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Submod "Caster of Magic for Windows: Warlord"

(March 17th, 2022, 14:01)Besmarr Wrote: Did the new version (1.4.1) break this mod or am I installing it wrong? When I start a new game and move the mouse through the unit menu the game crashes.

You likely install it wrong. If it works in version 1.4.0 then it works in 1.4.1 too if you use latest version of mod (1.4.0) as only content change in 1.4.1 is in exe file itself.

My bad looks like, reinstalled and works perfectly. Thanks for the great mod.

The mod is great and interesting. However, I still feel wasps are overpowered: 

City development takes long, even with Klackons for example, who, besides, are more rebellious. 
I did the nature-8-book shenanigan (conjurer, specialist, alchemy, astrologer) and conquered five nature nodes (one even with 4 stone giants - I think two or three stacks of wasps were required) while my cities are still mediocre.
I am not sure whether the high production cost still favors common unit rush strategies, at least for nature. 

One extra point: I believe boars are stronger than bears now, especially when buffed in nature nodes, which should not happen (outside I am not sure, but at least they perform better than in the regular version - inside nodes, they consistently win against bears).

Not sure about wasps and the counters - even against ghouls they seem to hold up well with, say, resist elements. Maybe make them non-flying (killer ants) so that first strikers and other infantry can at least choose when to attack?

Great mod, makes the game much more enjoyable for me. Wanted to share my list of changes on top of it:

I also find wasps overpowered, so I modded their defense down to 3 and gave them 40% defend chance.

Changed the spellbook system to 134567810, I felt multi realms were a bit weak.

What are your thoughts on giving resist magic to units recrutied from an Uranus' Blessing city?

Good feedback. Next version changes will include wasps, bears, and books (among other tweaks and additions). I think wasp redesign (different from suggestion tho) restrains aspects where it can get overpowered while keeping it certainly usable


Version 1.4.1 has been released.

Change log:
- Centuar's resistance increases to 6, movement increases to 5, and cost increases to 100 with upkeep 3.
- Knight's melee increases to 8, resistance increase to 6, and cost increases to 120.
- Sipahis's thrown increases to 3, range increases to 5, defense increases to 5, and cost increases to 120.
- Marauders' melee increases to 8, defense decreases to 4, hit point increases to 3, and cost increases to 120 with upkeep 3.
- Hell Hounds's fire breath increases to 4, summon cost increases to 55.
- War Bears's hit point increases to 10, summon cost increases to 65 with upkeep 2.
- Killer Wasps's to-hit reduce to 30%, summon cost decreases to 55 and upkeep decreases to 1.
- Djinn's ranged projectile change.

- Bloodlust nolonger grant undead status but could be casted in combat with additional no heal clauses
- Apotheosis now remove undead status from enchanted unit.
- Land Linking renames of Nature Link and grants additional +1 resistance, could be casted in combat but cost increase to 65/13
- Banish casting cost increases to 40 and save penalty increases to -5
- Creature Binding casting cost increases to 55 and save penalty increases to -5
- Haste now could be casted overland at cost 200 with 8 mana upkeep
- Sanctify convert units into life creature as long as enchantment still in effect.
- New chaos very rare combat spell "Dissolution", dissolve all enemy figure with primodial chaos fluid and deal 9 unavoidable (equivalent to 30 normal damage) irrecoverable armor piercing damage on each figure at cost 90
- Disintegrate is disable from wizard but could be casted by chaos creatures with high enough casting skill
- Bug fix: debuff from Drought, Eternal Night, and Dance of Death not applied properly
- Debuffs on newly trained units under influence of Drought and Eternal Night gain enchantment icons along with descriptions
- Stats gain from Nature's Witness and Survival Instinct now get properly icon display to reduce confusion.

- Town Hall now generate 0.5 production from each workers instead of 0.25 for each population.
- Step of Spell gain for each tiers change from 1-2-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 to 1-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10
- Spellweaver now cost 1 pick but spell cost multiplier reduce to 20% and nolonger mutually exclusive with Archmage

Version 1.4.2 is released.

This version contain changes...
- Bug fix: Guiled effect of Survival instinct placing on units even without money generating ore in city vincinity
- Lizardmen city could nolonger access to miner's guild
- Lizardmen city gain access to monestery and temple
- new unit: Lizardmen priests

What are strong strategies in this mod?
Of course, the nature summoner still works to some extent, especially with wasps/bears, but that is intended.
Since normal units are far better, I think famous/charismatic/tactician can be very nice, relying on mercs. Will try that definitely.
As for early units, I believe hunters and rock throwers are really good, esp. with flame blade. I will try a stack of 9 rock throwers with warlord/alchemy and check how they roll. 
Since the game has been slowed down in its early stages, those who roll early have all the more benefits. Could that be?

Play alchemist + archmage and a gold-friendly race like nomad, orc.
convert starting gold to mana, raise taxes
send a scouting unit or 2 to find easy lairs, settling spots, and maybe a neutral town.
Build a stack of swordsmen, bowmen and summons first,
conquer easy lairs, likely giving you gold for you to convert to mana
Shift mana focus to 100% skill , use gold income and rewards as your mana pool (thanks to alchemist 1:1 ratio)
Focus on more settlers
Send your early low tier units to protect your town from raiders and wizards, raise taxes some more
Get stronger stack for slightly harder lairs and to prepare for next step more likely common-tier summons or recruitable units with buffs
Fight nearby wizard, grab few towns
Settle remaining land and build engineers (if not nomad)

Contrary to name of mod, ‘warlord’ retort while a tad more useful than in Caster of Magic, i still don’t think it is essential to win, at least compared to the alchemist+archmage combo

Depending on realm, pick an extra retort or two:
Life: specialist and spellweaver go well together, cult leader with starting heavenly light can be great. Omniscient if picking few retorts can add to gold->mana strategy.
Nature: versatile, not obvious retort choice. Conjurer does go well if summons are your focus
Death: conjurer goes very well, sage master can be good alternative to archmage. Doing just conjurer/alchemist and 10 books will allow ‘early rare’ vampire, which you should obtain ASAP for undead creation
Sorcery: artificer is mandatory, conjurer, tactician or channeler are good choices. Barbarian is preferred race (and if so, alchemist retort less essential)
Chaos: versatile, not obvious retort choices but channeler is never wasted as this is a mana hungry realm
Multirealm: pick at least 4 books of a type - books 1-3 don’t get counted in starting power and skill in caster of magic (a solution to this is being applied to next mod version)


Good to see this project is still going Suppanut as I hadn't seen you posted an update on the discord in a while. I might go share the news around all the MoM communities as I suspect there's a LOT of people who still don't know about your work. smile

Have you considered creating a ModDB page? More people will see it, and they'll host pictures and the downloads for ya. Seen a many a great mod disappear over the decades due to only using sites like mediafire to host their stuff.

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[Image: BGx3xEC.gif]
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