.
November 17th, 2021, 18:41
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December 10th, 2021, 00:06
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So. While I was conquering Nauf, Amicalola was teching, and now he's got Tanks, while I'm still finishing up building Factories and Coal Plants.
So I fired my golden age and swapped out of warlike civics and into ones more suited to teching as fast as possible. I can only hope that Amicalola is going to remain too busy eating SD to attack me while I'm vulnerable. But if he does, it really wont make all that much of a difference.
December 14th, 2021, 18:14
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OK, death doesn't seem imminent and I'm two turns away from Industrialism.
Now the question is should I try and get to Communism by the end of the GA to swap into State Property.
To find out I'll quantify everything and compare:
Free Market is currently giving me 45 trade routes with an average yield of 5.22, or ~235 commerce/turn.
State Property will save me 91 gold/turn on distance maintenance and 21 gold/turn of civic maintenance, while being worth 61 food/turn.
There is also Corporations to take into account. I haven't founded any and I doubt I will but I can still take advantage of them thanks to getting executives with techs, something I wouldn't be able to do with State Property. Also, that commerce from Free Trade is being run through a lot of multipliers, so is worth a lot more than just 235.
Also, there's the opportunity costs. In order to get Communism I'd have to keep pretty much every city on research builds for the rest of the GA. I still want Liberalism for Free Religion, but after that I'd like to get a big hunk of cash for upgrades, so I was thinking of putting all my cities on Wealth for a couple turns for that, while also saving my overflow for when I swap back into Police State at the end of GA.
So I think I'll not go for Communism and State Property this time.
December 15th, 2021, 11:10
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Had some strangely good luck this turn. Apparently last turn, while trying to decide whether to get Communism, I swapped my tech from Industrialism (2 turns) to Liberalism (1 turn). And it now turns out that with the overflow from Liberalism this turn, plus putting a few more cities on Research builds, I'm going to be able to get Industrialism in a single turn. That leaves me with an extra turn to build up cash for upgrades. I think my first priority is going to be upgrading Frigates to Destroyers. I was also thinking of upgrading my Knights and Cuirs to Cavs, but honestly even Cavs are now obsolete. So I'll probably upgrade some Jans and Rifles to Infantry, as well as my City Raider Swords and Maces. But I'll be mainly interested in teching Artillery and upgrading my Cats and Cannons to Artillery.
January 19th, 2022, 23:33
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Just in case I'm a lone hold-out or something, I'm willing to concede to whoever at this point.
January 27th, 2022, 23:45
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I really have to know what's going on with Miguelito.
I logged in to an offer from Amica of 100 gold/turn for me to stop trading with Miguelito. I thought what the hell, why not, it's not actually binding. But i had forgotten about Miguelito's weird offers from earlier (see post #63) that I was still getting gpt from. So I ended up losing cash gpt by accepting that offer. But it's ok, because after the diplo offer from Amica, I got a bunch from Miguelito. I got 5 identical offers of 10gpt for copper+iron. I accepted three before I felt bad. The an offer of just copper for 5 gpt. AND AS I WRITE THIS I FIGURED IT OUT! He wants my resources for his Corporation. It all makes sense now. Maybe next turn I'll offer the rest of my spare Iron+Copper for more that 10gpt. See how much they're actually worth.
January 28th, 2022, 16:49
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no-diplo diplo can be a lot of fun :D