Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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No worries Xyn, stuff like that happens.

Ok, so I decided to take my own advice from the nudist topic and use the site a bit more. Basically what I'm going to be doing is taking the highlights from this topic and putting them into article form for the TipBits section of the site. Please oh please offer suggestions and any advice you think would be helpful. Taking the easy route for the first one, I decided to go with what the main types of builds are for GvG.

Since there are already so many great resources out there to learn about GvG, I'm not really sure what I could add to them; so the next one is probably going to be something more along the lines of "RB and GvG: Starting from Scratch by Jumping in the Deep End."

You know, that sounds kinda catchy. I think I'll go with it (as long as I can get enough stuff together to make it a worthwhile effort and not just "so uh... what's Wyrm ranting about this time?").

Anyways, since we do have access to such great resources as the site, I figure, why not use it? If you go back far enough in the news history you see some early impressions people had about the game (including mini-reviews/previews) and it might be kinda fun if that makes a comeback.
Alea Jacta Est - Caesar
I live my life by Murphy's Law.

Xyngynkynyn Wrote:Sorry you guys had to play with one short but mother nature was harsh that day. It took almost 2 days to restore power in my area. Hopefully they'll be no more of that next week.
Woo-hoo! I'm back too! 8)

I was at work a couple of nights ago and got worried about the shows failing when I witnessed a momentary drop in the lighting. None of the projectors stopped though, so all was good. smile Naturally I had gone into a hyper-alert state watching and listening for trouble so when the thunder hit less than two seconds later (inside ballpark 700 metres away) I was ducking fast. Even over the noise of five projectors and a six intake air con system right above me it was still one hell of a bang.

I got home and turned on the computer.

That bolt might been only 700 metres from work but it must have been less than 500 metres from my house. Not only had it knocked my house off the grid for half an hour I found out, it had also reached the phone line and as a result went and blew the snot out of my 4-point ethernet router. cry

I missed the double-XP for elite caps. frown

But the computers are ok, the appliances seem to be ok, all the phones still work and now that I finally have a replacement ADSL router I'm back online! thumbsup


I have to withdraw. Work's decided to change my roster and as I'm leaving soon I can't really be picky or else I'll be out the door. I wish you all the best of luck though and am hoping that as there seems to be a lot of RBers about at the moment that it won't be too much hassle for you to find a replacement.

At least now you won't have to deal with my screwy sound dying every ten minutes smile

Ugh... Well, I suppose it can't be helped.

In a completely different direction: I don't know who's playing what anymore. I want to start using our own builds, but I have no idea what people have unlocked and available. I think one of these days I'll make a list of all the "important" skills that I'd like to use in builds (for GvG anyways, not neccessarily all PvP), and then leave it up to you guys to have the ones you want for the classes you want. Just remember, keep some variety in your life; pick a couple classes you want to try out and build up the chars. I like playing monk but eventually I'd like to get a chance to do something else (and no, I don't mean flag runner... *shudder*).

Well anyways... here's the list. I probably missed something, so if you think a skill should be added/removed, let me know. I'll probably eventually update the first post to have this list.

Edit again: I got rid of the list here since I put it in the first post. Seems easier to just do that than to try and keep both updated.

Edit: Oh yeah, in semi-unrelated news, Heroes' Ascent is going to be changed to a 6 team member arena this Friday.
Alea Jacta Est - Caesar
I live my life by Murphy's Law.

'Charge' is a Strength skill. smile

I hope we're GvGing tonight?

Assuming we are, I for one detest the long down time that seems to be the norm as we recruit people and assign roles. How about we streamline the process a bit? Let's decide ahead of time what sort of build we're going to try and who's going to bring what char! Wheeee!

Are we going to use the same balanced/sortof spike build again, or a pressure build? What do we need in each case?

I plan on bringing my same ol' guy, Axe Me To Hit You, W/E, who currently is loaded with the following:
Axe Rake
Executioner's Blow
Heal Sig
Res Sig
I also have Cleave and Triple Chop unlocked for Axe Elites. So far I've been rather happy with the skill set - when we AB'd on Monday night, I was able to do my own Spike Army of One routine, taking down several enemies with judicious timing of Shock + the 3 axe skills in sequence. smile I think he'll fit into whatever team build we run.

What is everyone else bringing (or needing to build)?

I don't know if I can make it tonight or not. If I come on, I expect to be late, so don't count on me. If I do show up, I'd prefer to play my air elementalist.

Zed-F Wrote:'Charge' is a Strength skill. smile
"Charge!" is a Tactics skill, look again.

Hawkmoon Wrote:I for one detest the long down time that seems to be the norm as we recruit people and assign roles. How about we streamline the process a bit? Let's decide ahead of time what sort of build we're going to try and who's going to bring what char!
You know... that's kinda why I posted the build before: let people decide what they were going to play and have it ready. But whatever. That's also what this list is about, letting people know what skills they need so even if they don't already have a role, I can just tell them what skills to bring instead of having to wonder what they have and can bring (believe it or not, there is a method to my madness).

Anyways, like I said before, it's more an issue now of getting people to show up at 9 instead of 10 which is keeping us from getting out there. Although, if you guys want/don't mind, I'll start PMing for guests as soon as we get at least 4 people online rather than sit around and see who else will make it.

Quote:I plan on bringing my same ol' guy, Axe Me To Hit You, W/E, who currently is loaded with the following:
Axe Rake
If you've got Rush, use that instead or Sprint; it's a lot better in chase situations and moreso if you start to exhaust yourself out using Shock. Also, you're probably not going to need Axe Rake so I'd grab something else for utility (Bull's or Protector's, or whatever).
Alea Jacta Est - Caesar
I live my life by Murphy's Law.

Huh, I was sure it was Strength. But I must have misremembered. Guess I should have looked it up earlier!

Lurker Wyrm Wrote:You know... that's kinda why I posted the build before: let people decide what they were going to play and have it ready. But whatever.
Heh, I'm not being deliberately snide or dense... You had mentioned last week that you wanted to try a DIFFERENT build, that you "had something in mind," though you continue to play coy and still won't reveal it... wink I am trying to shake it out of you!

Quote:If you've got Rush, use that instead or Sprint; it's a lot better in chase situations and moreso if you start to exhaust yourself out using Shock. Also, you're probably not going to need Axe Rake so I'd grab something else for utility (Bull's or Protector's, or whatever).
Eh, I like Axe Rake for the Crippling effect that it has; I have a tough time actually hitting that moving foe, so I haven't become a big fan of Bull's or Protector's. As for Sprint vs Rush, the only problem with Rush is that it's adrenaline dependent. I don't use Shock at high enough frequency that I am typically unable to activate Sprint. But I might give it a whirl. smile

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