Scouts cannae attack laddie. They can noo tek the strain.
Travelling on a mote of dust, suspended in a sunbeam.
Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore |
[SPOILERS]Brian Shanahan comes late to the party.
Scouts cannae attack laddie. They can noo tek the strain.
Travelling on a mote of dust, suspended in a sunbeam.
Ok the turn was pretty routine, a micro plan makes decisions pretty redundant.
But we did have one or two decisions to make. 1) The viking scout: Because he went South West I held the warrior in place. If he moves into the forest we whack him. 2) Our scout no. 2: He moved E-SE and saw nothing valuable so no screenshot. 3) Our scout no. 1: As a result I went into the EP and did: After the turn our borders expanded putting the scout on Aztec land, but not expelling him (of course). I had a look at BW and did some calculations: And the Demogs: We're pushing food and GNP atm to the detriment of hammers. We may need to build a few axes quickly in the near future for defending. Second in pop due to tile switching shennanigans, and mining the hill before farming the grass. Not bad looking so far.
Travelling on a mote of dust, suspended in a sunbeam.
Seems like Serdoa did the smart move, but then he knew the layout of our land already. If he moves to the FGH next turn, then our warrior should probably move to the corn, so the scout can't block the workshop or river grass.
And we'll have our second warrior soon, too. If we move our scout 2SE we should get visibility on Lewwyn's capital. And get a better idea on what we have to our NE ![]() Equal EPs this turn seems decent. Then we can check how they allocate their spending. I think early game Lewwyn is the most dangerous player (since he's so aggressive), but long-term I think Serdoa is most capable. Or do you have another assessment? Yes, Mining gives a 20% bonus on BW. Noone has BW yet, and the know tech bonus is only 3% anyway I think. (BW will show up at once in the soldier demos, since it's 8k soldiers.) Hmmm... checking the scores, I get that Lewwyn rose to size 3, but rival worst in city size is still 6k. Not sure what's up with that. What does the top cities screen say? And we get visibility on his capital next turn anyway. Will have to check the map first, but how much land is there between us and Lewwyn? After BW is in, we need to decide on the next tech. The normal play would be The Wheel, but I think Fishing would be a strong economic choice.
Cas uimhir a dhó inniú.
Some interesting stuff here. First of all the viking scout ran away, like all cowardy vikings ![]() Then my own scout discovered this: My imitating scout found some more decent goodies: Demogs: And EPs: As regards points changes I'm the only one after eot from 59 to 65. Our MFG has recovered position somewhat, mainly due to working the 5H mined hill (after eot). Other than that nothing special.
Travelling on a mote of dust, suspended in a sunbeam.
Strange that we got up to 65 score, since we gained a pop point and not a tech. Will have to check the score breakdowns for us.
Not much to do, but we should check the EP proportion to the other players regularly. The good news is that we get 2 more points more to allocate than the other. I think we need to extend our micro plan tomorrow. Some more military after the the settlers, while we recover our population, and then whip more workers and settlers.
Save is played, after the non-blitzing blitz.
Some interesting stuff happened to our scouts, and otherwise we microed the micro plan. Scouts first: Scout no.2 (anyone want to suggest names?) went further east and found some: more interesting land. Will have to do a dot map the next turn. The southern scout vacated Lewwynistan, post haste. He was afraid of the barbarian nation's reputation for violence. Our intrepid spies are bravely returning even more information to us, such as:
Travelling on a mote of dust, suspended in a sunbeam.
Well another turn down, and another turn of looking at stuff.
Land: And more demographics than you could shake a stick at: I should be posting up a world builder save in a few hours.
Travelling on a mote of dust, suspended in a sunbeam.
Most of the test save is done. I haven't put in the plains gold or the stuff around it, nor have I put in the area around Lewwyn's capital, nor have I revealed all the tiles we've scouted. But I spend a lot of time on it (nearly a full hour) and I've a crick in my neck from moving it up/sideways down 5 times a second so I'll finish it tomorrow.
Test is also played up to the end of 3220BC. The test save
Travelling on a mote of dust, suspended in a sunbeam.
Save is played.
Looking at the fact that we've no tech plan after this, I'm thinking along the lines of fishing, AH or going for a religion. And like an idiot I forgot to check for Copper after the end of turn. Report tomorrow, too tired to think tonight. And finally, what about Zambia winning the ACN?
Travelling on a mote of dust, suspended in a sunbeam.