Here's a late report from shadowland, as I didn't quite finish the game in time, although I otherwise strictly held to Epic rules. (That's a pattern common to me -- I have this tendency to ALMOST finish things!) I still have my Epic 36 final save and log, maybe I'll report on that someday ...
I founded at the start site. I spent 10 minutes deciding whether or not to move, but this tends pays off poorly if you're not expansionist and not playing RaR.
I popped a settler in 3300 BC and a city in 2590 BC. This didn't help THAT much, though, as I didn't take the time to move the settler to one of the prime city locations
and the popped city was in an awful location. I also got a couple early techs from huts.
Since this was just Monarch, I decided to make a play for multiple ancient wonders; the more you build, the easier it gets to build more, as you often end up killing the cascade dead if you do this. I actually delayed building the Pyramids until I had a good number of cities, but still got it. The only other ancient wonder I managed to get was the Mausoleum; I was two to four turns short on the Colossus and the Great Library and the Hanging Gardens (the AI offered Monarchy for Monotheism). That was a heck of a lot of shields flushed down the toilet!
I didn't realize that the barbs were set to raging. Too lazy to look at the map settings, I guess.
I was unable to claim all the land to the west because of this, even though I had a city blocking the choke in that area. The barbarians would only sack my size-1 cities there occasionally, and I couldn't be bothered to build a military sufficient for handling the barbs. Too busy buildling libraries, no time for military I don't really need.
I researched Code of Laws -> Philosophy -> free Republic, with the Hittite Republic born in 1250 BC. This was so obscenely early I got a massive tech lead I never relinquished; by launch my lead was about one and a half ages. I could tell, because of the usual AI requests to trade maps with me putting in a whole tech. Yeah right.
I built every single Medieval wonder; I even sidetracked to pick up Shakespeare's Theater just to build it in a border city, trying to get a single tile of ex-jungle from the French (I was really worried about having coal, because not getting it would make the late game SUCK under the variant rules). It never happened, even though this was the city site which had coal AND rubber (I unknowingly plopped a settler right next to both); the disputed tile had no resources. Smith's is worth the extra 4 turns of research. Magellan really isn't, but I wanted to sweep the Middle Ages wonders again.
I was never attacked by anything other than barbs, and in fact the entire game was completely peaceful other than Rome being eliminated by an AI dogpile. I did build military sufficient for a defensive war; well, actually, much of that was Knights Templar, but that was still sufficient for me to feel comfortable even though I couldn't make emergency military swaps. I never had big happiness problems either; three lux resources were easy to get by normal settling, and Sistine + Bach + occasionally 10% luxury tax handled everything even when the AI's didn't offer lux-for-lux trades, which happened several times anyway. I did poach a fourth lux on the other continent after Rome got killed (typical for Civ 3 Rome, sheesh), but I could never get a fifth without any other AI-AI wars!
Launch achieved in AD 1818. (I was considering sidetracking for the Genetics wonders, but I was trying to get this done in time, which I didn't.) Surprisingly easy, considering the variant restrictions.